
Tools to draw and write software project roadmap, eg plans, schedules, tasks for developers?

What are the best tools [commercial and free] to draw and write software project roadmap, eg plans, schedules, deadline dates, tasks for developers? ...

How to cope with versioning of software documentation and the software itself?

I need some experiences concerning the writing of software documentations and user guides. When I write formal documents like software specifications, every document gets a version number and in the document there is a change history after the table of contents, where you can keep track of the changes made to the document. If I'm now w...

Who has great API documentation?

I'm looking for examples of companies who do great API documentation. Flickr's looks really nice. Any recommendations? What's apparent to me is that there are differing definitions of what "great API documentation" actually is. I'm looking for examples that combine nice design/usability with extensive and accurate documentation. So far...

How to add items enclosed by < > to documentation comments.

I am trying to write documentation comments however I have a problem. /// <summary> /// Inserts an element into the System.Collections.Generic.List<T> at the specified /// index. /// </summary> When I reach the <T> Visual studio thinks I am trying to add another tag. what is the correct way to add comments like that (and if I could ma...

How to refer to array types in documentation comments

I just posted this question and learned about <see cref="">, however when i tried /// This is a set of extensions that allow more operations on a <see cref="byte[]"/>. The compiler gave me warnings about it not being formatted correctly. What do I need to do so it will see the code reference correctly? ...

Ways to improve your articulation or explanation of code or processes?

I have a hard time explaining code or different development paradigms such as design patterns, etc. In my mind, I know what I am talking about, but when I am explaining something I did to a senior or a peer, I feel I am not being as articulate and therefore not doing justice to them. Sometimes, I feel as if I am trying to hard to expla...

convert c# code files to one html file/s?

Hi How i can convert to c# code files to html files?Is there any generation tool? I need it my presentation... ...

How to efficiently write documentation for API?

I almost finished work on my API. And now I need to write javadocs for all interfaces and their methods and my brains go into melt because I don't know what to write there. I have some thoughts on how to write docs for methods but I have no idea what to write for interfaces. Any general suggestions? ...

Selective API Javadocs

I have what must surely be a fairly common documentation need... I'm implementing a rather sizable Java library code base that has, among other things, various classes intended to be exposed to a caller/implementor at the appropriate level of abstraction. At the same time, the code base contains, of course, various internal classes, in...

List interfaces and superclass in generated document in Enterprise Architect

I'd like to generate a report from a class diagram in Enterprise Architect. I'm trying to put together a document template like this: Class name (text from note property) Superclass (name of superclass(es), if any, but can be left empty) Interfaces (names if interfaces) Methods (a table listing all ...

PHP: The Reflection API - Great Addition To PHP With Little Use

Hello, Reflection API is great thing out there to manipulate the OOP stuff and looks like most of the developers aren't even aware of that or have never used that. Reflection API Claims: PHP 5 comes with a complete reflection API that adds the ability to reverse-engineer classes, interfaces, functions, methods and extensions....

How to create programming flowchart/documentation from VB.NET source code?

Hi, what tools do you use to create programming flowchart/documentation from VB.NET source code? There are absolutely no comments/documentation at present. I am a beginner, i.e. I tried Sandcastle but it is way over my head and could not get it going, not even with GUI. Fatesoft's CodeVisual To Flowchart is OK but it is almost the same a...

C# Class Library method summaries are not showing in intellisense

Fairly self-explanatory I feel ...

Generate Documentation for JSF 2 composite components

I'm looking to generate documentation for a custom JSF 2 composite component library. The composite components are not referenced in any faces-config.xml file, but rather the .xhtml files for the composite components are stored in META-INF/resources and use the new composite:interface tag to define the interface. For JSP tag libraries,...

GNU Smalltalk API?

I have recently been learning Smalltalk, mainly by going through the tutorial at While it has been really helpful and I have learned a lot, I would really like an extensive smalltalk API where I could view all of the built in objects and which messages they can receive, and what they will do with those messages. The manual ha...

Where is MySQL documentation?

Seems like MySQL has changed their webpage and I can no longer find any kind of links to any kind of manuals (I'm interested in 5.1). This is making development a lot harder. Does anyone know where the links have gone? Perhaps I'm simply overlooking something? ...

What's the Necessary Items to Document on code ?

There is so many option in each programming languages which can be mentioned in the code documentation. I want to know what are the most important Items which we have to document? ...

how to document a python package

I know what's the standard way to document functions, classes and modules, but how do I document packages - do I put a docstring in, or something else? ...

Where can I find some presentation on Google Analytics backend architecture?

What I would like to know is where or what do they use to store all that traffic information for millions of websites? How to they process it? ...

Crossbrowser JavaScript + DOM documentation

I'm already aware of some browser-specific DOM documentation out there (Gecko DOM Reference for Firefox, MSDN for Internet Explorer and, of course, the ECMA and W3C specs) but I wonder if someone has compiled a good API reference that covers all common browsers (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, Chrome...). The compatibility ta...