
Is there an offline version of the Django Book v2.0?

I'm going to be away from internet access sporadically, and I'd like to continue learning Django 1.0 using the Django book. I have found a PDF of version 1.0, but that deals with an older version of the framework, and so I expect it to differ in subtle and hard-to-grok ways from the version I'm working with. Is there a PDF/ePub/HTML off...

sphinx (python) pdf generator

Hi, I use sphinx python documentation generator. Creating pdf documents are very easy and simple but.... i have one problem. All generated pdf documents have english words like "chapter", "release", "part". Is it possible change it? How set another words or remove it? ...

How to persist anonymous types instances through NHibernate?

Instinctively, I would say that this is impossible, as NHibernate needs to know some mapping information on how to persist a given type. Thus, I encountered some situations in which I could use such a feature. For instance, through a named query or something like so. On the other hand, using a named query would require me to make an addi...

Does F# documentation have a way to search for functions by their types?

Say I want to know if F# has a library function of type ('T -> bool) -> 'T list -> int ie, something that counts how many items of a list that a function returns true for. (or returns the index of the first item that returns true) I used to use the big list at the MSR site for F# before the documentation on MSDN was ready. I could ju...

Where to find documentation for vfw.h?

I'm a Linux programmer adventuring on Microsoft territories, and I'm completely lost on where to find documentation for Windows APIs like VFW (Video for Windows). I'm trying to get a video stream from a webcam (OpenCV is not suitable for me). I'm looking for a description of functions, data structures, examples, howto's, etc. Searching...

Structure and tools for large java application?

Whats the best "way" of creating a relatively large java web application? Im thinking about eclipse as IDE, but version control systems, build tools and documentation along with issue tracking and stuff? Github? It's intended to be a "one man" project but I want it to be fully documented so other people easily can join and eventually it...

Documenting applications - automation / semi-automation for screenshots?

For me one of the biggest bores of being a developer is writing user documentation. (I am referring to the stuff that gets exported into PDF files files that ship with the product, not comments in code here). The task off adding or updating new bits of text to the existing documentation is OK. However having to take screenshots of selec...

Good documentation software

I'm looking for some system to create documentation for my software. I'd like something with as many as possible of the following properties: I can install it on my own server Wiki-style editing I can create an export (PDF/Word doc/CHM/web site archive/sth. else) by just clicking a button or similar. Cheap/free Is there such system o...

Change version of documented code in doxygen (without using macros)

Is there any way to change the version in a comment block? For e.g. const char VER[] = ""; /** * \version (VER) */ I know how to do this with preprocessing and I was wondering if there were any other way? On a related note, how do you guys handle changing version numbers in documentation, the application, etc. without chan...

Presenting / explaing code and design decisions to team members

I am working on a project where I will have to regularly justify and explain my code and design decisions to team members who are not directly involved in the same area of the project as I am. How can I best explain my technical design decisions to team members in a different location? Are code walkthroughs worth the time for team memb...

Making Technical Design Documents for a Sitecore project

I have to rebuild a website. The website has a custom build CMS and this CMS has different modules. All modules should be taken to a Sitecore project since the website has to be rebuild in this CMS. I am finding it hard to write a good Technical Design document for a project in Sitecore. This is because this is the first project that I w...

Are there some good examples out there that show how to use Keychain Services in Mac OS X?

I’m not speaking about Apple’s Keychain Services Programming Guide or the Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Programming Guide. The official reference is OK and points you in the right direction, but there aren’t any sophisticated examples I could find. It would be great to have more documentation about how you should handle cerfiticat...

How to write self-documenting code in Clojure/any other lisp

I'm used to Java code, with its long descriptive names, and with lots of temporary variables used only to give a name to some return value. This kind of code is very easy to understand even after a year break. When using Lisp, however, I can't understand things like "what is in the 3rd position of this list" the next day, or even next h...

Good, Searchable C# Documentation ?

I'm looking for good, searchable C# documentation (might as well throw in .NET while we are at it) that I can follow while developing. Similar examples include Qt Assistant or JDoc. I tried looking for similar posts on SO already, but couldn't find any. Please feel free to close this if it's a duplicate. ...

Help file like Microsoft Office's

I am developing an Outlook add-in and I want to create a help file for it. Currently I am using CHM file. Is there a tool to create help file like Microsoft office's? If not, how can I create a similar one? ...

Getting rails tagging plugins to work makes me Hulk-angry

I spent all my time yesterday trying to get ANY Rails tagging plugin to work. While installation was straightforward, I have to say the amount of documentation on how to use any of these plugins was dismal at best... For the record, I tried: is_taggable acts_as_taggable_on acts_as_taggable_on_steroids acts_as_taggable_redux In every i...

GNU autoconf, document options using doxygen?

hi Is it possible to document such that doxygen can pick up embedded comments and produce documentation for options, variables, etc. in generated manuals? Thanks ...

How to generate Microsoft Help 3 file?

Microsoft Help 3 was shipped with Visual Studio 2010. How can I generate MSHC documentation file from XML documentation file? I have been using Sandcastle Help File Builder to generate CHM documentation file, but CHM is a li'l bit obsolete. Does anyone have skills with MS Help 3? ...

New with JSDoc. Best way to document an event handler in JSDoc ?

Hello Suppose I have a class like this: function myClass(q) { this.someFunction = function(e) { console.log("Click event"); }; jQuery(q).click(this.someFunction); } Is there a way to indicate to JSDoc that someFunction is not just a function that should be invoked directly but rather is an event handler ? I see the @even...

Compiling emails into project documentation

What's the best way to turn a bunch of email threads into a working project documentation? This other stack overflow question seems a little stale, but might be the right idea: Also, Evernote shared notebooks might be an idea: http://...