
documentation references from xcode

As someone new to C and iPhone development, I'm making lots of use of the documentation. The "doc sets" pull down has only "iPhone OS3.1" library selected. However, sometimes when I highlight text in my source - eg "sqrt", right click, and choose "find text in documentation" I get a bunch of "Mac OSX Manual Page" hits, with pages title...

Alternative ways to browse the python api

Is it just me, or the python standard library documentation is extremely difficult to browse through? Java has its brilliant Javadocs, Ruby has its helpful Ruby-Docs, only in python I cannot find a good way to navigate through the standard library ...

Application to help explain a GUI

When a graphical user interface is documented, it usually include a screenshot. In the screenshot different buttons and interactive objects are marked with a letter and below, in a list, its explained what the "button marked with a red A" actually does. I currently do this myself in Paint .Net, its really hard to make it look even decen...

Xml comments and Entlib validators returns an error.

When I have a property within a class such as: ''' <summary> ''' Customer IP address. ''' </summary> ''' <remarks> ''' Optional parameter. Required if traffic analysis is enabled. ''' tools provided. ''' Format Specification: IPv4 Addresses only. ''' Maximum length: 15 characters. ''' </remarks> <ValidatorComposition(Compos...

favorite tech bookstore in NYC or your area?

I'm looking for a good tech bookstore in the New York Area, also I have alot of used tech books I'd like to donate somewhere. does anyone know of great tech focused small bookstores? if your not in nyc, others may be interested your favorite store too. ...

Where can I find the current iPhone SDK Agreement?

Where on the dev portal can I find the most recent version (and ideally, old versions as well) of the iPhone SDK Agreement on the iPhone developer center. Yes, I'm a registered developer and I have access, but I can't figure out how to find it. I've tried looking around in the reference library and the developer program portal, but I ca...

Tool to Scan Code Comments, and convert to Standard Format

I'm working on a C project that has seen many different authors and many different documentation styles. I'm a big fan of doyxgen and other documentation generations tools, and I would like to migrate this project to use one of these systems. Is anybody aware of a tool that can scan source code comments for keywords like "Description",...

Language for plain text documentation

Hi, I think about storing project documentation in plain text format. The primary reasons/requirements are: easy for source controls systems to manage and track versions; simple to edit (any text editor); REDUNDANT - no additional software required for preparing the document (not generating the formatted result); can be formatted to H...

Are use cases useful in capturing system requirements?

What is the best way to document system requirements? I currently use Use Cases to document requirements which does not include technical details (unless required) so that it is understood by the stakeholders. Are there any other document formats for capturing system requirements which are also user friendly? ...

Where to get TracWiki Formatting xslt stylesheet?

Where to get TracWiki Formatting xslt stylesheet? I'm asking because we all use TRACK SVN and TRACK WIKI so I need to do all my dok tables in it's wiki... BTW: Just in case you searched for simple Wiki xslt can be found here ...

Is there an equivalent to for JavaScript?

I am looking for an equivalent to the manual ( but for javaScript methods and syntax. Is there a single site that lists out all the javaScript functions available in a clear and concise manner as provides for the PHP language? ...

ProjectPier documentation and development

Trying to expand the features on ProjectPier, I'm stuck without any formal documentation. How can I add new input fields to a Task, for instance? Thanks. ...

TERASOLUNA English Manual

Hi. I was looking for an english version of terasoluna framework manual or tutorial but can't find any. Can anyone help me with this. Because currently it is in japanese ...

SVN : Documentation also on a branch?

I follow a dev=trunk release=branch convention. this works great for the source code but what do ppl do for the documentation (unfortunately it is in MS Word (LaTex is too much for our corporate business/system analysts). do you also keep docs on a branch and merge (it is a pain) after release? or do you keep docs only on trunk? ...

Migrating from Javadoc to Python Documentation

So I've gotten somewhat used to Javadoc style documentation. Looking through various examples of Python code, I'm finding that, at first blush, the documentation seems to be missing a lot of information. The good: vary rarely do you see self-evident bits of documentation. Docstrings are usually a paragraph or less of English markup that...

How do I use this Python package? (guess_language)

Hi, I am trying to use this package: I've read the documentation/wiki, but can't find the solution. Basically, this package allows you to pass in a string, and it will return a "language". I'm able to make it print out "en". htmlSource = download('') soup ...

qt embedded widget installation problem

Hi Geeks, I recently downloaded the QT embedded widget source code and documentation. I am using QT creator for QT development. After downloading the source code and project files I dont know how to use it in QT creator. In the embedded widget package I have the installation instructions. In the install documentation its told to run the...

Find out what classes implement an interface in .NET-documentation

This might be a bit silly, but where can I find a reference (not code) that tells me, what classes (in the .NET-Framework) implement an interface? Is this even available? I am thinking of the list one gets in the Java-API-documentation unter "All Known Implementing Classes" (like here for example:

End-user documentation in MS Access

How do you implement user documentation in Access? I've never bothered with formal user documentation in the past; I tend to rely on good interface design to guide users (or so I tell myself). But I'd really like to know what people smarter than me are doing... Here are things I think I would consider important (in order): Simplicit...

why is the Zend Framework API documentation that poor?

is it my browser that doesn't work with their API online documentation? the structure of it seems to be very bad compared to the java api online documentation and the yii api online documentation. i am new to zend, so i wonder, should it be like that? ...