
Where do I put weblogic-application.xml in my Maven 2 project?

Where do I put weblogic-application.xml in my Maven 2 project so that Maven places it in META_INF in the target EAR artifact? ...

What is Best Practice for persisting configuration settings in EAR files?

My application is deployed as an EAR file. The application has traditionally required that some post installation configuration changes be made. This was easy with the Oracle 10G OAS as the EAR was exploded into a directory thus allowing easy access to configuration files. With 11G, the EAR is not exploded resulting in additional d...

sharing common jsp's in multiple wars in an EAR..

Hi all, We have a big application having 13 modules. Depending on the customer requirement, we should able to deploy core module+customer specific modules. We are planning to break the app into multiple wars. Now problem is we have some common jsp's like header.jsp, error.jsp etc. Is there any way by which we can keep the common jsp's i...

deployment time of "ear" annoying using jboss,ant, jsp's and prehistoric pc

I am developing a web based java app, running on jboss and sql server. I seem to find myself spending an inordinate amount of time recompiling/deploying just to tweak the interface in jquery/javascript/css/html. Any tips for reducing the turnaround ? Its deployed to an ear file, so I can not alter the jsps/javascript after deployme...

Unable to access a read-only Embedded Derby database from within EAR file deployed on JBoss server

I am trying to access a read-only Embedded Derby database. It is available as myDB.jar. This jar has one folder of the Apache Derby database - myDB (log and seg0 folders and service.properties file). This code works fine when I run from a file with a main method. But, when I package it into EAR and deploy it on server it gives error...

Preparing Ear file in maven..

Hi All, We have replaced ejbs with Spring transaction and security(service facade) in our project. Earlier we were using maven ejb plugin to include dependent libs in the classpath. <plugin> <artifactId>maven-ejb-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <archive> <manifest>...

Websphere : deployment logs location?

I am a newbie to websphere. I am trying to deploy an EAR while i get the following exception: DeploymentDescriptorLoadException: META-INF/ejb-jar.xml When I searched about this error, the answers I got was to check the deployment log file to find the root cause of this error. I am not sure where the deployment logs would be. Checking ...

EJB explanation EAR vs WAR

Hi I have just begun reading up on EJB's. Even as I venture into it I have a few questions based on what I have heard about them. Do applications using ejb's always have to be deployed as EAR ? Can applications containing EJB's be deployed just like other other java web projects using ECLIPSE and without using ANT ...

Could not able to resolve why the EAR file could not be deployed in Weblogic 10.3????

The error is coming Deployment connection was released before the state of deployment was known. Is it error of timeout or do i have to change some settings ...

Seam framework, maven-ear-plugin and Jboss as 5.1.0

Can someone provide me a working example of pom.xml which is used to build and deploy ear archive on jboss 5.1.0. In my application I have two modules - web (.war archive) and java (.jar). I'm trying to accoplish the above task using the following pom.xml <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3...

Deploying a Spring app as ear to Glassfish v3 - Ambiguous DeploymentException "Module type not recognised"

Hi, I am trying to deploy an .ear to Glassfish v3. The .ear is a "Spring" application made up of two modules: domain.jar (entities, persistence) service.jar (business logic with spring bean config). I'm creating the .ear with Maven ear plugin and the resultant dir structure of the .ear is as follows: /APP-INF/lib/domain.jar;servic...

Maven: Use the filtering mechanism for text files not under 'resources'?

I need to customize a number of XML files which are not under resources (in particular, they are under an EAR's project src/main/application). The filtering mechanism would be perfect for this, but my understanding (correct?) is that it works for resources only. Is there a way to use filtering for files in other directories than src/m...