
Weblogic, JVM and EAR...

Hello, I'm planning to do a heap dump with jmap jdk1.5 tool on a production weblogic (10) instance. Actually there are 3 EAR (perhaps more, don't really know i don't have access) deployed on this weblogic instance. Someone told me "weblogic creates a JVM for each EAR" Can someone confirm this? With jmap i need the jvm pid as paramete...

How to generate an ear file from a maven-archetype-webapp artifact?

I currently have a project built with maven-archetype-webapp artifact. The default packaging for this project is war. Is it possible for me to insert the maven-ear-plugin in this webapp pom.xml generate an ear file that contains this project war? I tried that, but the war file doesn't get embedded in the generated ear file. It has ever...

Unable to disable generation of sources JAR with maven-release-plugin

I am trying to release a web project using Maven 2.2.1 and the maven-release-plugin 2.0-beta-9, but it always fails when doing release:perform on generating the sources jar for the EAR project, which makes sense since the EAR project doesn't have any source. [INFO] [INFO] [source:jar {execution: attach-sources}] [INFO] [INFO] --------...

Can i never reference any external 3rd party jar in my independent ejb module?

Hello, Can we never refer any external 3rd party jar in independent ejb module (except copying the jar file in our appserver/lib)? This seems so illogical doesn't it? I don't want to create a Enterprise application. Why am i being forced to create an Enterprise application if i have to use any jar files? Are there no alternatives avail...

Maven2: Renaming provided dependecies at package phase?

Greetings I have an ear artifact with a finalName tag in its build definition in the POM. <artifactId>application-app</artifactId> ... <build> <finalName>application</finalName> This results in me getting the artifact application-app as the file application.ear when building. It is important that the ear file is named like this due ...

EAR deployment failed because of Hibernate SessionFactory

I made a maven project that includes EJB, WEB and EAR modules. But I don't use hibernate in my project. So I don't add hibernate dependencies. I successfuly tested my project in JBoss 5 but when I tried to test in JBoss 4.2.3 it failed. It complains about: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: No ClassLoaders found for: org.hiber...

"Audio queue get Current time failed" : While adding ear phone audio jack to the iPhone device

Hi, I am getting the following error while connecting ear phones to the device (iPhone) "Audio queue get Current time failed" while playing live audio stream. After connecting the ear phones, I get an alert saying the error. any idea how to rectify this issue. ...

JNDI name not bound

Hi. I'm going crazy trying to fix this exception: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: lawless not bound This is a Stripes web app built in Intellij and being deployed on Jboss 4.2.3 (Using 4.2.3 because Stripes has issues with later versions. I have successfully used 4.2.3 in the past so I know that's not the problem). I have one ses...

Do Maven Multi-Module and EAR play well together?

Today, I've been looking at Maven Multi-Module and EAR projects and they seem quite similar in that both seem to define an assembly of a collection of other projects - it almost seems like an EAR project should just be an alternate packaging for a multi-module project. Have I misunderstood something? Or do these types of project work to...

StackOverflowError when trying to deploy an application to Weblogic ?

I am working on a J2EE application, to deploy I am using a build.xml (which is used by all team members) to create ear & publish, after the BUILD SUCCESSFUL message appears in Eclipse, I start Weblogic 10.3.2 but weblogic doesn't start properly and shows the following error message in the console: SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SL...

Server can not find class in .ear

Hello, I have some problems with my .ear file. The structure of the file is: app.ear |-xxx.jar -yyy.jar -zzz.jar -ektorp.jar -app-ejb.jar -app-web.war |-WEB-INF |-lib |-xxx.jar |-yyy.jar |-zzz.jar |-ektorp.jar When I try to deploy my application, I get ClassNotFoundException, with class wihch is in ...

Is there some easy way to execute code upon JBoss deployment of a JAR inside an EAR?

I plan to deploy an EAR packaged application into JBoss v4.2 as a folder containing the content of the EAR. Until now the EAR is deployed as a single file. I hope to be able to replace single JARs without the need to restart the application. Is there any kind of event listener or annotation that can be used to register those JAR files u...

Using an EAR file to create new project in JDeveloper

I'm not even sure if I worded the question correctly. I've tried googling, but can't find anything relevant. Basically I need to create a working project folder in JDeveloper from an ear file. The ear file is all I have, and I need to be able to modify code. The ear has a war and the war has numerous jar files. I have no experience ...

loading shared classes in application javaee5

I am trying to load some classes that are common to all the web applications of my ear in a java ee 5 application. I tried to do this by putting the classes (not jar) in a) directory called "lib" b) also specifying in application.xml's <module><java>lib/common.jar</java></module> and was not successful by either option a or b...

How to proceed with ear build in maven2?

Hi Experts, I very new to maven2. Till yesterday i was successful in building war from maven2. My next target is to build ear file for a war file including few of jar files as well. Can you please help with that. I would be greatly thankful. Regards Gnash-85 ...

My ear which was build with maven does not generates its APP-INF/lib

As I said in title when i build ear the artifacts (wars and ejbs) are copied inside ear but the APP-INF/lib is missing, and i don't know what could be the reason. This is a part of pom.xml: <plugin> <artifactId>maven-ear-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.3.2</version> <configuration> ...

Application Client Traffic Overhead in GlassFish v3

I have an EAR application with Application Client module. When this EAR file is deployed on GlassFish v2 and Application Client module is present in the cache, amount of the traffic between the client machine and the server during Application Client launch is approx. 0.7KB. But when I deploy this application on GlassFish v3 and launch ...

How to enable maven to deploy the ear to the app. server automatically

Hi all, I am using maven2 with a struts-hibernate jee project and developing with myEclipse. When I run a maven build, clean&install, it generates myProject.ear under the myProject_ear\target folder as usual. However, I have to copy this ear file from that folder to the ..jboss-4.2.2.GA_2\server\default\deploy folder in order to deploy...

Generate Websphere 6.1 compatible EAR file using Maven

Hi everyone, I've been looking around for some time and couldn't find a clear explanation for this. We're using a Websphere server to run a Web application developed using Rational Software Architect 7. This application is composed of a war project and 4 jar projects. To make the final ear file there is a sixth project which contains t...

would maven be a good fit for this scenario ?

We currently have an ant based project and are contemplating moving to maven. The project is java ee based, however it has a module structure where each module can contain multiple java ee projects. like this: mod1-->subdir-->war-A -->war-B mod1->src mod1->build/classes multiple such modules plus some jars dependencies a...