
External editor in Visual Studio 2008

Is there any way to set up external editor integration for VS2008? By this I mean when I double-click on a .CPP file in the Solution Explorer, it should open in the external editor, not the internal VS one. To keep it simple let's say I want it to open the file in Notepad++ (or how about Notepad to make it even simpler). ...

Looking for a Flash/JS-based SVG editor or editing framework

I'm looking for a framework or library to create SVG images. It should run in the browser, so it should be based on Flash or maybe JavaScript. Up to now I found the Flash library by inevo.pt, the SVG editing component of Dojox, and some little JavaScript tools. Is there anything else, preferrably stable and mature? Thanks a lot in adva...

How do I get the value of WMD editor?

I am playing around with using the WMD Editor (http://wmd-editor.com/) in my site. I have a really simple question. When I am ready to submit the text to the server; how do I get the output of the editor? Something like this only returns the 'actual text that user typed in the textarea' var jtext = document.getElementById('myTextarea...

Unable to change the default editor in terminal

My default editor is pico at my server. I use Bash and Linux. I tried to change Vim to be my default editor unsuccessfully by echo vim > $EDITOR How can I change Vim my default editor? [edit] The following code does not work in .bashrc export EDITOR='vim' ...

How do I format and convert C# code to HTML

I am using a CMS that has FCK editor. It doesn't have an option to enter a Code sample like the way Stack Overflow's has. I think the easiest way to do it would be to use an external editor, convert into HTML and use the HTML in the CMS to edit content. Any suggestions? EDIT: @IAN - It doesnt seem to be working for me. I tried using t...

what is this "go forward/backward" thing Xcode? ........and file switching

You know in Xcode, you can press option - command - left/right arrows to switch between multiple files. But what are these files? They seem to be the ones that have been opened. But is there any way to check what they are? And close some unwanted ones. Or, any other way you know to switch between files?? ...

Recommend an html textarea editor?

I'm looking for something with minimal functionality, such as what you see in gmail or even in stack overflow, but aimed at non developers, that is, no markdown syntax. Any pointers? ...

Is there any T4 Editor for Visual Studio 2010 CTP2?

Hi there, i am looking for a T4 Editor for VS 2010 CTP2. Clarius states on their Blog they are waiting for the Beta1. Any idea other idea where to look? Thanks Tim ...

Can you suggest a Non-HTML WYSIWYG web editor?

I am scouting the market for a good WYSIWYG editor. My users are going to write stuff just like I'm doing now on Stack Overflow, but they aren't as tech-savvy as the SO users, so I need a WYSIWYG editor instead of this Markdown editor. Feature-wise, I'd like the editor to have approximately the same features as the buttons that this edi...

Regular expression extraction in text editors...

I'm kind of new to programming, so forgive me if this is terribly obvious (which would be welcome news). I do a fair amount of PHP development in my free time using pregmatch and writing most of my expressions using the free (open source?) Regex Tester. However frequently I find myself wanting to simply quickly extract something and th...

GUI editor for Ruby in Windows

I am developing a Windows application using Ruby. What is the best GUI editor for Ruby? ...

Using Toolbar to submit SAS code from Editor

When submitting SAS code via the SAS Toolbar (eg cmjohns response) the compiler knows that the code is being "DM'd" and will not run certain code (eg %window). Is there a way to trick SAS into believing that code submitted from the Toolbar is coming from the Editor, therefore allowing interfaces (using %window) to be triggered via poi...

Open source actionscript/flash audio editor

I am looking for an open source browser based audio editor which shows a waveform and let me clip audio. Does anyone know of one? ...

Open source Javascript RTE

What open source RTE do you use in your day to day web dev tasks and why? I've been using both TinyMCE and FCK but both seem very clunky and buggy. I've had nightmares with FCK while trying to extend it and it has loads of bugs in IE. Ideally I'd be looking for something that fun to maintain and easy to extend while providing most of t...

What is your favourite JavaScript/jQuery code editor ?

What is the best and most powerful AJAX (including jQuery) code editor? I can use Visual Studio for that but want to know what NON MICROSOFT people are using to write their JavaScript, AJAX and jQuery code. ...

selectionStart-End with textareas

I'm having this annoying problem, I can't seem to get the starting and ending index of the focused text in a textarea, all I get is undefined like this: $('#myarea').selectionStart; // return undefined Did I do something wrong? ...

E Text Editor got OpenSourced!!! How to recompile for linux?

Following "Open Company" idea, E Text Editor got open sourced. E Text Editor is Win port of The programming editor for MacOS, TextMate. This is pretty nice day for OS community, not because of "E Text Editor", but coz of Open Company idea. Anyone have info on how to recompile this for linux? Text in first link states it needs ecore l...

Which editor to use? for coding c/c++.

Hi!, From past 9 years i have been using vi as my editor and have found few things which i haven't seen simple and non-stupid solutions, could any of you have better solutions. when-ever i open a fresh file to code.. getting by default the header description.. with date,time and author name etc...basic things in place. When-ever i ope...

Can you do complex editing of Word Documents in a browser?

A friend of mine wants to have an application where people can upload documents in Word (or text) format, and then allow people to make edits to those documents within a browser. Is there any mechanism that would support adding text "bubbles" for adding comments? Either floating, or off to the side. Being able to save back to Word for...

What are the dark corners of Vim your mom never told you about?

There is a plethora of questions where people talk about common tricks, notably "Vim+ctags tips and tricks". However, I don't refer to commonly used shortcuts that someone new to Vim would find cool. I am talking about a seasoned Unix user (be she/he a developer, administrator, both, etc.), who thinks (s)he knows something 99% of us ne...