
Editor required for Korean character set

Can anyone recommend a text editor which can support the Korean ks_c_5601-1987 character set? I usually use jEdit for this purpose but this particular character set is not supported in Java and hence jEdit also. ...

How to move between words in a function name in Visual Studio Express? Ex : public void moveCursonBetweenTheseCapitalizedWords() { }

Like in Eclipse, when we say Ctrl + Left/Right arrow, the cursor moves between the words in a method when they are capitalized. I would like to do the same in visual studio express. Is it possible? currently when I say Ctrl + Left/Right, the cursor moves to the end considering the whole function name as a single word. ...

How can I change line height / line spacing in eclipse.

Hi, I am using eclipse for java programming but lines in the editor look little closer. And I want to change the amount spacing/gap between lines. Is there any option in eclipse that I can use to achieve this effect ? ...

Suggestions for a new IDE/text editor

I've been in search for a good text editor/IDE which is cross-platform and supports Mercurial, Git, or allows me to add in other version control systems. I've pretty much run the gauntlet on free programs and now I'm willing to buy a license for a good program thats under $100 (I qualify for academic discounts if applicable). I typical...

Eclipse Plugin

I want to get notified when an editor is opened in Eclipse. What is the best way to do that? Thanks in advance. ...

How can I edit mif/mid gis data format?

Hello! I am working on an application (.net 2.0) that uses mif/mid data format to display GIS data. I need to find a way to edit these files with some sort of editor (outside of application). I googled a lot but was unable to find anything suitable (Map Maker worked but did not display labels from mid file). I see following solutions (...

Very simple, distributable text editor with customizable syntax highlighting and maybe word completion - nothing else

I'm looking for an editor - not an IDE - that has just syntax highlighting. Word completion would be nice for the keywords I specify as well, but I could give up that feature. It only needs to be Windows compatible. The situation is that I have an extremely narrow domain specific language that only has around 25 keywords; it doesn't e...

Eclipse plugin Javascript editor

I want to add hover text in eclipse java script editor. Can anybody give any pointers to some resources? Thanks in advance ...

Edit and Contiue VS2005

I know this has been asked all over the web in various different scenarios, but I can't get a definitive answer, so I though I'd try here. I'm using VS 2005, with WinForms code. I used to be able to Edit and Continue all over the place, and now, in some projects, I can't type in the code window. I can techincally Edit and Continue, beca...

How to make a curve to join two objects editable?

Hi, I'm involved in a project in which we're doing a visual editor (written in Java). Now, I'm trying to make curves that join two different objects that I'm painting in a class that extends JPanel (this class is what I'm using to paint, inside a JFrame, overriding the method paintComponent). I'm in troubles because I'm using the class Q...

Editors that can enforce exact (not maximum) line length ?

Does anyone know of an editor that has the ability to enforce exact line lengths (bonus if it allows association of maximum line lengths by file name/extension)? What I mean by exact line lengths is that the editor will always save each line padded to a maximum line length (defined by the user). For example, if a file should have a 120...

By Emacs, how to join two lines into one?

I am green hand for Emacs. I have gooogled this but no good answer there. One of them is Ctrl-n Ctr-a Backspace This works but is stupid. Is there a quick ans simple way to join a block of lines into single? Actually, I can use Esc-q to auto-fill a paragraph now, but how could I get it revert without UNDO? ...

Letterspacing in Eclipse code editor

Is there any way to change the letter-spacing of text in Eclipse's code editor? ...

Using Emacs, how could I indent/format a code segment in a TXT file?

I am writing a document with Emacs. As you know, there are some code segments in the text file I am working with. Typically, when I open this file, emacs will get into text-mode automatically. And it works fine for me to edit the ordinary paragraphs. But for those code segments, how could I indent them into gnu or linux style just like w...


Which one is better and ideal in a web based application? Edit: Actually I am developing a community site. So the level of users may vary. Heard about XSS security issues with WYSIWYG editors. Also I am not familiar with WYSIWYM editors and its features. As far as I know the features in WYSIWYM editor is less compared to the other one....

Ruby on Rails: Editor for backend of the web application.

What editor can you suggest to integrate with the backend of the web app I'm currently developing? I want to allow my trusted users to add articles that would be visible on the frontend. It should have some kind of markup language (to make basic customisation - lists, bold...) and if possible also the option to upload images. ...

Build a Text Editor in Visual Basic

Someone can post here a tutorial of how to develop a text editor in eVB (eMbedded Visual Basic 3.0), because I hate to use Microsoft Pocket Word to write my programs in Python, and I want to use the code to build a lightweight editor and in future build a developer editor for Windows CE. Thanks! Remember That The eVB Language is The Sam...

Carbon vs. Aqua vs. Cocoa Emacs builds

There seem to be a few camps when it comes to Emacs on OSX; Carbon versus Aqua Emacs. It seems the argument is that Aqua is a bit too far from standard Emacs and if you get too comfortable then you will have trouble using any other build of Emacs. As a developer who has been trying to get into Emacs for a few months now, I have been us...

Eclipse plugin editor

Hi, I want to create an editor in eclipse (as eclipse plug-in), for a java class that implement some interfaces i created. The editor will let the user edit some information (using a form) that will be put into the java class. - very much like in EJB editor. I want java files that implement this interface to open the editor. How can I ...

vb.net/C# code editor with color coding

Are there any winforms source code editor controls available with color coding ? pref. open source I seem to recall having come across something like that previously but can't seem to recall it ? ...