
Keeping i18n resources synced

I am looking for an editor/comparator for i18n property files that would help me keep different language files in sync. Basically, something that would compare a bunch a of property files and show which keys are not present in a particular language. a property would look something like component.titlepage.title = hello world A simpl...

Textmate and PHP - having some trouble with the bundle

I've been using Textmate for Ruby/Python scripting for awhile and now have a need to hack on some PHP. I'm having some troubles with the bundle: The code-highlighting doesn't support HTML... When I type php + tab TM spits out: ?><?php> instead of: <?php ?> Anyone know where I could possibly be going wrong? Thanks in advance... ...

Xcode scrolls text while typing

Xcode seems to be doing something annoying today. I like editing my source code so that I'm typing roughly in the vertical center of my Xcode window. I don't like typing near the bottom or the top of the window as it hides code right before or right after the code I'm busy editing. Lately, while editing an implementation file, Xcode h...

Reassociate .SQL files with VS T-SQL Editor

I seem to have lost the association from .sql files to the default VS T-SQL editor. I'm using Visual Studio 2008. When i open a .sql file it opens using a text editor with no syntax highlighting. How do I reassociate all .sql files with the default T-SQL editor while inside Visual Studio? ...

What is a good setup for editing PHP in Emacs?

I'm going to be doing some PHP editing for my job this summer, and am looking for an effective Emacs setup for editing it. I'm already heavily invested in Emacs, so switching to another editor is not worthwhile. Right now, I have nXhtml-mode, which provides a PHP mode with syntax highlighting (there are at least three different ones in ...

do not include required files into vim omnicompletion

If I try to autocomplete smth in a Ruby file, that has require 'xxx' statement, it starts to scan all files required (and files required by required files as well). and it does that every freakin time! Is it possible to make vim autocomplete to NOT scan required files or just files in particular path (e.g. app/ only)? ...

VMS EDIT - How to select the complete content of the file?

I have been using VMS EDIT for a while. I would be editing/ replacing large number of lines in the text files and saving it as a different version. As for as I am aware, the only way to delete the characters in the text file is pressing delete key. This process is quite slow, as on one press, only one character is deleted. Hence I want...

Vim visual mode scripting: searching the text surrounding the visual selection

I'll try to explain by example.. If we have a piece of code like this in vim: if ($feck == true && $drink == false) { echo 'They lie in wait like wolves..'; } And I go to visual mode and select "$drink" for example, is there a way to: detect whether the current selection is one of vim's text-objects (word, WORD, inner {, etc.) ...

Good/small html editor

Can someone recommend me good but small HTML editor. Right now I'm using EditPlus and it's really great and almost what I need, but it lacks few stuff that would come very handy. I'd like EditPlus (or whatever other piece of software) to show me where the tag I clicked ends. For example, if I have few large tables on the page, and when ...

Are there any editors that allow you to see revisions of files you have worked on?

I'm looking for an editor that lets me see all the changes I've made to a file on a line-by-line basis. ...

BEST Javascript editor/IDE with intellisense and debugging(possibly) ?

Which javascript editor is good ? I need intellisense support for cusotm javascript code as well ? If it supports debugging that'll be a great value add, of course I need it. Searched too much on the internet, found a few but did not work for me. Can you please suggest a good javascript editor ? ...

Standard IDE/editor format for expanding snippets?

Is there any kind of standard across editor and IDEs for expanding snippets? Specifically, I would like to write a patch for an API that would provide a code snippet database that could be imported into different editors/IDEs and expand on demand. I am writing something for vim (my editor of choice so that) :expand theme_some_funct...

Source code editor for linux?

What would be a Gnome source code editor, closest to Notepad++. I'm particularly interested in: Python auto-completion; Source-code highlighting; Basic text modigfication macroses. ...

Recursive Bulk Edit in Linux

I am trying to change certain lines in multiple files (scattered in subfolders) without having to edit each file one by one. I was given by Chas. the following perl -pi.bak -e 's{[^/]Css/Template.css}{/Css/Template.css}' * and it worked like a charm but was wondering if this command or similar can be done recursively in one shot ...

Does Visual Studio have a capability like Emacs registers?

Registers are a feature of emacs that I make a lot of use of. For those not familiar, you highlight some text, and then ask emacs to place it in a numbered register (0-9). Then as you're going along you can ask emacs to insert the text in the given register into your code. Basically I can save a chunk of text on the fly and then insert...

Is there a text editor that formats XML files nicely?

I know there are many: Notepad2, Notepad++, even UltraEdit... But I'm looking for a special feature. I want the editor to format my XML files for human understanding. When I open an XML file saved by my application all the XML is in one line, making it impossible for easy reading. I know MS Visual Studio does it (Crtl+E, D), anyone else...

README 80 character limit or just let the users editor handle it?

I am sure a lot of people will argue both ways and unfortunately there seems to be no 'official answer'. Part of my just wants to write and not pay any attention to this seemingly insignificant detail but I am curious how does the SO community feel about one option over the other? If you have an opinion state it and give supporting rea...

Custom shaped text box/edit control in .net?

I'm looking for a way to display and edit text inside a custom shaped box (e.g. a circle.) The text needs to use as much of the allowed space as possible, so just positioning an edit box inside the shape is not good enough. Requirements: 1) Given a GraphicsPath and a string, draw the text within the path. If the text overflows, truncate...

Syntax highlighting for domain-specific language in VS2008?

Hello. I have a domain-specific language with a certain syntax. Is it possible to make Visual Studio 2008 recognize custom languages in the usual editors? That is, associate a given file extension to a certain syntax-coloring scheme? If so, would you have any pointers as to how to do this? I'm sorry if this is a duplicate. I searched bu...

Eclipse 3.5: How to get file name from Editor?

Hi, Can anyone tell me how to get file name from editor? I just made my own editor to open xml file and create a few section to display the data. Now I want to read the XML file and place it inside the section. I think I now how to read xml data but I don't know how to access the file name so that it can be open. Thanks ...