
How difficult/time consuming is to build a vertical editor?

this editor is horizontal http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/examples/simple.php and I seem to find only horizonal editors, has anyone came across a vertical editor? any examples? how long would it take to build? I mean the toolbar is horizontal and I want to use a vertical one instead? (I don't mean for languages) I heard it's very difficult...

How fast does it take to write a simple, custom editor?

by simple I mean, having buttons: 1.bold, 2.italic, 3.numbered list 4.bullet point list 5. indent left 6. indent right 7. spell check (obviously supported by ready made js component) by custom I mean: having custom icons - so really just custom design no frameworks, written from scratch, lightweight, compatible with major browsers ...

which code editor is free and can upload by ftp by a keystroke, and have a side panel for folder browsing?

I like PhpEd because with CTRL-SHIFT-S, it will upload to the test server, so no need to switch to the FTP client, locate the file, and upload it. I also like TextMate because the display is nice (Monaco font is less cramped than Lucida Console and easy to look at than Courier)... and also with a left panel for folder and file listing. ...

WYSIWYG text editor in Java

I'd like to collect all WYSIWYG text editors for Java here. Some rules for entries: There must be a link to the project/product You must state whether it's open source or commercial Is it possible to extend the editor (add new features like a "violet centered sudoku")? Is that simple or complex? Does it come with lots of features (fan...

howto insert an image from client side into an editor?

like an "insert" menu,by which to insert an image into the editor, using javascript,I've no idea what's the solution at all, should be in 2 steps: 1.let user choose image(this should be doable by a "input type=file") 2.insert the chosen image into editing context(don't know how to implement) ...

Not java based editor for Ruby on Rails on windows?

It appears that NetBeans and Aptana/RadRails are the most common adopted IDE's for Ruby on Rails development, but both needs the Java Runtime Environment to run. I'm looking for an IDE wich doesn't need JRE to run. If it is lightweight and installs very fast would be better, because I will be programming in computers with old hardware a...

can Notepad++ open up a file and folder browse panel?

i like Notepad++ because it is quick to start up, can support many languages, and it can even match a <div> with the </div> so that you can check when a <div> is matching the correct closing </div>... but it seems like it is missing the feature of having a left side panel of folder and file browsing (and for easy opening). Is that true...

How to export a TFS projects portal to use as a new project template

Is it possible to create a TFS project based upon a modifed template and then modify the project portals website layout to include the logo, layout, and content that we would like to use and then export the TFS Projects portal to be incorporated with the default project template? ...

Are there any XML/XSL editors that can show transformations in real time?

I'm converting all of our Crystal Reports to use a home-built reporting system. Essentially, I serialize report objects to XML, transform that with XSL to HTML/CSS. Everything works beautifully, except for the design process. Once I get the XML built correctly, I have to open up the XSL and CSS in SciTE, edit, reload in IE, lather, rins...

XHTML/CSS editor for Windows with "FTP upload on save" function

Hi! Is there a non-bloated editor with this function? Thank you for your help. ...

Where can I find a syntax highlighting library for Java?

I'm writing a source-code editor in Java (for Java source code), and I'd like to add simple syntax highlighting (distinctive coloring for keywords would suffice). Any suggestions? ...

what would I have to do to get the new HTML Editor ajax control to work as a sharepoint content editor webpart?

Microsoft have just released a few new ajax controls including an ajaxed up HTML editor control. http://www.asp.net/learn/Ajax-Control-Toolkit/tutorial-50-cs.aspx I would like to try this in sharepont (as the built in sharepoint one is awful (no cross browser at all and flaky on IE) I tried the Telerik free one but it was not very sta...

Selective strip tags in TextMate

Is there a way to strip HTML tags selectively in TextMate - you can easily do this in Dreamweaver. TextMate allows you to strip all HTML tags but I would like to get rid of only, let's say all the <span>'s and <font>'s. On a similar topic, is there a way to get rid of all the inline css styles? ...

Which editors are recommended for writing Ruby or Ruby on Rails code?

I'm interested in learning ruby. But the most important thing for me is, if there are any good editors for that. That will help me decide if it's worth to switch from PHP to Ruby. ...

Is there a way to make whitespace visible in the XCode editor?

I want the tabs and spaces to be visible in XCode. Is this possible? I can't find it under preferences. ...

Any recommended iPhone script/code editor apps out there?

I'd like to write code even when I'm not at my desktop machine. Any recommended iPhone script/code editor apps out there? I'm not meaning desktop applications like XCode for writing iPhone apps. I'm meaning iPhone apps cause I want to write code on iPhone. (any code like java c ruby etc and doesn't limit to writing codes for iPhone.....

Fast Windows PHP editor with SVN and FTP support?

I'm looking for a decent, and fast PHP editor for Windows. Something that runs natively under x64 would be ideal. I've tried aptana studio, but I'm not impressed with all the excessive bloat. The clunky SVN support and lack of native FTP combined with basically a messy IDE is nasty. I currently use Coda from Panic on my mac, and I love...

favorite ruby/rails ide for linux

Possible Duplicate: What IDE / Editor do you use for Ruby on Linux? what do you consider the best ide for developing ruby and rails on linux? thanks. ...

When you write TeX source, how do you use your editor's word wrap?

Do you use "hard wrapping" (either yourself or automatically by your editor) by inserting newlines into your source document at a certain line length, or do you write your paragraphs in one continual line and let your editor "soft-wrap" for you? Also, what editor do you use for this? Note: I'm interested in how you wrap lines in your T...

Where to find a configuration file for SourceInsight?

Where to find a configuration file for SourceInsight? The default configuration of the software makes the code even unreadable. Thanks. ...