
implementing data grid using jquery

I need to read data from a csv file & display it as a data grid.The csv file contains name value pair i.e. column A will contain name & column B will contain its value.Also the user can add a blank row to the end of it & insert data manually by clicking on an add button.The user can select any row & delete the row completely by pressing ...

How does stack overflow mirror what you're typing?

Right now while I'm typing this theres the preview down below the editor. I would like to do something similair and am wondering how Stack Overflow does this? Thanks! ...

Browsing/editing RDF/OWL Instances

I'm looking for a graphical browser for examining large networks of OWL/RDF instances. Protege's instance browser isn't really useful and if COE supports instance browsing, I've not discovered how. Network size is around a million nodes. I'm hoping to be able to search for an instance, expand it to show its relationships, and explore ot...

GUI shell script editor with function overview

Is there an editor for Unix shell scripts such as Bash that has a kind of function overview as most Eclipse editors? I have a really large shell script with a lot of functions here and I want to move quickly from one function to next. Or is there any other way to get such an overview? ...

Brief editor availability

In the 1990's I used a wonderful editor called Brief. But recently I am using the Brief emulator mode inside the Visual Studio editor and I am not satisfied. The one main advantage of the Brief editor was, it did not have any scroll bars, and menu items, and I could use my screen fully. And the window separator was also very slim. My q...

Is there any online .plist editor?

I'm interested in an online application like the tool that comes with XCode, that shows the keys and values as rows, in an editable manner and handles xml plists (I don't care if it handles binary ones as well). ...

in java language, in order to make a text editor like textmate, what widget should i use

hi all, i want to write a text editor in java. i want it have a snippet feature similar to textmate. now i have no idea what to use as the main editor area. should i use some widget in swing? great thanks. ...

Threaded drawing onto a canvas in Java SWT

I've been working quite a bit on something I can only describe as a "threaded canvas" for some time now. In a moment I'll describe what I have, but since I'm really open to new ideas, existing solutions or a completely fresh start, I'll formulate the problem. The canvas is intended to display genetic information (although the specific p...

Setting up your editor: indentation and encoding

Hi there, I'm developing a small project with some friends and we're facing some indentation issues. Each of us is using a different editor (we all have different favorites :) and we also are on different operating systems. What is the best solution to be able to all develop together and set our programming editors so indentation and e...

editing a java bean ?

Hello, I'm searching for he source of a graphical bean editor... a (very basic) beanbox if you prefer... Here is what I would like to achieve : I have an application which uses some customizable objects that more or less honor the java bean spec... What I mean by that is that they have getters and setters for most properties... The sw...

Which text editors have a format code option?

I'm looking for a basic text-editor with code format like NetBeans or Intellij. In NetBeans IDE and Intellij IDE you have the option format code. Something like this, if( a == b ) { bla; bla; bla; } after using this feature it will look like this: if( a == b ){ bla; bla; ...

I need a UI-Editor for my custom Direct-x UI

I have developed a custom DirectX UI library equipped with everything from buttons to a gridview. I need a screen-layout editor of some sort. It just takes too long to do it by hand, whether through a config file or hard-coding. I could spend a month or two developing a DirectX editing utility, but I don't have a month or two to spen...

How to allow a user to edit data in a separate app from the terminal?

I am writing a terminal-based application, but I want the user to be able to edit certain text data in a separate editor. For example, if the user chooses to edit the list of current usernames, the list should open as a text file in the user's favorite editor (vim, gedit, etc.). This will probably be an environment variable such as $MY...

HTML WYSIWYG editor for php code

i looking javascript editor for php code, include tab support and php code highlight ...

SQL Expressions in Crystal Reports

I am not at all familiar with SQL expressions and was hoping to get some help I have this: "Reservations"."NY IT Services/Computer Presentation" which is a boolean How would i write this to say "If "Reservations"."NY IT Services/Computer Presentation" is a 1, then display, else do not display? I need to do this in Crystal Reports and ...

How to prevent Error List Window from showing up within Visual Studio ASP.NET Editor?

Any errors or warnings within the markup pops up the window and it reminds me VB6 error message box, stealing the focus and concentration. Quite an eyesore. Is there a way to prevent the Error List window from showing up while editing ASP.NET markups? ...

which editor is used in wordpress?

Hi guys, Which editor is used in wordpress? I need one editor something like wordpress used. Please give me some good editors. ...

Alternative to Dreamweaver?

First of all, I do all my coding strictly in code view in Dreamweaver for a good few years now. I could do all my coding in Notepad, but Notepad doesn't have any features. :) I've never thought of changing because I just got used to Dreamweaver over time. But now it's starting to irritate me here and there. I also want to switch to a mor...

netbeans editor loses focus on editor and gives it to the menubar

Hi all, I am newbie of using Netbeans and i have Netbeans 6.5 on XP. So, here is my problem: when i am working on Netbeans and switch to an another task and then come back later, editor of the Netbeans losts the focus and the menubar gains it. I don't want to press ALT key again to re-focus on the editor. I made some search on help con...

404 error dijit.Editor

Hello, I am getting an HTTP Status 404 in the content section of a dijit.Editor. The error only occurs in Internet Explorer. I am using the version of dojo that comes with the newest version of MyEclipse when Spring capabilities are added. Has anyone else run into this? Thanks, Dean ...