
What IDE you using

Possible Duplicate: Any good PHP IDE, preferably free or cheap? Recently i change my windows to gentoo-linux. And don't know wich IDE change for web-dev. In windows i use PHPDesigner. Need autocomplete, projects and etc. ...

Free Editor for NAnt Scripting?

Hi Is there any Free Editor for NAnt scripting with little bit of intelligence is fine.... Thanks nrk ...

Show Vim omnicomplete on certain characters instead of Ctrl-X Ctrl-O?

In Vim 7, Ctrl-X Ctrl-O shows a list of possible values but I find this sequence of keys to be too long when I frequently use the autocomplete feature. For instance, in an HTML file, I'd like to see the list automatically popup after I type a < followed by one or two letters. In a CSS file, I'd like to see the list after I hit the ":" ke...

how to search and replace 2 lines via eclipse?

I would like to search all files via eclipse which contain the following 2 lines @Length(max = L_255) private String description; and replace it with @Length(max = L_255, message="{validator.description.len}") private String description; ...

Text editor theory

As I'm always dissatisfied with existing editors, a project I always wanted to start is my own text editor. However doing text editing is serious business. Besides analyzing the source code of existing text editors, is there any book or other resource (like academic work) about this topic? I'm interested especially in something that tea...

what kind of online editors are available for editing excel kind of tabular data

We would like to provide a mechanism for the user to enter data in a excel sheet kind of an interface, so that users can create it online. What kind of solutions are available to acheive this? Would it be possible to use spreadsheets.google.com as an embedded widget so that users can manipulate the doc. Are there any other options availa...

What's the simplest way to edit conflicted files in one go when using git and an editor like Vim or textmate?

Hi guys, I'm trying to tweak a little When I type in git status on the commandline, I get a list of files that need to be resolved like so: # Unmerged paths: # # (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) # (use "git add <file>..." to mark resolution) # # both modified: apache2/templates/default/apache2.conf.erb # both ...

Add child to xml with PHP simpleXml

Hello, i have problem with simpleXml and adding new items. This is my xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <root> <items> <item>abc</item> <item>def</item> <item>ghi</item> </items> </root> Im using this php code: $xml = simplexml_load_file("myxml.xml"); $sxe = new SimpleXMLElement($xml->asXML());...

Who uses IntelliJ for real commercial projects?

Just a simple question: Would you prefer IntelliJ? If so, what are the Pro- and Cons? Thx ...

Editor which highlighs closing html/xml tag for a tag?

I am inspecting a huge html file with many levels of nested div tags. I am looking for an editor which clearly tells me where the closing tag is located when I select a tag. In Visual studio the way it works it highlights it but I still can't find it! In Notepad++, it creates vertical lines but with so many lines my eyes get crossed! S...

Extensible DB editor

I'm using MySQL. In my DB there are several tables, containing fields with data, serialized in custom binary format. (Actually, these fields contain lists of fixed-format records, like a "sub-table".) I need a tool to be able to edit those fields by hand while my own fancy data administration UI is still in development. I wonder, if t...

CSS editor with collapsable regions

Is there any way to get Visual Studio to put collapsable regions in CSS files? Or can someone recommend an alternative (free) editor that offers this? ...

Ligthweight SQL editor for Eclipse (Helios)

Is there any simple SQL editor plugin for Eclipse? By simple I mean, the editor does NOT connect to any DB, does syntax highlighting and preferably formatting sql is a bonus. ...

Which is the best way of correct filter for HTML editor in PHP?

I'm using TinyMCE editor in my site. I want to learn way of correct filter for my input when i'm inserting to DB. Which filters are need to use? For example i get this input to DB this way; $example = $_POST['example']; <textarea name="example"></textarea> I'm not using htmlscepialchars(); because i need the html tags. "Sorry for my...

Prevent a copy/paste to copy the style of a web page to a Rich Text Editor

Hi, I'm trying for two days now several JavaScript lightweight Rich Text Editors (rte) such as nicEdit, mooEditable, MooRTE (the two last ones were considered because they use the mootools framework which I'm using for this project). My problem is that with all of them, when I copy a pre-formated text from a web page (with words in bol...

An Ideal Source-Code Editor that support Internet Share and Chat

I am going to co-develop src with friends on internet. Is there such a source-code editor that have these features: Shares Code Real-Time showing who is editing the code ( or in other words I can see another person's code and he can see mine...and we can make change to one another's code) Shares file through internet Have Side-bar Chat...

2D Graphical Editing Framework for PowerPoint or Visio style editing (.NET Prefered)?

Is there a good 2D Graphical Editing Framework for PowerPoint or Visio style editing? A .NET solution is prefered for our application. In our case, a lightweight solution is preferable to a heavyweight solution. We aren't looking for the full range of features found in PowerPoint or Visio - just the basics. ...

A problem in designing html editor in IE

i want create a html editor for commericall,and dont want use other free editor even (free license) about 98% of this project is completed,but i have a problem, i use a div tag for listing font name when client click on the change font bottom this div tag will be showed,but selected value in inlineiframe missed when this click occured, ...

Ckeditor external font problem in IE 8

Hi I am using an external fonts for ckeditor. I have added the font face using addCss function for ckeditor content iframe and also added a css file for font listing dropdown iframe. The fonts are listing properly with font preview in font listing dropdown and style is also being added in the content writing iframe. In FF and IE 7 the fo...

VS2010 takes 5 seconds to simply open any XAML files (!)

Visual Studio 2010 - release - takes about 5 seconds to open a xaml file. It does it on some machine, not all of them! .cs files open instantly. It only happens to XAML. We tried the following, unsuccessful: Run VS as Administrator import user settings from a machine that didn't have the problem clear the borked registry using cclea...