
Tell system events to keystroke in Xcode?

Hello, I'm making an application, in which I need to run a code that will tell system events to keystroke a certain phrase. Like in an AppleScript, I would do: Tell Application "System Events" to keystroke "This is a test" I don't know how to do this from Xcode, and I would really appreciate any help. Thank you! ...

Conditional statement, etc. organizing in gedit

Hi, I was wondering if it was possible to group/organize conditional statement blocks in gedit in much the same manner as notepad++, via a plug-in or other means. Thanks to all in advance. http://i50.tinypic.com/2vuyd5f.png (Image, for reference.) ...

best JavaScript Editor and debugger

JavaScript editors namely Komodo Eclipse (if it has any) Netbeans Antechinus® JavaScript Editor which one is best or proffered in by experience programmers, i am completely new to JavaScript and php so have no idea of which one to choose :s or if there are any other do tell please PS: also heard that many use Fireug for debugging ...

about HTML code

What editor or IDE can I use to write html code? I mean that I write my C++ code in Visual Studio, for example... so where can I write HTML code? ...

GUI editor for DOT language (Mac OS)

Hi, i have a problem. I need to create pure diagram for my project (Django). I use django-extensions to generate DOT diagram. Diagram is very pure, but now i want to add for example comments on this diagram. It is possible to do this? Maybe anyone can advise me some software for this? ...

How to see .class content in Eclipse?

Sometimes, in Eclipse , i press a combination of keys which take me to the editor page that shows contents of my .class file (bytecode). I never seem to be able to remember what that key combination is. Can someone please let me know? Or in other words, how can one see own bytecode? ...

Eclipse form based XML editor

Can anyone suggest me some reading for creating Form based editor in Eclipse. I have googled it but it didn't helped. Any help will be appreciated. ...

Creating a 'Custom Designer' Visual Studio 2010 Add-in

A major part of our work is creating and manipulating certain XML files, for which have a custom editor. The editor is starting to get creaky and we are looking at building a replacement. Since VS2010 has recently arrived, ostensibly with an improved add-in architecture (MEF?), I am interested in the possibility of building the editor as...

Vim project plugin \R not refreshing new directories created

I'm using the vim project plugin to manage a project, and whenever a new file goes in I need to use \R to refresh the project tree. This is fine, but I recently created a new directory in the tree, and \R doesn't update it and put it into the project. What am I doing wrong? ...

How can I put an eclipse editor inside another eclipse editor?

I am trying to develop an eclipse plug-in that has an editor. The editor needs to show two instances of another editor (showing two different documents), and a toolbar. The internal editors are coming from another plugin. The toolbar needs to control the two internal editors (e.g., when clicking a button, change the background colo...

What's the editor John Resig is using in this video?

The HTML in the browser reacts as he changes the code in the editor. What editor is he using? ...

Custom Rule Editor for .Net

I am working with windows workflow in VS 2008. I need a condition builder to set my rules. The Rule Editor provided by microsoft in WF is good , but we need a simple editor which can be customized. Is there any open source Custom Rule Editor is available for .net ? ...

editor for creating mathml equations

I don't have much knowledge on mathml editors, we are already using rich:editor to edit html text. I would like to know the most commonly used mathematical equations editor which is browsed based and works across all the major browsers. I have looked at the editors listed here, but unable to make a decision on what to use along with our ...

How to replace multiple lines in Visual Studio 2008

I need to do a find and replace, where I need to replace 2 lines at time. Does anyone know how to do this in the VS2008 IDE? To clarify, i want to replace 2 lines with 1 line. Many thanks ...

How to change text color in TextWrangler on Mac

I cannot figure out how to do this. All I want to do is to select some text and then change the color of that text to red, say. I've lost 20 minutes of my life trying to do this. Typing 'font color' into help search brings up a reference to lesson 2, which doesn't even contain the word font or color. (Is TextWrangler low quality?) How...

Are there any text-editors/IDEs that support languages generically?

I'm looking for an editor/IDE that can provide features that are nice to have while coding (example: being able to click-through to function definitions) for languages that it is not specifically built for. By these, I have in mind languages designed for a very specific purpose and often only used by a small community. In other words, on...

Why Action.MoveUp/MoveDown commands in VS2010 disabled?

The VS2010 Power Tools provide functions to move lines up/down but I found these have stopped working. No amount of fiddling, reinstalling Power Tools, rebinding keystrokes, etc. has got them working again. Only after adding the Action.MoveUp and Action.MoveDown commands to my Edit | Advanced menu, where I thought I had seen them before,...

RFC: What's a good approach to remotely edit very large binary files?

I have a number of rather large binary files (fixed length records, the layout of which is described in another –textual– file). Data files can get as big as 6 GB. Layout files (cobol copybooks) are small in size, usually less than 5 KB. All data files are concentrated in a GNU/Linux server (although they were generated in a mainframe)....

tinymce text area onclick event change check box value

hi , i am using tinymce editor for my form. i have three instance of tiny mce editor for three text area. on click a particular textarea i want to select a check box option . first time i am using tinymce editor . how can i select check for onclick of textarea. ...

Default editor for tt template and syntax colouring

I installed the tangible t4 editor extension in vs2010 that gives some basic syntax colouring for t4 templates (.tt). When I add a t4 template via the wizard it opens with syntax colouring. After closing the file and double-clicking it opens again with syntax colouring. After closing the file and using the 'open with' menu and choos...