
How does a CA decide if entity is trustworthy

Hello, I am currently programming a Certification Authority for a uni class, I am currently struggling with the concept of creating the certificates. How does a CA usually decide if it should give a Certificate to an entity , is it enough to prove that the entity is the owner of a public key by signing a certificate-request with their ...

Bouncycastle encryption algorithms not provided

I'm trying to use BouncyCastle with android to implement ECDH and EL Gamal. I've added the bouncycastle jar file (bcprov-jdk16-144.jar) and written some code that works with my computers jvm however when I try and port it to my android application it throws: java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: KeyPairGenerator ECDH implementation n...

PHP - mcrypt 2 way encryption issue with base64 encoding and serialization

I am working on a form spam protection class which essentially replaces form field names with an encrypted value using mcrypt. The problem with this is that mcrypt encryption is not limited to only alphanumeric characters which would invalidate form fields. Given the code below, can you think of any reason why I'd be having problems de...

Decrypting string using ASP.Net encrypted by Php

I am encrypting My data in PHP like this : $encrypted_string = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_DES, 'abcdefgh' , $input, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, 'qwerasdf' ); $encrypted_string = base64_encode($encrypted_string); return $encrypted_string; And Decrypting the Same in C# like this : public string Decrypt(string input) { input = Server.UrlDecode(inp...

What is XOR Encryption?

I have heard about people starting encryption and thought it may be someething I would like so I checked XOR and can't make any sense of it. So can someone tell me what XOR is ? ...

.net Data encryption? Which classes to use?

I am looking into how to encrypt data in .net. After some reading decided on to use AES encryption as it's well establised standard and adoped by almost all organizations. Now i am hunting for how to encrypt data using AES and getting some conflicting results. .Net has classes for AES as well as for Rijndael. If any one has worked wit...

web service and Triple DES Algorithm in .NET

I am making a web service that the data has to be Encrypted, I have it working with a string but the device that are going to be pulling the data from the web server will be looking for something that is xml base. I try a dataset that is the correct format but still the Triple DES function will only take a string. Let me know if there ...

How to detect the usage rights (DRM) of a file

Suppose you have a .wma / .wmv file and you want to detect: is it DRM protected ? (then hopefully) details of the DRM protection (like when does the license expire etc.)? Is there a C# / C++ api for it? It seems that Windows Media Player can do it - if you click properties on that file... but Explorer does not show this info. Note:...

AES Encryption and key storage?

Hi everyone, A few years ago, when first being introduced to ASP.net and the .NET Framework, I built a very simple online file storage system. This system used Rijndael encryption for storing the files encrypted on the server's hard drive, and an HttpHandler to decrypt and send those files to the client. Being one of my first project w...

Using an encrypted file securely

I'm writing an application with a dBASE database file in Borland Delphi 7. Note: I think this question is file-security related and you can forget the dBASE thing (consider it as a TXT file) in this question. The database must be accessed just by the application. Then it must be encrypted. Unfortunately dBASE doesn't support any passwo...

Any cocoa source code for AES encryption decryption?

Hi all, I am searching for some cocoa code on AES encryption and I did some google search for it. I found this very useful link - http://iphonedevelopment.blogspot.com/2009/02/strong-encryption-for-cocoa-cocoa-touch.html. So I tried it but it did not work for me. Can anyone suggest me some useful link or source code which can help me...

question about salt

How much stronger would this be: return sha1($salt.sha1($passwd)); compared to just: return sha1($salt.$passwd); salt is a per-user strong 12 char with random ascii ...

what is the best method to encrypt and decrypt a value using c#?

Hai guys, I hve a web page that has to send an encrypted value to another page in my asp.net web application... I want to know what is the best method to encrypt and decrypt a value using c#? ...

DES3 decryption in Ruby on Rails

My RoR server receives a string, that was encrypted in C++ application using des3 with base64 encoding The cipher object is created so: cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher::new("des3") cipher.key = key_str cipher.iv = iv_str key_str and iv_str: are string representations of key and initialization vector for encryption algorithm. They a...

How to implement local database in .NET when the Database files cannot be Protected?

I was asked to write a database and it's GUI frontend for some non-profit organization I am member of. The decision was to use .NET as I know C# fariy good and writing GUI is quite easy. I though of implementing local SQL Server database (as I worked earlier with MySQL) and connect to it via SqlClient interface. But then I discover some...

Encryption method in C# and Java

hi all, I want to know the any Encryption-Decryption Algorithm (procedure) that can be implemented in C#.net as well as in Java. I have came accross a situation where, the data is encrypted by a C# code implemented using RSA using "RSACryptoServiceProvider" class and put it in Database. Now , I need to decrypt the same data in the Java ...

What is the best way to keep password in SQL Server 2008?

Hi there, I am planning to save customer's sensitive information through SQL Server certificate/ (a)symmetric keys. Though data is secure now, certificate and keys are not readable, i wonder where should i put the keys? Is there any best practices? only thing i could think of is to create table only accessible to dbo or dedicated login ...

An example of encrypting an xml file in Java using bouncy castle.

Can anyone show me (or provide a link to) an example of how to encrypt a file in Java using bouncy castle? I've looked over bouncycastle.org but cannot find any documentation of their API. Even just knowing which classes to use would be a big help for me to get started! ...

Logging unencrypted SOAP messages in WSE

I'm trying to log raw SOAP messages being sent and recieved. I have a SoapExtension, everything's generally working fine, but there's a problem, though. We're using WS-DeathStars' encryption and message signing, so what gets logged is an encrypted SOAP message. What I need is to find a way to insert my SoapExtension right after message d...

Encryption Algorithm from PHP to Ruby (Vignere variant)

Hey all, I am a bit stuck with this. I have to interface with an api that uses a version of an encryption algorithm that they seem to have ripped from Typo3 written by Ari Kuorikoski. I need to create a ruby lib to interface with their api, so have to port their algorithm into ruby, and I am a bit out of my depth when it comes to encry...