
Is there a secure cryptographic algorithm where encryption and decryption can be in any order?

I'm looking for a cryptographic algorithm that satisfies the following rules: E(key1, E(key2, Message)) = E(key2, E(key1, Message)) And obviously the same for decryption as well. This is probably a long shot as I doubt such an algorithm exists but thought it's worth asking. Thanks ...

How to add a padding to the data to make it acceptable for AES256 encryption algorithm in pycrypto library

Hello everyone, Can someone tell me how to add a padding to the data to make it acceptable for AES256 encryption algorithm in pycrypto library (Python). Thanks a lot in advance.. :) ...

How do one-way hash functions work?

I read the Wikipedia article about md5 hashes but I still can't understand how a hash can't be "reconstituted" back to the original text. Could someone explain to someone who knows very little about cryptography how this works? What part of the function makes it one-way? ...

Best way to protect url so that only defined party can interact each other

I have jsp/struts application need to upgrade. Currently we only have 1 websystem(branch) and now I need to upgrade and build another websystem that represent HQ. HQ and branches are different domain. HQ can see 4 branches in the HQ page. We need to login to access HQ and branches. If HQ want to see the details in branch A, we can click...

Run an encrypted application

I wish to seal a .net application before distributing it to the user. My purpose is to seal the application "app.exe + *.dll" and prevent the user from loading the application except from an application loader "Process.Start(app.exe)", the idea is to prevent the user from loading the application by double clicking on "app.exe". I found...

Unable to decrypt aes ciphertext with slowaes (javascript)

I have a cipher text I encoded with the AesManaged .Net classes. plaintext: "string" password: "password" this is the c# code I use to encrypt: private AesManaged AESCipher; private String Password; public AES(String Password) { this.AESCipher = new AesManaged(); this.AESCipher.Mode = CipherMode.CBC; ...

Java: ssl certificates for testing on windows?

Hi, I'm looking at coding up a very simple server using an ssl connection - but had two questions How can i use the java keytool in windows to generate a certificate I can use for testing? Most tutorials i can see (for echoservers etc) suggest i run the following command, which doesnt appear to work in the command prompt (running win 7...

C# blowfish encryption/decryption

Hey, Anyone got a link to a blowfish library which can encrypt/decrypt text ? I found some .dll's for Windows and used pinvoke to encrypt/decrypt text but those dll's doesn't work on linux (mono). Preferable I want a library to work on both windows and linux Thanks. ...

Encrypting Parameters accross controllers

I need to pass a parameter from one method in a controller to another. From my understanding I have to pass the parameters as a GET exposing it in the url string. What is the best way to encrypt the data so no one can see what is actually getting passed in the string? Also, is there a way to pass it via POST or is my original understa...

PHP Encoding with a Remote Key?

I have coded a pretty nice class and I'd like to install it on the clients server without risking them taking the code and not paying me. If possible, a method where I have the "key" on my server, and encrypt the source code on the clients server with that key and some how code the method for retrieving the key from my server into it, s...

Key Generation/Validation, What's out there?

I've been asked to develop a key generation/validation system for some software. They would also be open to a developed open source or commercial system, but would prefer a system from scratch. Online activation would have to optional, since it is likely that some installations would be on isolated servers. I know there is kind of a user...

Where in the world are encrypted software in cash registers required and in that case what security measures are required?

Background Sweden is transitioning to a compulsory law for all business owners handling cash or card transactions, to implement/buy partially-encrypted POS (point of sale)/cash registers: Signing and encryption are used to securely store the information from the cash register in the control unit. The control system with a cert...

Encryption without super access

I want to have a form for users on a website where the messages are encrypted, so that not even the hosting company or the super administrator can read them. Only people in the same team can read the messages, but the messages are still hosted on the server. How to do this? ...

Using SSL in an iPhone App - Export Compliance

Hi, This question isn't strictly development-related but I hope it's still acceptable :) I'm looking at creating an iPhone app that will communicate with a REST Web service. Because some user-sensitive data (name, address, age, etc) will be transmitted I'm looking at securing the connections with SSL. However, on my previous escapades...

Better way save password in mysql which can be decrypted also using php

Hi, I am currently using md5 function to encrypt my password and save to mysql db which can not be decrypted. Now my user want that when they forgot password, they should get same (old) password instead of new password. So my question is that what should i use to encrypt my password and store in mysql Database. And i can decrypt that...

iPhone SDK CCCrypt 3DES and ECB mode always returns PARAM ERROR

Hi, I've seen quite a lot of posts about CCCrypt and 3DES on the iPhone at various places around the Net, but there does not seem to be a working example of using it with ECB mode, always with PKCS7Padding. Does anyone have any working code to encrypt and decrypt a passed string using 3DES and ECB mode using the CCCrypt function? Curre...

Does my application "contain encryption"?

I'm uploading a binary for the first time. iTunes Connect has asked me: Export laws require that products containing encryption be properly authorized for export. Failure to comply could result in severe penalties. For further information, click here. Does your product contain encryption? I use https://, but only via NSURLCon...

Encrypt jQuery javascript file

Hello, I have a whole range of jQuery code, how do I stop users from seeing the actual code, or how can I encrypt the .js file. Please suggest opensource Thanks Jean [edit] I don't want users to know how I have coded or copy my code [edit] Once I use the base62 encode, can it be reverse engineered? ...

sync framework microsoft encryption and compression

Hi, We have started prototyping with the sync framework...I would like to know if / how we can use encryption, authentication and compression... Are we limited to using ssl in wcf or are there other possibilities...also would like to know if compression or authentication is possible and how? Any links with examples great... I am pres...

Sending Files from GWT to a Web Server and Faking a Request IP

Hello, I'm working on a project in GWT, however, I need to store the uploaded files on my personal web server. The user will upload the files using GWT, my back end will store the files information in AppEngine's database and send the file to the server. I'm thinking of creating a PHP script on the web server that will handle the file...