
Encrypting config files info

I have many ASP.NET applications running on server and i want to encrypt the web.config file for each. Is there a way I can encrypt all config files using single class/app or do i have to write separate code under each solution/project to encrypt config? I have idea how to do one file in a project using http://davidhayden.com/blog/dave/...

How can I encrypt JavaScript code so that it's not decryptable?

I have some JavaScript code I need to encrypt, but I want to be sure no one can decrypt it. What tools can I use to do this? -- Edit -- I still want to run the code on my site, I just want to make sure no one else can decrypt the code. ...

Question About Hardware or Chip-based encryption

Two types of problems I want to talk about: 1) Say you wrote a program you want to encrypt for copyright purposes (eg: denying unlicensed user from reading a certain file, or disabling certain features of the program), but most software-based encryption can be broken by hackers (just look at the amount of programs available to HACK prog...

Hardware-level anti-piracy protection

My friend has a company that sells hardware products (like a finger print reader) to customers. In each of their machine, they embed an "encryption chip", which is like a dongle (but embedded into their product, not a usb stick): the software on machine queries certain information from the chip through encryption (both the software and d...

Audio encryption/protection

Other than coding, I spend alot of my time in a recording studio making music. I intend on selling my art both online and on cd, but I have one issue...protecting the audio file. I dont want people illegally distributing or making copies of my music so I need to protect it somehow. The one way that I've seen is to create my own player an...

Adding a numerical value to a byte?

public void EncryptFile() { OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); dialog.Filter = "JPEG Files (*.jpeg)|*.jpeg|PNG Files (*.png)|*.png|All files (*.*)|*.*"; dialog.InitialDirectory = @"C:\"; dialog.Title = "Please select an image file to encrypt."; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == ...

Writing a Modified Image to Disk

I have an image on my drive, I encrypted the bytes by adding a numerical value, now how can I write that modified file and replace the old one? Here's my encryption method [very newbish because I'm just getting a feel for things :P ]: private void EncryptFile() { OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog();...

get firefox to decrypt using private portion of client certificate

I am interested in having something that I encrypt using a public key on a LAMPhp server, decrypted using the appropriate private key on the web client (firefox at least, best if it is standard javascript) Note that what I want to do is -not- merely to have an encrypted connection using SSL/https. Or even to use browser-based client ce...

Where to place my database

At the moment i'm busy to implement a website, database and software which will fill this database. The website is placed at an external hosting company, the software is running at out local netwerk. The website needs to read the information in the database, the local software will put its results (these data) in the database. Question:...

Best encryption library for mobile devices ?

Hello I have been using LibTomCrypt to use SHA1 encryption ( for data integrity checking ) on mobile devices (iPhone OS and Android for the moment ). I was wondering if anyone is using anything else, things to consider are Portability ( C preferred but C++ is also an option ), and libraries size ( small == better for my particular needs ...

What is your experience of PHP encrypters? Which one would you recommend?

We have an application that is written in PHP that we are going to license to a customer. Our company believes that the customer might intend to steal the source code and create their own fork of the software, therefore we want to encrypt the source code. I have searched some for PHP-encrypters and found several that seems good, but sin...

Companies to do code review of crypto in an ActiveRecord / Ruby on Rails webapp?

We have written a Ruby on Rails application that allows a visitor to fill out a form with personal information (name, address & other confidential details), which is stored in a database until the information can be collected by a batch process running inside institution's firewall. To prevent attackers from getting this confidential in...

For the Diffie Helman prime and generator, what key length should I use?

In the code below, from the Crypto++ wiki, is 128 the number I really should be using? CryptoPP::AutoSeededRandomPool arngA; CryptoPP::RandomNumberGenerator& rngA = *dynamic_cast<CryptoPP::RandomNumberGenerator *>(&arngA); CryptoPP::DH dhA(rngA, 128); CryptoPP::Integer iPrime = dhA.GetGroupParameters().GetModulus(); CryptoPP::Integer i...

Encryption compatable between Android and C#

I've found plenty of examples how to do encryption in C#, and a couple for Android, but I'm particularly looking for a way to handle encrypting (using something like AES, TripleDES, etc.) from Android, and eventually wind up being decrypted in C#. I found an example for encoding AES in Android and encoding/decoding AES in C# but am not s...

For sending passwords over the wire, which is more secure: Diffie Helman/AES or RSA? (It bothers me that AES doesn't obscure password length)

I was given advice that I am suspicious about so I'm looking for support here to go back and challenge the advice. I was advised to use Diffie Helman to get both sides to agree on a secret key, use the secret key to generate an AES key, and then use AES to encrypt/decrypt passwords that are being transmitted. Pretty much like the samp...

a very simple implementation of an onion router

I want to write a very simple implementation of an onion router in Java (but including chaum mixes) - a lot of the public / private key encryption seems pretty straightforward, but struggling to understand how the last router would know that the final onionskin has been 'peeled'. I was thinking of having some sort of checksum also encod...

Is it possible to encrypt/decrypt voice calls in Android?

I want to know if I can create an application in android that encrypts your voice in a normal phone call and sends it to the destination where it can then be decrypted... ...

To use AES with 256 bits in inbuild java 1.4 api.

I am able to encrypt with AES 128 but with more key length it fails. code using AES 128 is as below. import java.security.*; import javax.crypto.*; import javax.crypto.spec.*; import java.io.*; /** * This program generates a AES key, retrieves its raw bytes, and * then reinstantiates a AES key from the key bytes. * The reins...

How would I encrypt string data in SQL server 2008 while keeping the ability to query over it?

I have a database that will be hosted by a third party. I need to encrypt strings in certain columns, but I do not want to loose the ability to query over the encrypted columns. I have limited control over the SQL instance (I have control over the database I own, but not to any administrative functions.) I realize that I can use a .ne...

Encrypting custom Packets in PHP/C++

I am writing a game server plugin, and writing a web interface to control it. I am considering detouring the GetPacket() function in the game server, and sending custom packets from my web panel and using GetPacket() to interpret them. My only concern is security as obviously I don't want to just send open data out. What can I read up on...