
Developing PHP Extensions with VS 2008 for Apache

Hello, I was wondering if anyone else has tried to develop a PHP extension that can be used with apache, done on Visual Studio 2008, and what steps they had to go through to do so. I would like to not install VS 2003 to use the VC6 compiler, but if I absolutely have to, I will. ...

OpenGL extensions available on different Android devices

I'm in the process of writing an OpenGL ES powered framework for my next Android game(s). Currently I'm supporting three different techniques of drawing sprites: the basic way: using vertex arrays (slow) using vertex-buffer-objects (VBOs) (faster) using the draw_texture extension (fastest, but only for basic sprites, i.e. no transfor...

Php Openssl not loading why?

Hi guys I'm running a tweaked webmail application - however for some reason the openssl extension isn't loading - I've enabled it in the php.ini but when I run my application and check for loaded extensions using get_loaded_extensions - the openssl is not in the array of loaded extensions? Whats wrong here? The php_openssl.dll is physica...

Extending Wordpress as a full-scale CMS

I know that most people will consider this post as irrelevant, and yes, I've read tens of posts saying that Wordpress is "just a blogging platform". However, facts speak for themselves - people do use Wordpress a lot. Moreover, large projects are being developed using Wordpress as the underlying platform. Who doesn't believe it could che...

FirstOrDefault() off of a LINQ versus FirstOrDefault() with a Lambda?

I am a bit curious as to which is considered "best practice" when it comes to FirstOrDefault. I've already seen this question, which is similar to the question I have, but not close enough that it answers my question. Which of these is "better code"? and why? var foos = GetMyEnumerableFoos(); var foo1 = (from f in foos where f.B...

Link to another file in chrome extension

I want to have a link in the popup.html file for my extension that loads another file (which will be included with the extension) how can I do this? or will I need to keep it in the same page? I tried using this code: <a href="/mail.html"> <img id="newmail_icon" src="" width="16" height="16" /> <span id="newmail">loading</span>...

Query Extension for LINQ

I have some code for strongly typing Includes()'s in linq, like so... public static ObjectQuery<T> Include<T>(this ObjectQuery<T> mainQuery, Expression<Func<T, object>> subSelector) { return mainQuery.Include(((subSelector.Body as MemberExpression).Member as System.Reflection.PropertyInfo).Name); } /// <summary> ...

ExtJS beginner - Samples/Extensions where is the documentation ?

Hello We have been looking at the ExtJS samples quite a few times over the years and recently decided to use it because I was looking at the samples and saw a Tree Grid and felt like "Yes this is exactly what I need". So I download ExtJS read a bit on the getting started/FAQ/Tutorial from the website. Then I decide to try to use the Tr...

How does a LINQ extension chain off other extensions

I learned C# back in 2006, and recently tried to get back into it. I have learned then that they added something called LINQ Extensions to C#3.0. Now I am familiar with extension methods, and I'm just pondering the specifics of those related to IEnumerables. Earlier today, me and one of my colleagues were debating whether or not the fol...

Error on installing SVN extension with pecl

Hello, I'm trying to install the following PHP extension: http://php.net/manual/en/book.svn.php But when I do pecl install svn-beta I receive an error message that it can't locate the svn_client.h file. I searched the net but couldn't find any useful reference to this error. Thank you for your help. Installation result: root@myUbuntu...

System.Web.Extensions with .NET 3.0

Is it possible to use System.Web.Extensions 3.5 without upgrading to .NET 3.5? We are using .NET 3.0 and have been asked to upgrade from web extensions 1.0 to 3.5. ...

Google Chrome Extensions - Online Packaging

I am coding something like an online PHP editor. So, now I have this option to port the web applications created using the editor as Chrome extensions (popup). It works okay save the fact that the files created need to be downloaded, packaged (using Chrome or cmd) and re-uploaded. I do have this provision but I find it annoying myself to...

Can anyone recommend a property or real estate lettings/sales script or extension?

Hi, I've currently got a couple of potential property letting/sales agent web sites to do. I'm looking for a decent script or possibly Joomla extension to power the property search functionality. Can anyone recommend something they have used? ...

How can Notepad++ be extended as an IDE for R ?

Hi all, I am working with NppToR as an extension allowing the use of notepad++ to be an IDE for R. But there are a few features I didn't yet see implemented (I compiled the list from another IDE solution, which is not open source) : Object Browser - Allow users to see all the data and function objects that are available, including tho...

Filtering a texbox with a combobox

Ok so I have to create a form that takes the contents of a folder and lists it in a textbox (yes a textbox not a list box!) I then have to filter this textbox using a combobox which contains all the extensions of the folder (e.g. if i choose ".txt" in the combobox the textbox should filter to show all the text files only!) I've managed...

How to filter a listbox using a combobox

How do I filter items in a listbox using a combobox using c# and windows forms? the listbox contains files and the combobox needs to filter them by their extension Please help I'm new to programming ...

What are the weakness of the QPluginLoader approach?

Here the official QtCreator code repository: git clone git://gitorious.org/qt-creator/qt-creator.git QtCreator use QPluginLoader. What are the weakness of the QPluginLoader approach? What are the differences with QLibrary? ...

Is there a way to flatten a .Net ILookup<TKey, TElement> into a List<TElement>?

Is there a quick way to get a flattened List<TElement> from an ILookup<TKey, TElement> that was created from the IEnumerable<TElement> extension? Updated with example List<int> list = new List<int>(); var lookup = list.ToLookup(key => key); list = lookup.?? // How to convert the lookup back to the list ...

How to read preference values of firefox in C++ ?

We are using the following code to read preference value browser.search.defaultenginename from external exe (Without loading it into firefox) to retrieve default search engine of searchbox in firefox. We have tried all possible ways but still are unable to read this value. It is returning empty string. When we tried to get the preference...

Standard Methods vs Extensions Methods

Assuming the following domain entity : public enum Role { User = 0, Moderator = 1, Administrator = 2 } public class User { public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } public string Email { get; set; } public Role Role { get; set; } } I need to know if the user can perform "Ed...