
Font and font size unit for Smartphones

Hi Which font and which font-size unit is recomended for developing web sites for smartphones? With smartphone I mean a device with a good web browser. I am not sure to go with px, em or % Thanks for sugestions and tips. regards bob ...

Forcing anti-aliasing using css: Is this a myth?

Recently a client has complained about the appearance of a system font in IE6. Basically th issue is that IE6 doesn't support font-smoothing/anti-aliasing (I know you can turn it on in an OS setting or something). But someone threw out this gem: "You can force font anti-alias in css by using pt instead of px." I did a quick POC in vari...

How to resize a div proportionally to the text inside?

Suppose that we have a div element with zero padding, absolute positioning, predefined width (in pixels) and some plain text inside. Now, we increase the CSS font-size property of the text by one pixel. By what measure should I increase the width of the div so that its layout remains the same (i.e. no words jump from one line to another...

Flash: Antialiasing characters on dynamic textfields without embedding fonts, in japanese

Hi, I'm trying to achieve antialiasing on dynamic textfields in flash on a Japanese site. The content of these textfields is not fixed data. I don't have the option to embed the fonts, since embeddeding all characters will result in a very heavy swf file(3000kb+ just for the fonts). This is due to the fact that there's a large number o...

Test if a font is installed (Win32)

How can I test if a font is installed? Ultimately, I want to implement a HTML-like font selection, i.e. when specifying e.g. "Verdana,Arial", it should pick the first font that is installed. This Question provides an answer for .NET - it seems the recommended way is to create the font, and then cmpare the font face actually used. Is ...

How do I access printer specific fonts in .NET?

This question is along the same lines as Retrieving Device Context from .NET print API... I have a Datacard 295 embosser / mag stripe encoder. In order to write to the Mag Stripe or Embosser wheel, you must write your text in a special "pseudo-font", which the printer driver will recognize and handle appropriately. There are multiple ...

How to add Stroke to Text in AS3?

I am coding in AS3 and want to add a stroke to text that I'm displaying to the screen. My current code is: format = new TextFormat("BN Elements", 14, 0xEEEEEE, false, false, false, null, null, "left"); format.font = "BN Elements" scoreText = initText(starsleftText, format, "", 160,5, 545, 61); scoreText = "Stroke This Text"; As the te...

How do I implement jQuery Sifr Plugin properly?

I have been trying all afternoon to get the jQuery Sifr Plugin ( to work, without success. The plugin's site has limited documentation and for something so apparently easy, I'm sure I must be nearly there. I also found some info at but I think it's for an older version of the pl...

How to correctly display Japanese RTF Fonts

I am working on an application in Delphi 2009 which makes heavy use of RTF, edited using TRichEdit and TLMDRichEdit. Users who entered Japanese text in these RTF controls have been submitting intermittent reports about the Japanese text being displayed as gibberish when reloading the content, both on Win XP and Vista, with Eastern Langua...

How to convert <font size="10"> to px?

Hi, I need to convert <font size="10"> to px. Example only(not correct): <font size="10"> is equivalent to 12px. Is there any formula or table conversion out there to convert <font size="10"> to px? Thanks :) Kind Regards, Mark PHP Developer from Philippines ...

Text rendering control in GDI+

I've been struggling for a while with the text rendering in GDI+. We are dynamically generating images of headlines but there seems to be a lot to whish for in the library. I can set the font, font size and a few other things but I cannot control row height or letter spacing. I have built my own class that takes a generated text image,...

Font problems with GDI+

I'm having trouble with some ttf fonts not working in GDI+. I cannot seem to find any differences between some of the working and non working fonts. Some can be read and rendered without a problem. For some fonts GDI+ just reports the file as missing (which it is not). Something must be wrong with the format but I cannot for the life of ...

How can I extract fonts from a PDF file with Perl?

Is there a script to extract the embedded fonts from a PDF file? ...

I need a Windows-compatible, square pixel font

I'm looking for a square pixel font, preferably 8x8 pixels per character. I would like it to look something like this: I need more or less every character shown here, especially the box drawing ones. The very few Windows fonts I've found after about an hour of searching don't have very few (if any) extended characters. I'm currently ...

Embedded fonts in flash with the same fontName property

I'm using an external swf containing a number of font classes to load and register the fonts for my flash site at runtime. (exported in the library panel Flash IDE then registered in the frame script) In this particular case the swf contains a number of different weights of the same family. eg. font roman, font italic, font light, font ...

How do you set the default font for Tk widgets

I have Tcl/Tk app that generates many forms, and would like to be able to configure the default widget fonts from a central location without having to configure each widget with the -font switch. #!/wish button .hello -text "Hello, World!" -command { exit } pack .hello puts "--- i would like to set this thing: [.hello configure -font...

WPF Font: Why are some characters missing?

I'm writing a WPF app and the font that I am using only has problems running in WPF - it works fine using it in anything else (notepad, wordpad, etc.). The problem with WPF is that it falls back to another font sometimes. By "sometimes" I mean that only characters [a-zA-Z] appear to render correctly - everything else appears to be rend...

SIFR Font tweaking a nightmare!

Hi All, I've been trying to tweak my SIFR navigation. I'm replacing with Gill (although I've had the same issue with other fonts). The problem is that no matter what I do with the letter spacing, short words are ok with one setting but not long words and vice versa. In order to stop any words wrapping I have to set letter spacing to 1...

Combine several bitmaps into (TrueType) font

I have several (~200) small bitmap files with glyph images. How can I combine them to a single bitmap font file? Actually, I need a TrueType font created from these bitmaps (with no curves, smoothing, vectorization or any transformations). It's a designer 'pixel' font, so it should have rough pixel edges and so on. ...

Font consistency in a textarea

How do I make a textarea have the same font as everything else on the webpage? Currently I have my code: test.html: <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="test.css"> </head> <body> <div id="testarea"> <textarea></textarea> </div> </body> </html> test.css: body { ...