
Base classes versus templates versus generated code versus macro's

I have to work out a small framwork that is going to be used by several of our applications. On top of this, the framework is going to be used multiple times within the same application, but with a slightly different configuration. The 'nature' of the configuration is more complex than just having some configuration options and some se...

Beginning Google App Engine Java - Which Framework to start with?

I am new to both JAVA and Google App Engine. My Interest in Java stems from its compiled nature, speed and widespread enterprise use, whereas my interest in app engine is mainly because of it's initial free nature along with scalalbility. I have been through Google's Getting Started and FAQ, I have modified the guestbook app and general...

What would be a good language/framework pair for learning Web development?

What would be a good language/framework pair for learning Web development? I know other people have asked this very same question (for example, Learning Web Development-Choosing a Language and Framework), however, my case is a little different, since I have some additional constraints: The language the framework is written in must not ...

Should upgrading tools / frameworks / dependencies to latest version be automatic?

At my current job, it goes without question that if a new version of a technology that we use in our project is released, we upgrade it ASAP. At my previous job, that was not the case... we had to convince management that it was necessary. As such, we often had to do without features that could have been helpful and continue living wit...

Has anyone here tried PHP On Pie?

I created this framework to fill what I felt was a need for a PHP-like framework that was really efficient. My goal is to make it into a real open-source project, but since I have never launched a popular open-source project, I could use some feedback and advice. My question is, has anyone here used it, and if so, what was your experien...

Zend Framework - storing and retrieving cookies

I try to put the user's email in a cookie when he logs in, and retrieve it at his next visit. The code below doesn't work, obviously I am missing something. When user submits login info, store the email in cookie: $cookie = new Zend_Http_Cookie('emailLogin', urlencode($email), 'localhost'); At the next user's visit, retrieve the user'...

XCode 3.2.3 running on iOS3 - Wired framework problem

I looked around on Stack Overflow and I didn't find the solution of a strange problem. I started developing a project on XCode 3.1 then I decided to upgrade on XCode 3.2.4 and targeting iOS3 iPhones. I then followed the topics dealing with that and I changed the Base SDK to iOS 4.1 and the target os to 3.0. Everything worked fine until ...

Single technology stack vs. multiple technologies for high scale site

Hello, I have recently been come to for advise on an idea of rewriting an existing site due to massive maintenance problems in their old design. Basically, the company is considering a complete rewrite of aprox. 90% of their site which is currently written in PHP using an in-house framework. The company would like to rebuild the backen...

Current line-/col-number in phpQuery?

Hi, How can I get the line-/col-number of the current element in phpQuery? I use the phpQuery framework for a validation tool with custom errors. Thanks! ...

Help comprehending how the following framework fits together:

I am just getting into OOP and framework design. I have started by using the following three tutorials; This is the first f...

Scraping and web crawling framework, PHP

Hi, I know that is a fast high-level screen scraping and web crawling framework, used to crawl websites and extract structured data from their pages. I used it in some projects and it is very simple to use. But it is written in python. My question is, are there simlar frameworks for php? ...

CMS: Build vs. Buy

Possible Duplicate: CMS: Build or Buy? I'm in the same boat as a lot of other folks. Trying to decide between two competing vendor's solutions for my company (build vs. buy, basically). I won't be coding it myself, we'll be hiring one of the two firms. It'll be a total bottom-to-top rebuild of a magazine-style site with regu...

Is there a Lift cheatsheet / quickref ?

I found a couple of blogs on how to get started with Lift, but I need a quick reference. Something like: here you define the application map, this is how to write snippets, etc. I want to start a Lift app that is not "hello world" and I need the tl;dr version :) ...

PHP framework to build Workflow Management system

Hello, I am looking for PHP framework to build a Workflow Management system. While searching on net i got RADICORE which is quite best one. Just looking for more option so that I can compare them and go with one of them My requirement is as: I need framework that can define a workflow as we do in RADICORE and then play around it. Play...

WebGL Framework

I'm planning to write a 3D FPS game, based on WebGL. Should I use some WebGL framework? What is the most active and popular WebGL library today? Does it support LOD, Heightmaps, COLLADA and some Materials system? Thanks. ...

php design pattern for big project and for small project

hi firends can anyone explain me which one is best design pattern for big projects and which one for small projects i dont want to use a framework i am trying to create simple design and big framework thanks ...

OData Consumer for Android - which OData tookit/framework should I use?

I am creating a program for Android mobiles which will query, retrieve and then process OData from an OData provider via a webservice. Please can you tell me which toolkit is best for this? I have seen these: odata4j restlet Thanks. ...

Collection.ToList<TResult>() extension method raises compile time error

I cannot use ToList<Tresult>() extension method. The code I use is, return this.Semesters.ToList<ISemester>() 'Semesters' in above code is an EntityCollection. These using directives are already present, using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; Still I cannot Compile as it keeps on com...

Is the ReadOnlyCollection class a good example of Bad Design?

Look at the specification of the ReadOnlyCollection class, it does implements the IList interface, right. The IList interface have Add/Update/Read methods, which we call it pre-conditions of the interface. Anywhere in my application if I have an IList I should be able to do all this kind of operations. But what about if I return a Rea...

I'm building an API/Framework in C#, how should I return validation error messages when properties are set to an invalid value?

I'm building an API in C#, how should I return validation error messages when properties are set to invalid values? Should I throw exceptions or do something else? What do you recommend? I could use the AggregateException class from the Task Parallel Library so I can throw more then one at a time. What are the best practices? ...