
Video lectures on game programminng

Hi, Can anyone tell from where i can download video lectures on game programming areas: 3D Math Game Design Physics for Game programmer AI for for Game programmer DirectX, OpenGL Regards, picarodevosio ...

How can I create a line in a WinForms Application?

Hi. I want to create a simple 3D line in a WinForms application to improve visual arrangement of my form layout. This line is exacly like the line in About Windows dialog (can be opened in Windows Explorer -> Help -> About Windows). An example be checked here. The last line (3D) is the one I want, not the first one. How can this be do...

MFC and Diagramming libraries/ vector graphics?

Can you recommend good diagramming libraries? I wish to draw vector graphics and make custom shapes. ...

converting grayscale to color on iphone

Hoping for some help here from someone with some solid objective c graphics experience. I am trying to build a heat map image and I am having some specific difficulties with color conversion. The generally recommended approach seems to be to create a grayscale image with ellipses representing the various points on the map. These ellips...

Best way to handle graphics on iPhone game

I will be writing a game and a friend will be doing all the graphics. What is the best way to handle the graphics in the game? We dont want to draw things, we will have all the images done before the time. Which is the best way to have these images displayed? I have read and looked at tutorials on opengl es and see that they are all...

Is an all white background appropriate for a web game?

I have seen lots of great sites that use all white pages (Stack Overflow?) without having the content column set against a different color background. I am designing a web game and was wondering if the all white (or solid color) is the way to go or if having a content column against a backdrop is better. If its a "it depends" answer, ...

Circle approximations using Bezier curves.

Hello. I have 2 questions about bezier curves, and using them to approximate portions of circles. Given the unit circle arc (1,0)->(cos(a),sin(a)) where 0 < a < pi/2, will it result in a good approximation of this arc to find the bezier curve's control points p1, p2 by solving the equations imposed by the requirements B(1/3) = (cos(a/3...

Graphic Libraries for BPMN?

We currently looking for software libraries for implementing a Web-based BPMN modeling tool in either Flex or DHTML (JavaScript, HTML 5, etc.). Free or non-free is okay. Thanks. ...

How do I trap display driver drawing commands on Mac OS X?

I am trying to find a clean and elegant way to trap all display driver drawing commands on Mac OS X so I have visibility to anything that gets drawn on the screen, before it goes to the physical display driver. Simple bitmaps won't do it -- I need the actual drawing commands and not just notifications on which areas have changed. This ...

Lookup table/palette shader on the iPhone

I have a fragment shader with the following: const lowp float colors[8] = float[8]( // line 12 0,0,0,1, 1,0,0,1 ); but it fails to compile: ERROR: 0:12: 'array of float' : array type not supported here in glsl < 120 ERROR: 0:12: 'array of float' : constructor not supported for type ERROR: 0:15: 'array of float' : no matchin...

System.Drawing.Graphics Transform() methods: use for zoom, pan?

I'm building a very simple vector graphics application using GDI+. Obviously I don't want the default measurement unit to be the pixel, so right now I'm using a complicated system that involves a variable called the "scale factor" and a point called the "offset". Every time I want to draw anything, I have to multiply by the scale factor ...

GDI+ functionality in .NET CF generic WinCE

There is no gdiplus.dll in my WinCE device, Is there any way I can get gdi+ functionality in .NET CF? I'm particularly interested in anti aliased drawing of polygons. (that's all I want). ...

Is there a simple library for C++ to draw to the screen?

Hello, I'm just starting out in C++ programming and I want to try creating a space invaders clone in C++, I want to avoid using game libraries and things that would solve a lot of the problems (like game loop and vector maths etc) so I can tackle these myself, but, I have no idea how to begin drawing things to a screen. I was wondering...

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreate()

Hi, I'm trying to put some graphics on a web page and at my prototype at the computer it's all working fine at the localhost. But now I uploaded the files to a server and I'm having a problem to plot some graphics. In my computer they are plotted, but on the server they are not. I'm getting this error Fatal error: Call to undefined fu...

How can a shape with curved sides be drawn in Objective-C?

In Objective-C, how do I draw a 2D shape similar to the one pictured here? (sorry could not embed image). Thanks! -appleHap ...

efficiency of multiple canvas size increases in silverlight

Hi, I'm writing a silverlight app which does some real-time charting. Basically, I just have some polylines overlaid on a canvas. The user can record data for arbitrary amounts of time, and so the width of the canvas is increasing as necessary. Since the canvas is wrapped inside a scrollviewer, it can get quite large. Haven't seen a...

for heavy graphics apps in c# which will be more efficient double buffering or Buffered Graphics?

hello i have a heavy graphics application where i have to draw the graphics in 2-10 seconds every time this time varies depending upon the source application which is sending data to my application via UDP; i have some static graphics there is no change in them some are semi dynamic that means some time they are updated and normally rem...

Cross-platform graphics 3D with .NET

I'd like to program a .NET app that provides a 3D render of an animated world. I'm coding on a Windows PC, but many of my target audience will be on Linux. There are a bunch of frameworks out there that look useful, categorised into high and low level as best I can: Low Level Graphics OpenTK Tao Framework seems to have been supersed...

Drawing an anti-aliased line with thePython Imaging Library

I'm drawing a bunch of lines with the Python Imaging Library's ImageDraw.line(), but they look horrid since I can't find a way to anti-alias them. How can I anti-alias lines in PIL? If PIL can't do it, is there another Python image manipulation library that can? ...

Java 3D Canvas To Virtual World Mapping

Hi, I have a 3d Scene set up and can navigate my scene etc (I am fairly experienced in Java 3D) but i still need ways to achive the following operations in Java 3D: -map the viewing area of my Canvas3D into the virtual world (with this mapping i should be able to draw an outline (rectangle) in the virtual world around the viewing canva...