
CPython vs. Jython vs. IronPython for cross-platform GUI development.

I'm thinking of making some kind of experimental IDE for digital hardware design. So I can't decide witch platform to choose. I'm going to have text-editor with syntax highlighting, some vector graphics and lots of tabbed windows. My goals: 1. to make GUI using as less custom components as possible. 2. to make it as cross-platform as p...

custom JComboBox top label

Hopefully an easy question. From the example on on "Providing a Custom Renderer" section, I can make a JComboBox like Picture 3 - Text 3 ------------------- Picture 1 - Text 1 Picture 2 - Text 2 Picture 3 - Text 3 Picture 4 - Text 4 Picture 5 ...

GUI's Over Running Programs in python

Just wondering if there is any kind of framework or method of making a Gui that will override (Stay on top of) all other windows in python. Including Games or other programs that seem to "Take over" the computers Graphical processes. Any point in the right direction would be much appreciated... PS. The OS in question is Windows 7, but a...

Mcafee Total Protection 2010

I was wondering what language the McAfee 2010 user interface is built upon. Its definitely one of the most intuiting interfaces I've seen lately. Does anybody have any idea? ...

What gui toolkit should I use with Pygame?

I'm making a game that needs to be able to pop up gui elements within a pygame surface. This question isn't what I want because wxPython goes around the SDL surface, not inside it. So far I've only seen ocemp, pgu, and GooeyPy in this problem space. Ocemp is huge and crufty looking. It mentions Python 2.3 and the newest file I found in...

What gui? Creating an order: many images, many print sizes.

Hi All, I have an app where users select images they wish to print, the print sizes they wish for each image, and a quantity for each image/print size pair. I'm wondering what sort of GUI I can use to do this well. I do have to allow for 'batch adds' - i.e. clients are often professional photographers and may print a whole lot of image...

Logback+Swing in small tool

I need to hack up a small tool. It should read a couple of files and convert them. Right now that works in my IDE. For the user, I'd like to add a small UI which simply shows the log output. Do you know of a ready-to-use Swing appender for logback? Or something which redirects System.out to a little UI with nothing more than a text fiel...

Starting a GUI process from a Python Windows Service

I am creating Windows service class in Python that will eventually display a Window when certain conditions are met. Since (as I understand it) services cannot have GUIs, I'm trying to start up a GUI in a seperate process (using subprocess.Popen) when the conditions are right. This isn't working, presumably because the child process has ...

Has anyone eval'd or dev'd database apps with RadVolution Designer?

I've been looking at this database app development tool which is integrated with Visual Studio and would like to hear from you if you have any comments about it, evaluated or developed database apps with this tool. The tools website is: ...

Writing a paint program à la MS Paint - how to interpolate between mouse move events?

I want to write a paint program in the style of MS Paint. For painting things on screen when the user moves the mouse, I have to wait for mouse move events and draw on the screen whenever I receive one. Apparently, mose move events are not sent very often, so I have to interpolate the mouse movement by drawing a line between the current...

How to obtain bounding box of transformed text(java)?

Currently I have a text object that I need to determine its bounds. I used to use the graphics object to obtain the font metrics of the text I am trying to draw, but since I added functionality to rotating the object(and possibly more) I need a better way to get the bounds of this object. I have looked multiple places and nothing has rea...

Java making a drawCircle method calling drawOval

I need to make a drawCircle method that looks like public void drawCircle(int x, int y, int radius) that draws a circle with that center and radius. The drawCircle method needs to call drawOval. I am not sure how I can call drawOval from my drawCircle method without passing Graphics to it. Is this possible? Heres what I have: ...

Extension-GUI communication

I have to develop a GUI for an extensible application. As different extensions will be added or removed to or from the application, The GUI is expected to change a lot (menubar etc..). I would like to ask the following questions: 1) what the GUI needs to provide for the extension 2) What does the extension needs to provide to the GUI I ...

How to configure ListView to automatically change its height?

I have three ListView widgets in the same LinearLayout. Something like this (I'm omitting XML elements that are not relevant in this example): <LinearLayout> <ListView android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="360dp"/> <ListView android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="360...

Design patterns to reduce coupling in Swing application

Hey all, I'm currently working on a Java Swing application and I was looking for some guidence. The application is fairly small, but I'm noticing that as the code base is growing larger, that I have an awful lot of coupling in my object graph. I'm relatively new to Swing, but I've been programming long enough to know where this is headed...

Emulate android preference category look/feel

hello, i like title bar style in android preference category. In my activity (no preferenceactivity) i want to use same style, how i can do? Thanks. ...

Accessing methods of nested widgets

Im working on optimizing my design in terms of mvc, intent on simplifying the api of the view which is quite nested even though Iv built composite widgets(with there own events and/ pubsub messages) in an attempt to simpify things. For example I have a main top level gui class a wxFrame which has a number of widgets including a notebook...

Android: IllegalStateException - When is it thrown?

In my application, sometimes the following exception is thrown: 07-28 14:49:25.398: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(8097): java.lang.IllegalStateException: The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification. Make sure the content of your adapter is not modified from a background thread, but only from the UI thread. ...

How to make Qt widgets do not react on mouse click

I need on my form ordinary widgets (e.g. buttons) do not react on mouse clicks but NOT to be disabled (it change look to grayed one -- not good). I wonder is there some neat small hack for this? ...

Iphone Help Overview of document like in ibooks

Hey guys just wondering if anybody could help me, I have a simple magazine app where the images are loaded from an array into a image view. On the ibooks app there is a button which will take you to a type of overview with all the pages deconstructed as buttons where you choose the page. They are like 3 pages accross and then down. Is th...