
Tracking OS-level window events in Java

I have a requirement to be able to track how much a user interacts with the different applications running on their machine. What seemed logical to me was to keep a log of window focus events with timestamps which would tell you what applications were in focus over the course of the day. We have some other things to do in this applicati...

GUI Framework Plugin Design

As a plugin framework developer, I want to specify an interface, myNameSpace.IPlugin, that the plugins must implement. The return value of one of the interface members, IPlugin.GetWidget(), must be of a type derived from System.Windows.Forms.Control and it also must implement myNameSpace.IFoo interface. I also want to allow the plugin d...

Is Qt worth learning?

I am a C# developer and work on Windows, but back in High School I took some C++ classes. We worked on console applications only. I kinda want to learn C++ GUI programming. I have been looking at Qt and was wondering if I should learn it. For fun lets make this a multiple choice answer: A) Learn Qt B) Learn other C++ GUI C) Don't learn ...

Executing an interactive shell script remotely from a web GUI

There's a requirement in my project to execute interactive shell scripts remotely through a web GUI. This means that stuff printed to the standard output of the script has to be made available on the GUI, and the user input has to be taken from the GUI and written to the standard input of the script. My questions are (a) Is this is a go...

How to enlarge Picker View on iPhone?

I add a PickerView to one of my views in an app, but its size is too small(in height). I find that I cannot drag to make it "longer". How to change its size then? ...

Best GUI concept to edit/manage large acyclic graphs

The point is to enable fast and intuitive management of potentially large graph structures Concepts I've come across are: Tree TreeMap Venn diagram Hyperbolic tree Which one would you prefer or other ideas? ...

Gridview like display for hibernate objects in Java?

Essentially what I am looking for is a good way to build a quick database interface. In my (limited) experience with I've used a Gridview control for this task. However for this project I am going to be using Java. Can anyone recommend a good way to set up a Gridview like control (with editable and sortable rows) in a Java web f...

UI hints that prevent user errors

What UI/GUI guidelines should be followed that subtly (or not so subtly) direct users so they don't shoot themselves in the foot. For instance, you might want to give power users the ability to "clean" a database of infrequently used records, but you don't want a new user to try out that option if they've just spent hours entering new r...

Any Suggestions for Log4Net Configuration Gui?

Does anyone have any suggestions for a Gui for editing the log4net config files. We have people in the field who need to be able to increase, decrease, or specialize logging but don't have the background to mess in the XML. ...

How to customize a mutiline label on iPhone?

How to let a label show multi-line strings? e.g. The given string is @"HelloA\nHelloB\nHelloC\n". How to show it like: @"HelloA" @"HelloB" @"HelloC" ...

GUI creation code layout theory?

This question is not so much a "How to create a gui", but more of a "where to create the gui". I have some java code that checks to make sure the drivers needed are in place: public boolean confirmDrivers() { /* some logic */ return someDriver.exists(); } it gets called as: if (confirmDrivers()) { createGUI();...

How can I enhance the look of the Perl/TK GUI under Perl 5.004?

I have an application that is built to work on Windows, Linux, and Solaris that uses the Perl/TK GUI. Due to constraints, we are limited to Perl/TK only. Moreover, we are limited to an old Perl/Tk version, 5.00404. I'd like to work within these limitations to make the GUI look as nice and modern as possible. Are there any web-resource...

What is the CSS Sprite Performance gain for repeat visitors?

I have a site that has a large menu and each item on the menu has an icon. I have been looking into implementing a CSS sprite to speed it up, but I am wondering what the performance gain will be. My site is not open to the public so the users will almost always be repeat, so is it worth implementing or should I just rely on caching? ...

How do I set a minimum window size in wxWidgets?

This is the hierarchy of widgets I've got: Frame > wxBoxSizer > wxPanel > wxBoxSizer > wxFlexGridSizer (2 columns, 9 rows), with assorted form fields and buttons inside. The first BoxSizer is to place the panel in, and the second is to make a border around the FlexGrid. Everything looks nice, and the frame can expand properly if the w...

Need to mousewheel scroll a usercontrol.

I have a usercontrol I created. I added a panel and a vertical scrollbar to the right of it. I'd like to be able to scroll it with the mousewheel. The problem is there doesn't seem to be any events that fire on mousewheel. If I take the panel off then the usercontrol has focus and it will fire on mousewheel in the form. But with the...

Possible to Create ToolStripMenuItem With Both TextBox and Label?

In a WinForms .Net 2.0 application, I want to create a context menu with a ToolStripMenuItem that has both a label AND a textbox in the item itself. An example of what I am talking about can be found in Access - when viewing an Access table, the context menu has options for "Filter By Selection", "Filter Excluding Selection", and then "F...

Using JEditorPane and its setPage method

I have an editor pane which displays an HTML file. When I ask it to do it once, it displays the HTML file fine. I then make changes to my HTML file and use the setPage method so that it prints the updated HTML file but it doesn't do this even though the HTML file is changed. Is this a problem with the Editor pane or is there something w...

Winforms should I multi thread or use event timer?

I currently have a thread that listens for data from the network and then runs rules on it. I then want to pass the data to the GUI. I am worried about having a deadlock in the GUI. I cant figure out were to put the mutexes on the GUI side. I am also using c# and dotnet 3.5. What I have come up with is 1) Using a timer to create an eve...

Tutorial on NOT using Interface Builder for iPhone GUI design?

Does anyone know of a good tutorial on iPhone GUI design using just code and not Interface Builder? I am new to iPhone development, and I wanted to better understand what is going on behind the scenes. ...

Running SWT components within a Swing App

I was wondering if anybody had any experience trying to run a complex SWT UI hosted inside a Swing component. I've managed to get a very simple demo going but if anyone else has tried and failed / succeeded to do this it'd be great to learn from their experiences. So to reiterate my application is a Swing app I wish to make use of a co...