
Is it better to use WPF over WinForms?

For a brand new application, is it better to use WPF over WinForms? I used WinForms before but not much WPF. AFAIK WPF is the successor to WinForms, right? The application is gonna host DirectX windows (not WPF 3d, but managed dx / slimdx) with lots of custom controls. EDIT: The application is a 3d related application, editor, such as ...

What programming languages/platforms can you use for GUI in a WinPE environment?

I'm starting work on a project that must be delivered in WinPE. I will likely be able to use WinPE 3.0. I'm also aware of Bart's PE and VistaPE, but I think I'm going to stick with WinPE. I need x64 support and the full range of storage drivers. I want to develop an app with a GUI and network access. I would like to work in Visual Studi...

how to focus a JFrame?

I am writing a small game, with one JFrame that holds the main game, and another JFrame that displays the score. the problem is, when I am done constructing them, the score JFrame always ends up focused! I have tried calling scoreDisplay.toFront(), scoreDisplay.requestFocus(), and even: display.setState(JFrame.ICONIZED); display.setStat...

Scripting a GUI from within a Windows Service?

I would like to automate a windows app that comes only with as a GUI app (no support for command-line). The automation itself is relatively straightforward with AutoIt. Yet, I am wondering, is-it possible to launch the Windows App from with a windows service (that would simply call the AutoIt script)? ...

Swing: how do I close a dialog when the ESC key is pressed ?

GUI development with Swing. I have a custom dialog for choosing a file to be opened in my application; its class extends javax.swing.JDialog and contains, among other components, a JFileChooser, which can be toggled to be shown or hidden. The JFileChooser component already handles the ESC key by itself: when the file chooser is shown (...

How to move from WinForms to WPF

I used WPF very little before and some stuff seemed very different to achieve. Coming from a winforms background, what things will seem different and take you a while to figure out. Off top of my head, I remember not being able to specify which nodes are selected in a treeview control the way it's done in winforms, if I am not wrong. ...

Dynamic controls and sliding panels/rollouts in WPF

Is it easy to do sliding panels, such as the one show in this video, where the controls are populated dynamically but also expanded/collapsed when the user is clicking the panels. It also allows scrolling if the height of the visible panels is larger than the application height. ...

Tools for experimental Protocol Design & Development?

Are there any open source, high level tools that would facilitate and simplify development of experimental network protocols (TCP/UDP) using a GUI? Basically, something like a dynamic state machine editor that would allow you to define "packets", "messages", "states", "validators", "handlers" etc. Preferably, such a tool would be compr...

GUI Development With C++ In A Windows Enviroment

First off, please understand. I searched this and messed with it for weeks. I have finally given up a solo endeavor and decided to ask this lovely community to help. I wanted to write GUI applications for windows. Reason being I wanted to port my favorite command line applications to have an interface. I though 'Hey this shouldn't be t...

How to make Linux C++ GUI apps

What is the easiest way to make Linux C++ GUI apps? I'm using GNOME and ubuntu 8.10. ...

Common Lisp GUI Programming With System Calls

Can anyone tell me about using (Steel Bank) Common Lisp for writing GUIs via system calls? I know there are some libraries out there but this is a language learning exercise, so I want to do it myself. I'm developing on Kubuntu 8.10 and SBCL 1.0.18. Thanks. ...

Should I learn GTK+ or GTKMM?

I am a C# programmer who started using ubuntu about 2 years ago. I'm wanting to learn GUI programming in either C or C++. I don't really like mono, it tends to crash on my system. I have a basic understanding of C++. I have never worked in C, but it looks cool. Which toolkit should I learn/use? Give Pro/Cons of each. Thanks! ...

Best animation to show addition/removal of list element

What is the best way to communicate visually that an element has been added to or removed from a list of items? (I'm going for usability, not gratuitous eye candy) Slide the other items up or down to show the new item or hide the deleted item Fade items in or out, but do not animate the other items A combination of #1 and #2 No animat...

using buttons in netbeans gui frame

Ok, so I'm pretty noob at JAVA, and programming in general really. I'm trying to make a rock, paper, scissors app that with run with a GUI interface. What I'm trying is the simplest thing I thought of, press a button for your choice (r, p, or s) and that will make a variable used in the rest of the program to compare to the computer's ...

WPF: Connect UIControls with a rope which behaves physically correct (inspired by Pixelmator)

Pixelmator [1] has a quite impressive GUI. So far I've just played a bit with it. If you are using a filter, which is applied to a part of a picture, the window in which the parameters of the filter can be set is connected with a rope to the concerning part of the image (see 2). However I was wondering about two things. How do I impleme...

Using C# WinForms Designer on Panel instead of Form?

Warning: I'm new to GUI building in C# (come from a long history in Java with Swing and SWT.) Using VS2008, When I create a new class, and extend System.Windows.Forms.Form, the WinForms Designer works really nicely. However; when I create a new class and extend System.Windows.Forms.Panel, the designer does not work nearly as elegantly ...

iPhone-like (slot machine) 'picker' select box for the web?

I'm looking for a iPhone-like "picker" control that I'm able to use on the web. Accessibility is not a concern. JavaScript will be available on all clients and the web app will be run on an environment provided to the user. If the solution could gracefully degrade to a select box though, that would be great. Flash & Silverlight are not...

How to update GUI from another thread in C#?

What is the simplest way to update an label from another thread? My problem: I have a winform(thread1), from that I'm starting another thread(thread2). While thread2 is processing some files I would like to update a label on the winform, with status from thread2. How can I do that? ...

Which is better to display extra info on web page? Pop up when you click or when you hover?

I like to display more info on certain keywords in a web page. I don't want to send the visitor to another page and I prefer to show the extra info on top of the current page. The keywords are in an html list. It's basically a list of features and I want to offer more info about the features. So I have two ideas based on having 'More In...

Python Tkinter Shell to GUI ?

I have created a program that prints results on command line. (It is server and it prints log on command line.) Now, I want to see the same result to GUI . How can I redirect command line results to GUI? Please, suggest a trick to easily transform console application to simple GUI. NOTE:It should work on Linux And Windows. ...