
HTMLayout tutorials or guides?

I've been looking at for a while, I find the idea behind HTMLayout quite compelling, but I feel confused, I keep wondering: where is the documentation?? I just have no idea how to start using it. Someone once suggested I use the Sciter instead, but again, same problem, I have no clue how to get starte...

mod_rewrite GUI?

Anyone have a graphical tool for developing mod_rewrite rules. Ideally it would display a pipeline of rewrites and then when given an instance of a uri would show the transforms as the get applied. It's always a pain to get them setup just right so any way of making it easier would help. ...

Where / What is the Package Explorer in Eclipse PDT

I'm trying to get hidden files to show in Eclipse (namely, a .htaccess file), and the answers point to doing something in the 'Package Explorer'. I'm using Eclipse PDT 2.1 and it's not apparent to me what / where that is. How do I get to this fabled 'Package Explorer' ???? ...

How to dynamically display one of two Winforms tabs?

I have a TabControl with 5 tabs, and the contents of one of the tabs depends on some conditions or modes - Sometimes it needs to show one set of controls, on other times it should show an entirely different set of controls. What is the easiest way to achieve this? I tried setting up two different tabs, and using something like tab.Enabl...

What's the best way of working with an artist on a WPF application?

I'm about to finish the core components of my application and I'm willing to change gears soon and do a bit of GUI programming. From the beginning I decided to write a WPF-based application for two reasons: a) I want my application to be visually stunning and 100% skineable. b) I completely suck at designing user interfaces and then som...

What Java IDEs work well with existing GUIs and may help with conversions?

I have an application of some 85 "frames" which was originally written with JBuilder 5 - an early IDE. The app is pure Java and I think it's all mostly Swing and AWT. So, the core question is: What IDEs can help me both maintain my existing application, possibly convert it from standalone to JSP, and hopefully also help with new developm...

Is there a plugin that integrates to CPPUnit with VS2008 or Eclipse CDT?

We have some projects that have CPPUnit tests that are build and run using an ant script to build them all (right now we're using Borland C++, but we're moving to VS2008). The problem is that the interface to run and see the result of tests is unpleasant (command prompt). It would be awesome to have them run inside eclipse or VS2008. I...

User interface for sorting a table by multiple columns

I need a user interface that allows users to sort a table according to multiple columns (e.g. sort by color and then price within color, or alternatively price and then color within price). The only such interface I'm familiar with is the dialogue box found in Excel under data > sort, but this is rather clunky and does not yield itself t...

Java GUI libraries

I have been working with the Swing library for a long time, I'm working on a new project for school and due to the nature of the program it can't look like a generic/boring swing gui. So my question is does anyone know of an interesting java gui library that is not swing or awt? ...

Chrome / IE8 multi-process design, is it possible in .NET?

Google Chrome and IE8 (among others) aim to provide greater reliability/stability by isolating each tab (web page) in a separate process (over-simplified, I know). This would seem to be much more heavyweight then multiple threads, but has the major benefit of a crash in one process not bringing down the whole application. It seems the ...

Most useful animation in web or desktop application

Many animation effects are simply gratuitous eye candy -- however, there are situations where animations effectively communicate to the user what's going on. What are some of your favorite uses for animations, and what specific animation type would you use? E.g.: Animate items downwards when a new item is inserted into a list ...

Use of gradiants/patterns to improve usability?

Gradients and patterns lend a certain visual "depth" to an application, but apart from that, do they yield any discernible usability improvements? ...

WPF alternatives

WPF is positioned as a successor to WinForms, but given Microsoft's practice of abandoning toolkits (and what I perceive a s"bloat" in WPF), are there any recommended alternatives? ...

How to automate a Java GUI ?

Is there a way to write a script on windows to automatically run a Java GUI and place a file name in the text box? I don't have access to the source code of this GUI, so need an external tool to be able to automate this process. I would appreciate any recommendations for free tools or scripts which I can use. ...

When to use ellipsis after menu items

In pretty much all applications that have a menu bar, some of the items have an ellipsis (...) after them, and some don't. Is there a well known convention on when to put that ellipsis there and when not to? When do you do it? Do you do it? I have looked at various windows applications, and this is what I have come to: Ellipsis Menu...

Is there any SQL designer (for linux or web-based) for mysql/sqlite/postgresql?

I don't know if the term SQL designer is correct, I'm looking for a graphic tool where you can do something like: then it can generate the SQL code for the creation of the tables. Any hint? ...

Is there a gui for nosetests

I've been using nosetests for the last few months to run my Python unit tests. It definitely does the job but it is not great for giving a visual view of what tests are working or breaking. I've used several other GUI based unit test frameworks that provide a visual snap shot of the state of your unit tests as well as providing drill...

Why QWidget::paintEvent doesn't get called?

I have a simple hierarchy of widgets: GraphWidget -> MotionWidget -> NodeWidget. I am new to Qt, so I am not quite sure about how some insides work yet. Basically, GraphWidget creates a single MotionWidget M and sets M's parent to itself. M then goes away and creates a bunch of NodeWidgets. However, NodeWidgets never get painted nor does...

Performance issues when updating UI without checking InvokeRequired first?

I have gotten a bit lazy(it's sometimes good) and started updating WinForms UI by invoking a callback without checking InvokeRequired first. Are there a performance issues or considerations that I should be aware of? private delegate void SetStatusEventHandler(string statusMessage); private void SetStatus(string statusMessage) ...

Separation of concerns; MVC; why?

I'm currently reading up on OO before I embark upon my next major project. To give you some quick background, I'm a PHP developer, working on web applications. One area that particularly interests me is the User Interface; specifically how to build this and connect it to my OO "model". I've been doing some reading on this area. One of...