
Shoes Layout

I'm trying to produce a shoes layout like the following: the text is giving me a problem. I tried: stack { flow { check stack { para 'text 1' para 'text 2' } para 'Free' } } But that doesn't work at all. Any ideas? ...

[WPF] What's the best way to implement a UI state machine?

In my program I have three distinct UI states (Normal, Success, and Error) and in each one the controls are visible/hidden, enabled/disabled, the colors change, labels say different things...etc. and in my code-behind I basically want to be able to say ChangeWindowState(UI.Normal); So my question is how best to implement the control cha...

Web UI prototyping tools

Can anyone recomend me a simple web UI prototyping tool, so I could quicky prototype the look of a my web site. I have tried to use MS Visio for this, but found it very "user un-friendly". What I really need is to be able quicky sketch the layout of the page, put some links, images and buttons on in, play a little bit with a colors (C...

Design of the watch variable (debug) window

I have implemented a script language which supports creation and usage of .NET objects. To make easy to use I want to implement a user interface for looking up variables in memory. I checked the debug/watch variable windows in Visual Studio and in Eclipse and they both seem to use the same pattern - tree view representation of variabl...

ASP C# How to program neat GUI code

For about a few months i'm programming ASP C#. I always program a lot code in the events and in the load event i check the querystring for valid data. This is some sample code i have in one of my projects: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Controller.Manual == null) { Response.Redirect("login.asp...

How can I fix a Java-GUI-program (swing), that it works with awesome-wm?

The swing-UI of Java-programs doesn't work perfectly together with the awesome-wm. awesome is a window-manager for UNIX, that automatically resizes program-windows, and the Swing-UI doesn't recognize these resizes correctly. I don't care if awesome or Java is guilty, what I wanna know if I can change my Java-programs in a way, that they ...

What disadvantages could I have using OpenGL for GUI design in a desktop application?

There are tons of GUI libraries for C/C++, but very few of them are based on the idea that opengl is a rather multiplatform graphics library. Is there any big disadvantage on using this OpenGL for building my own minimal GUI in a portable application? Blender is doing that, and it seems that it works well for it. EDIT: The point of my ...

How can I create a Java Swing app that covers the Windows Title bar?

I'm working on a java swing application that will be used in a psychology experiment and the researchers have requested that I make the program "black out the screen" in order that there should be no outside stimuli for the user. They want the swing app to be truly full-screen and without any type of title bar or minimize/maximize/close ...

Do .NET GUI components support HTML (like Java swing does)?

HTML can be used in Java swing GUI components, like JTextBox, JButton, ... etc. Is there an equivalent to that in .NET (C#) WinForms? or at least some simple way of making a single word bold inside a textbox without using another GUI component? ...

GUI update when starting event handler class on separate thread?

We have a DLL that monitors changes in status and looks for events from a separate, purchased product. Actually, it is a ScreenPop API from Siemens, for those of you who may know what that is. I am using C#.NET 3.5 as the platform. This API takes a looong time to initialize, so we want to use a separate thread to initialize it. Curre...

Are tabbed interfaces confusing?

We are designing a web site and have run into some UI challenges that would be neatly solved with a tabbed interface. Users will interact with different elements of the site (there are some basic view/edit/copy/paste functions available) and having only one object in one tab visible at a time simplifies things quite a bit. We are, of c...

Best programming process for creating a graphically-complex Java Swing Application?

I'm starting a fairly complex Swing application that heavily graphics-oriented with about 1000 separate jpegs, 30+ different forms, and timers keeping track of the rate of user-interactions throughout. My question is from a practical programming perspective, after I've already written a storyboard for the entire project and got it appro...

Reset/remove a border in Swing

Here's a very specific coding question: I've recently been asked to maintain some old-ish Java Swing GUI code at work and ran into this problem: I've attached my own subclass of InputVerifier called MyFilenameVerifier to a JTextField (but it may as well be any JComponent for these purposes). I've overridden the verify() method such th...

Component for "priority table" in JSF?

In a certain page of our JSF application, the user sees a table listing many objects, which we will call "jobs". Let's say each job has a priority, which is nothing but a number, and in this screen the user is able to edit the priorities of the jobs. However, two jobs can't have the same priority number. For this reason, I'm finding it ...

C# tab gui, Hide the body?

How do i get rid of the body in my tabControl? and how do i add and remove tabpages? I need to add/remove tabpages in code but hide the body in code or in the editor. I tried making the tabControl hight <20 but no matter what it has a line showing how wide it is. ...

Thread exception on SelectedNode = .Nodes[0]

Why do i get System.Threading.ThreadStateException? void setupTree(TreeView tv, MyObj o) { tv.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { tv.Nodes.Clear(); tv.Nodes.Add("<root>").Tag = o; tv.SelectedNode = tv.Nodes[0]; //it happens here }); } ...

WPF Gui that changes size with window?

Does anybody have a suggestion on how to create a gui that can change size with the size of the window. Similar to how Media Center works. If media center is maximized the fonts etc increase in size. So the gui is always "uniform"? ...

Showing data in a GUI where the data comes from an outside source

I'm kind of lost on how to approach this problem, I'd like to write a GUI ideally using Tkinter with python, but I initially started with Qt and found that the problem extends either with all GUI frameworks or my limited understanding. The data in this case is coming from a named pipe, and I'd like to display whatever comes through the ...

Easiest way to create a drawing canvas from within a C++ dll?

The scenario is such: there's a program which loads my .dll/.so and calls a function from within it, possibly multiple times, each time expecting a different pointer to state. It uses the different states later in other calls into the dll. (It's a game AI, if you need context; each state is a AI player.) What I want is a cross-platform ...

What are some good examples of "novel user experience" engineering you like/have used for web and Windows apps?

What I'm looking for in this question are interface bits, eye candy, easter eggs, novel error messages or anything cool and interesting that you thought was particularly creative and that enhanced the user experience of an application. Feel free to brag on your own stuff! I'm thinking if things like: Creative 404 pages The Digg 'Kevi...