
Does anyone know about an opensource list of most common error messages?

Does anyone know about an opensource list of most common error messages? My motivation for this question, although I am adept at writing code, English is not my mother tongue. And, such a list (somewhat, like all those free icons on the net) will shorten the last stages of my development, And good (and fun) error messages are part ...

Tab control + DataGridView in WinForms

I have multiple results sets coming back from a server request against a datasource. I want to organise these with a WinForms tabPage for each result set, on a single tabControl. I am displaying the data in a DataGridView, but want to avoid having a DataGridView instance on each tabPage - I'd rather intercept the "switching to new tab ...

What is the preferred method for creating a wxWidget application: using a GUI tool or procedurally in code?

I use wxWidgets to create test tools at work. I have always created the GUI by creating the widgets in code. I haven't tried any of the tools available that help to do this. How do other users of wxWidgets typically create their interface? If you use a tool, which tool do you use? If you use a tool, what advantages and disadvantages...

Dummy Item in ComboBox

I've reached the time for a design decision on how to indicate 'none selected' in a data bound ComboBox. I wish to apply this to all future occurrences where a ComboBox needs this. One cannot set SelectedIndex to -1 on data bound combos, nor can one set SelectedValue to null. Commonly suggested solutions are to add a dummy row to the ...

Tracing Designs - Screen to Database Traceability

This is vaguely related to: Should I design the application or model (database) first? Design from the database first through to UI or t’other way round? But my question is more about modeling and artifacts and less about the right way to do design. I'm trying to figure out what sort of design artifact would best enunciate the link ...

MFC like easy to use tool for Linux

When I used to write test tools in Windows, I use MFC for creating the front-end GUI. This made development of GUI development very fast, and I always used to concentrate on the back-end. Recently I moved to the console based Linux-world. Where most of the things are just console based. My question: Is there any easy to use equivalent o...

Alternative to JFileChooser

I've a request to make some changes to a little applet that currently use a JFileChooser. One of the main complaints is that the file chooser is a pain in the ass to use because it behaves differently than the native widget, especially for navigating up to the root level. So, knowing that and all the other issue JFileChooser suffer (lik...

suggestions for declarative GUI programming in Java

I wonder if there are any suggestions for declarative GUI programming in Java. (I abhor visual-based GUI creator/editor software, but am getting a little tired of manually instantiating JPanels and Boxes and JLabels and JLists etc.) That's my overall question, but I have two specific questions for approaches I'm thinking of taking: Ja...

C# GUI handle problems on close

I get a System.InvalidOperationException error when i close my app before the search is done. When i close on Form1_FormClosing i tell all my threads to abort. In one thread it has finalize which calls a delegate function which tells one of the controls in the form to change its text. When that happens I get the exception above along wit...

Creating an Array of JLabels

I'm trying to create 5 Jlabels using netbeans GUI Design, the Labels are supposed to display 5 different values. I need to combine these 5 JLabels in 1 array of Labels. is there any options in the design that let me do that? ...

"Sketch" mockup tool that supports hyperlinking?

Balsamiq Mockup is nice, but I'd like something similar that could produce something that I could distribute to clients that would allow them to click on elements and move between the mockups. Not looking for any fancy navigation - just the ability to move from on screen to the other based on what it click - like "hyperlinked regions". ...

Resizing a Single Control In WinForms

How might I design a UI in C#/WinForms which happens to contain several different control types such that only the ListView control gets resized if the user resizes the window? ...

How to avoid the ding sound when Escape is pressed while a TEdit is focused?

In code I have developed some years ago I have been using this a lot to close the current form on pressing the Escape key at any moment: procedure TSomeForm.FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin if key = #27 then close; end; This behaviour is defined for the TForm. The form's KeyPreview property is be set to True to ...

C# GUI with tabs

I want to make a WindowsFormApplication that has multiple tabs. Like For different options, like a "Settings" tab maybe an "About tab" etc. How would I go about this? ...

Distinguish between designer and runtime code

I have two processes which exange messages each other. Process A is a normal (i.e non-qt) program which sends messages to process B. Process B is a QT GUI application showing received messages into a text box. I created a customized widget (called ShowMessages) which inherits from QPlainTextEdit and reads messages from a pipe when a tim...

Implementing MS Access style 'relationships' GUI

I have no idea what the correct name for this UI style is. In MS Access the 'relationships' tool shows the db tables as little movable boxes that can be linked with lines. It's the same with Visio and a few audio apps - boxes that are movable, containing lines of text that can be joined together in a meaningful way. How could I create a...

How to make canvas with Swing?

Hi, I'm trying to make a paint editor with Java in which I have a toolbar with the objects that I would like to paste in the canvas. I'm using swing components to make the GUI, but when I looked for the way of making the canvas, I only found the class canvas from awt. Is there any way to make something similar to canvas with swing? (f...

Windows Form with String Table

I have Normal Windows Form (WinForm) C# (.Net 3.5) application, this application has label with text and menus and etc... also this application display sometimes Message Boxes to the user, and write some information to files. I would like that all information that the user can see (by GUI or by files) will be manage by (One, if it possi...

Which layer should be responsible from loading plugins?

I've got an application with 2 main components + other DLLs: Core DLL (got all core functionality) GUI 3rd Party and Totally Independent DLLs which requires for DI etc. Now I'm implementing plugin support. Which DLL should be responsible from loading these plugins? GUI or the Core DLL? I'm using MEF so not quite sure where to sti...

Is there a cross-platform GUI framework for C#/.NET?

Let's say just for the joy of it, I decide that I don't want to write desktop applications in Java any more, instead want to switch to using C#. I want to be able to build an application that will run on some mainstream Linux distribution, and a recent release of MS Windows. It will have a GUI component. In Java I can build an applic...