
Editing checkboxes in a Matlab GUI

Using the GUI guide editor in Matlab 2008b, I have run into a problem with check boxes. I have looked at numerous online tutorials and such but haven't found a solution. My problem is that I have a button that resets everything in the GUI (editing a picture). However, there are checkboxes in my GUI and I can't figure out how to desele...

Showing results in MATLAB GUI

I'm using MATLAB GUIDE to create a simple GUI. I'd like to know which uicontrol I should use to show some results: editable text or static text. In addition, I don't want the new results to replace the old ones. ...

Image Map-like Blackberry Control - CLDC Application

Does anyone know of an Image Map-like Blackberry Control that I can use in my CLDC application? If there isn't one, is there a way to get click x,y coordinates on a MainScreen or BitmapField derived control? Thanks, ...

Visual feedback from C# service

Is it true that a service written in C# is unable to give visual feedback to the desktop? I understand that services start up before user logon and at that point ther is no desktop available. My question then, apart from logging events in the system event log which is not a very efficient way of communicating to the user, what are my a...

Is there tool to construct XSL/XSL-FO with GUI?

Hello all is there any good tool to construct XSL and XSL-FO from XMLs / SQL queries but as GUI designer? Thanks ...

Picture (logotype) in Vista window header

There is a nice feature in modern windows applications for vista. It is picture in the window header. For instance new skype (v4) and google chrome have it. I was woundering what is technology behinde it? If you switch off aero style, windows still has decaration. Probably application totaly redraw window frame. However, I didn't find ...

Are there any Java libraries which I can use for automated testing of Windows GUIs?

Currently I am doing automated integration testing using FitNesse (Java) and have successfully plugged-in Watij to access a web-based application. I would like to extend this to also drive Windows GUI (non-Java) applications. To this end, are there any Java libraries available which I can use in a similar way? ...

What are the benefits and challenges of developing web apps vs desktop apps?

I am having some issues with managers, because they believe that (intuitively) creating desktop apps is easier than creating web apps (because you have less constraints). But in my opinion, it is more difficult because of some reasons: The literature for desktop apps is vastly smaller than for web apps Coding panels and buttons is hard...

MATLAB GUI using GUIDE: List Box problem

I'm creating a MATLAB GUI that contains two uicontrol objects: a pushbutton and a listbox. I use the pushbutton to add file names to the listbox. When I run the GUI from the m-file it works fine. The problem occurs only when I run the .fig file itself. Here is the callback code and the error: function add_file_Callback(hObject, eventdat...

Differences between Java and C# and .NET

Apologies in advance for the possible flame thread, but that's not what I'm going for. I've only ever done serious development in Linux using C and C++, and I'm looking to take the plunge into Windows. I've been doing some reading and asking around, and it seems to me that .NET with C# is the way to go for developing commercial user-or...

Adding Java GUI component on Mouse Event

Hey Stack Overflow folks, I have been trying to get code working where i can double click on an item in a JList and it creates a new JList on a different place on the Frame from scratch of all the object names of items that belong to that category (this is useless info i guess). But the problem is when i double click on the items in the...

Jquery tab postback

Hi, I am using jquery remote tab with to load my .aspx pages.The problem is if suppose i have a main page called "Parent.aspx" which contains the jquery tab and child page "Page1.aspx" which is loaded via remote tab into the "Parent.aspx".When i click on a server side button on my Page1.aspx, the whole window redirects to the Pag...

About the 3D UI engine in open-source

There are many 3D UI engines in SourceForge and other opensource forum, I would like know which is best one you used? Support D3D in Windows Provide UI Builder tool Support Auto Layout Easy to do localization thanks. ...

What are some examples of Windows desktop applications with beautiful GUIs?

This is a subjective question. For those who are Windows developers coding desktop applications, what are the most beautiful or nice looking GUI you have ever seen or built? Why am I asking this? I'm looking for good models to follow. See also: What is the best UI you've ever used? ...

Signal-slot architecture best practice

I am using libsigc++ to wire up an application, and is uncertain as to the easier way of going about it. There is a preexisting object hierarchy that manages the data layer, and the top level object exposes all functions. All good so far. To this I am adding a GUI object hierarchy, and in the application object I am hooking them toge...

Smooth ( animated ) GUI transitions

From time to time you can see smooth animated transition displayed for resizing, expanding and appearing graphical controls. Not just some tail-wagging file search dog, but animation of widget configuration changing it's state structurally and/or geometrically. I haven't used Windows Vista much, but sure know that on XP you can set this...

How can I allow for user definable XML file formats?

I want to allow users to upload files with transaction information to my application. I want users to be able to user their own file format when doing so (XML or CSV). So I'm going to need a transformation from their format to my format before doing further processing. I don't want to have to create this XSLT manually every time a use...

os x gui api clarification

If I wanted to write my own window manager for OS X (please dont respond with "whats the point"??), what APIs should I be looking at? ...

About GUI editor that would be compatible with Python 3.0

Hi there, I would like to start learning Python (zero past experience). I am a bit inclined to start with Python 3.0. However, I am not sure if at this time there exists a GUI editor that would be compatible with Python 3.0. I've tried installing Glade, but the one I've got works only with Python 2.5. What could I possibly use with Pyt...

Nice IDE for wxPython or Tkinter GUI Development

I've had a little experience developing small command-line apps with Python, I want to move on to developing GUI's with Python, from all the GUI frameworks for Python the ones I feel most inclined to are wxPython and Tkinter but I don't want to code all the GUI by myself at this time. Is there any good GUI IDE for any of this frameworks...