
Obtaining clients IP address in GWT and Google App Engine

I have a need to capture IP address of the client in my GWT/GAE (Java) application. Since GAE does not support full set of APIs I cannot do code such as snippet below. Can anyone suggest reliable way of achieving the same? for (final Enumeration<NetworkInterface> en = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); en.hasMoreElements(...

Is it possible to seamlessly display an ajax spinner for every GWT RPC call?

Hi everyone, I have a GWT application that uses RPC calls heavily. I would like to display a spinner icon whenever a call is in progress. It is easy enough to display the icon, but I want to do it seamlessly in one place so I don't have to explicitly hide and show the icon for each call. I guess I am looking for something similar to jQ...

text in text box

hi, i am pretty new to the gwt framework and i am using it for building the ui of my web site, i would like to make the text box have a text in it that once the user clicks on it for the first time, the text disappears. and in the rest of the time it behaves like a normal text box any ideas on how to do it? ...

Including Information in HTML for Javascript to Consume?

Hi everyone I'm am building a web app with app engine (java) and GWT, although I think my problem is moreso a general javascript question. In my application, I want to include a side-menu which is generated from data in my database. This obviously needs to be done dynamically from a servlet. Currently, I am sending a blank menu c...

GWT Internationalization throws an exception while rebinding

I'm trying to internationalize a test application with GWT following the instruction and I have: In this code I have: public interface MyConstants extends Constants { ...

Brand new to gwt

Can you go from module to module with gwt. For instance when you click to submit login information can you get rid of that ui and go to a new ui for whatever your app happens to do? Also are there any books or tutorials anyone recommends? I have a good understanding of how the ui structures work, but am confused when it comes to things...

How can I make the SmartGWT core smaller?

I have recently written a Hello World application using SmartGWT and noticed that the size of the application is huge. In my case it is over 600kb just for that application. I think that size is obscene so I narrowed the culprit down to two core libraries, ISC_Core and ISC_Foundation which combine for a total size of 649kb. Is there any...

CSS for widgets in gwt

hi, i have few listbox widget, and i need to change the color of the arrow that opens the drop down list, and its surrounding box how can i do it with the CSS? is there an attribute list for all styles that can be applied on a widget? Me ...

setting the side for the radio button gwt

hi, how can make the text of the radio box appear on the left side of the button instead of the right? on left to right languages the standard is the text on radio button is on the right of the radio button, i need to write ui for a right to left language so the test should be placed on the left of the radio button. any advice?? ...

Open id authentication in the same page

I have a requirement where the login page opens up the main page in a popup, this is how I handled it in normal authentication: <http> ... <form-login login-page="/Login.html" authentication-failure-url="/LoginHandler.jsp" always-use-default-target="false" default-target-url="/LoginHandler.jsp"/> ... </http> Login page creates an aja...

Mouse click location on an image

I have a GWT container with some stuff in it and an image which is added a clickhandler. What I try to do is to get the exact mouse event's X and Y coordinates relative to the image. I saw the post here but this is not what I want. As far as I can see, I have option like getting the image absolute location and event location but this ...

creating custom button in gwt

hi, i am trying to do something pretty common with GWT. creating a button behavior with an image and a text. by positioning the text on top of the image. i have used the HTML widget but how can i make the text not selectable? ...

Heatmap (density map) on GWT

I want to creata a heatmap (density map) on images. The examples like the one in are good examples of what I try to do. Is there a GWT way of achieving this? Or any good (flash or js) solution you can suggest (other then the ones mentioned

GWT extending DecoratorPanel and adding to rootPanel

I am new to using gwt, although I am starting to get the hang of things. One perplexing situation I came across today was the following. (This is abbreviated to simplify my question) public class MyPanel extends DecoratorPanel{ public MyPanel(){ final TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb .setText("test"); this.add(tb); ...

How to query google through desktop java app?

I 'm trying to write a simple java desktop app to query google and get the results.I 've read so many articles in the past few days.I know that I have to do it through the gwt (google web toolkit) ,the api that google offers to programmatically query its search engine.My problem is that the gwt seems to be usefull only to construct ajax ...

Using GWT with Mac OS X Leopard

Hi I'm just starting out with GWT but I can't even run the getting started example without getting the following error: Invalid memory access of location 0x10 eip=0x93624148 I am aware of the "java hosted mode 32 bit" stuff, anyway I tried every combination I could think of and still could not get away with that error. I tried: U...

gwt access rootpanel from outside of onModuleLoad

I can use removeFromParent to get rid of something on the RootPanel from a class that doesnt have onModuleLoad in it. However, can you add a widget to the RootPanel from another class? I cannot figure out how to do so. So for example: public classA extends EntryPoint{ public void onModuleLoad(){ MyPanel panel = new MyPanel(); RootPan...

GWT: Timer causes runtime warning.

Hello, I'm working on my first GWT-based Java project for a school assignment. It's a chat application and the client polls the server for new events, while the server keeps an timer for each user to detect inactivity. The following problem occurs at runtime: Dec 8, 2009 7:41:17 PM warn WA...

GWT using domain models /services from external module (jar) ?

Greetings, We have been using our reusable "user-management" module which was written using Spring/Hibernate(using Doman-Model Pattern).We have used that module in several project integrating with Wicket,JSP and ZK frameworks. Now I am going to develop an application using GWT.I am completely new to GWT and I noticed that the domain obj...

No source code is available for type mq.Authentication.IDL.SessionData; did you forget to inherit a required module?

Hi, I am still fairly new to GWT and have hit a snag which makes no sense to me at all. I have a package that I use called: mq.Authentication.IDL which contains a bunch of classes generated from an IDL file. I have incuded the source path="Application.IDL"/ line in the module definition to make sure that the GWT knows about this pack...