
SmartGWT with GWT ?

Greetings , I have been using GWT for few weeks and wanted a rich Table widget.I came across with SmartGWT library. Can I use SmartGWT widgets same way I develop using GWT or is there any special things I need to know ? thanks ...

Client Side sorting + Hibernate Paging?

I use GWT for UI and Hibernate/Spring for buisness-layer.Following GWT widget is used to display the records.( assume the sorting is done in client side. I do not retrieve the entire result set since its huge...

GWT 3rd Party Library Problem : Code Included

Hello :-) I am using Eclipse Version: 3.5.1, GWT 2.0.0, GAE 1.3.0 and I am trying to use XStream 1.3.2 to 'serialize' my Java objects to and from xml between the client and server sides of GWT. On the server side, XStream works without issue. On the client side, the compiler complains that it cannot find source code for the XStream cl...

Sending an ArrayList as a parameter in GWT-RPC

Hi, I tried sending an ArrayList to an RPC service in GWT but keeps on failing. Here is my code fragment greetingService.addNewQuestion(questionnaireKey, questionText, qcList, new AsyncCallback<Boolean>(){ @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert("Something went wrong!\n"+caught.getMessage())...

Error updating jars with Eclipse GWT 2.0 plugin

Ever since updating our project to the newest version of the Eclipse GWT plugin and GWT 2.0 we get an error when starting Eclipse. This is the error message: An internal error occurred during: "Updating project/war/WEB-INF/lib with jars from GWT - 2.0.0". Here is the exception message: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ...

converting GWT1.7 application to GWT2.0

I am developing a web application in GWT 1.7.Now I am planning to move to GWT 2.0. I am using maven build tool and intellij idea IDE.Can any one tell me the maven plugin for GWT2.0 and how to run/debug using intellij idea IDE?RIght now I am using GWT Mojo plugin ? ...

How (im)practical is it to use GWT with something other than Java on the server-side?

For web application development, I've been steeped in dynamic languages such as Ruby, PHP, and Python. Using popular frameworks for these languages, all my knowledge about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript transfers fairly straightforwardly: templates are basically HTML with embedded code that the server executes to generate the dynamic sections...

GWT Lazy Loading

I want to develop a GWT application. The application contains 8 modules and all the modules run in a single page. I have links for all the 7 options on the top. When the page loads I want only the home content to be loaded and displayed. Only when the user clicks the menu options, the menu content should load. Can anyone suggest the...

Balloon-widget for GWT

I'm searching for a balloon-like widget for a GWT application, e.g. like the balloons Google Maps shows when displaying search results on a map. When searching I only found Javascript widgets, but aren't there any widgets to use in GWT? ...

How to layout widgets using DockLayoutPanel and UiBinder in GWT 2.0?

I'm trying to get a simple layout working under GWT 2.0 using UiBinder. The layout I'm trying to get is one that mimic Java's BorderLayout in where you can specify different panels in the north, south, east, west and center directions; for that I'm using DockLayoutPanel. I would like to get a header and footer, both with fixed width. The...

How to develop GWT code(Java) and Appengine code(Python) in one single Eclipse project ?

Hi, The one that close to my question is shown below but I don't understand at all. integration-of-gwt-into-appengine Could anyone give me more details ? Thank you very much. ...

GWT style code splitting in Flex

I do a lot of work with GWT but don't have experience of Flex. I was talking to a guy today who was looking at moving some large Flex based applications to GWT due to the Flex application getting too big and using too much memory in the browser. This is a problem I have had before with GWT - browser apps using lots of memory as all the c...

toggle button pressed color

hi, i am using toggle buttons in my application, i would like to set the backgound-color when the button is pressed. how can i know what is the proper attribute? and in general is there any place that i can know which CSS attribute has which effect on the HTML element? thanks ...

disable text selection in gwt

hi, i am pretty new to GWT, i have an image that i have placed a text on top, i need the text to look as part of the image. i have used the image widget and the HTML widget to position it on top of it, i need this text to change according the locale. the problem that the text is selectable, so it does not look right. 1) is there any ...

How to setup my gwt development environment so it is easy to deploy (web.xml and jars mainly)

Hi, I'm currently developing a project in eclipse (3.5.1) where I'm using gwt for my UI and for the client-server communication. Currently I have two java projects which I need in my GWT project. A DAL project which is a required project in my second java project (Common) and is marked to be exported (Order and Export) and a Common proje...

Google webtool kit or really simple history?

If I want to implement Ajax and have the back/forward button and also a unique URL for everything fully working, should I use Google Web Toolkit or really simple history? Do they provide both these things? It would be nice if someone with experience from these tools could share your thoughts. EDIT: is there a difference between Google...

[GWT2] UiBinder work with ToggleButton

I'm liking the new GWT2 UiBinder, however, it's not clear whether certain things are achievable using the declarative UI style. For instance, ToggleButton only takes the image instances at construction time (no setters for up/down images). As I understand, UiBinder works in a JavaBean-like reflective way, where the assignable attribute...

Pattern Matching framework?

I will be tackling a Java (GWT) project soon (related question). Maybe I am trying to stretch things here but I was wondering if there is any "pattern matching framework" (don't really know if there is a term for this) written in Java? (maybe it is my prolonged exposure to Erlang that twists my thoughts around patterns all the time :-) ...

Can Scala be used to write GWT applications?

Can Scala be used to write GWT applications? (NOTE: Java/Scala novice here...) ...

Is Javaspaces supported on GWT?

Following a suggestion on a related post (see here), I was wondering if Javaspaces technology is supported on GWT? ...