
GWT: get locale information from server side ?

I use GWT along with Spring/Hibernate/AOP. I use an Aspect to send notification emails. In one of my Aspect, I want to get the current locale from GWT,so that I can send the localized email to the user. Is there a way to access GWT Locale data from the client side? Thanks ...

Integrating a GWT Dialog into an existing HTML application

Hi all, I have a situation where I need to integrate a gwt dialog (which to the best of my understanding is implemented as a div with z-index manipulation) into an existing html page. There are two scenarios: 1. Which is the preferrable and more complicated is where i give the host html page another page which they embed as an iframe and...

Eclipse hangs while opening workspace after upgrading to GWT 2.0/Google app engine 1.2.8

After upgrading to the newest GWT/Google app engine I have problems opening my workspace in Eclipse. On startup, Eclipse hangs almost immediately and needs to be closed. This happens only in the workspace where I use GWT with app engine, and I weren't able to consistently reproduce it - sometimes it starts normally, and sometimes I need ...

Can I mix declarative and programmatic layout in GWT 2.0?

I'm trying to redo an existing panel that I made before GWT 2.0 was released. The panel has a few text fields and a scrollable panel below in a VerticalPanel. What I'd like to do is to make the scrollable panel with UIBinder and then add that to a VerticalPanel Below is an example I created to illustrate this: public class ScrollTabl...

How can I use <ui:style> with a FlexTable?

I'm learning to use GWT 2.0 and I'm trying to convert the StockWatcher demo to use the UiBinder. the demo uses stocksFlexTable.getRowFormatter().addStyleName(0, "watchListHeader"); to add styles, but when I add <ui:style> to my XML and move my CSS I can't seem to figure out how to make the style work because there is no stocksFlexTable....

GWT 2.0 Themes?

The default GWT themes are hideous. Does anyone know where a developer can find prepackaged themes that one can just 'drop' into an app and make the app look beautiful? Even worse, GWT 2.0's new Layout widgets do not have any visual styling or themes. Thanks, JP ...

window.onkeyup in GWT

Hi, How do I convert the javascript code "window.onkeyup" (or onkeyup in body tag) to GWT? Regards ...

Is there any existing GWT integration with sharethis or addthis?

I am looking for a way to use the addthis or sharethis service in GWT. These services allow to publish a page to social networks or by email. Couldn't find anything on the web. ...

Issue in making composite widget draggable relatively very new to gwt n dnd.. i have created a composite widget.. when i try to make the object of the composite widget draggable it throws an exception "dragHandle must implement HasMouseDownHandlers, HasMouseUpHandlers, HasMouseMoveHandlers and HasMouseOutHandlers to be draggable" am i missing something very importand?...

GWT Hyperlink getHTML not supporting click event

Hello, In my GWT project, we are revamping the design and i am stuck up with an issue. I my site header, we have a login link which comes in between text like "Already a registered member - Login - Bla bla bla". I am replacing the "Login" text with new Hyperlink("Login", "").getHTML(). I am getting the link but the click event is n...

Embeding a TabLayoutPanel inside a DockLayoutPanel

I'm trying to embed a TabLayoutPanel inside a DockLayoutPanel but the tabs are not showing up :( <ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui='' xmlns:g=''> <g:DockLayoutPanel unit='PX'> <g:north size='200'> <g:HTML> <h1> My He...

What should I do that GWT use <th> instead of <td>?

To build a HTML table I use direct DOM instead of a predefined Widget to set thead and tbody. But when I insert a cell with the insertCell() method GWT inserts an td element but should insert an th element. So TableElement table = Document.get().createTableElement(); TableSectionElement thead = table.createTHead(); TableRowElement hea...

Embed VLC player in GWT

Hello, I want to embed a VLC player in my webapp build with Google's GWT. First I had a look at this page:, which offers a nice solution but I add to implements all javascript functions calls (play, stop, fullscreen) with JSNI. Then I found gwt-player (hosted by Google code) which does all the job for me b...

How to add a GWT click listener to an Image?

I want to click on an image and therefore want to register (e.g.) a ClickHandler. The image I get from a ClientResource. This works so far to set the image into a table cell: MyResources.INSTANCE.css().ensureInjected(); Image colorImage = new Image( MyResources.INSTANCE.colorImage() ); Element colorImageElement = colorImage.getElement()...

GWT AdsManager not displaying ads on map

Here's my code: AdsManagerOptions options = AdsManagerOptions.newInstance(); options.setMaxAdsOnMap(1); AdsManager ads = AdsManager.newInstance(map, "google"); ads.setEnabled(true); I tried doing this before the map is added to a panel, after a map is added to a panel, and any other way i could think of that coul...

GWT simple form validation example

Hi, I'm looking for nice and fast way for validating forms in GWT, that can display errors one by one, focusing on the offending field. I've found gwt-validator and gwt-validation, but their documentation lack of examples. Thanks for help ...

Javascript working in firefox but not IE or chrome

I am using gwt with google maps api and i have a set of tabbed infowindows. in one of them i want to have a recent tweets script running. it works fine in firefox, but it comes up as blank in ie and chrome. heres the HTML that im putting in the tab: HTML recentTweets = new HTML( "<body>"+ "<div style='...

GWT: Reading a file from the server at server's startup

I am trying to have the server read from a file, called "config.txt", in the same directory as the main .html file within the war. In hosted mode, I can easily access the file using a Scanner object: Scanner s = new Scanner("config.txt"); But this does not work when deployed because the file paths are somehow different. How can I get ...

what is best way to paging big Resultset -Java

hi, i am looking for best aproach from perfomance point of view , to show Resultset on webpage partially , lets say by 10 item per page and if user want to see more result, he pressing "next" btn . i think (probablly wrong) it should be new request to the Server when "Next" button is pressed ?? currentlly i trying to learn Java,GWT ...

IE and Chrome not executing unexpected javascript that comes up during runtime

I am using GWT and google maps. I created a custom infowindow which contains a script that will send an http request to twitter for the most recent tweets. i want to display this content inside a tab of the infowindow, but it is only working as expected in firefox. I suspect that this may be the case because IE and Chrome need to know...