
Using GWT with local database

As far as I know, there are two ways to create a local database on the browser, either go with HTML5 window.openDatabase or Google Gears. Which one is better, and why? Are there any other alternatives beside those two? ...

how to relate a flextable row with a database row in gwt

hi all, i'm creating a simple project to try gwt, but i'm a real noob :) i've a table in my db, each row in this table has a unique id. i want my application to read this table and display it's contents in a flextable, omitting the column containing the unique id in the db, 'cause the user is not interested in that id. after that, i want...

How to prevent GWT onload flicker in the Web Application Starter Project?

I'm new to GWT, and I'm sure this is answered in SO somewhere but I've yet to find I downloaded the GWT 2.0 eclipse plugin, and was pleased to see it comes with a starter project. However, I was surprised that when running it, there is an unpleasent flickering... The text loads without the CSS first It takes a while untill the select...

Google Web Toolkit Tutorial Question.

I searched high and low and cannot a button tag in any of the javaScript that is generated that referred to step 7 of the tutorial. I must be looking in the wrong places, or I'm generating the code incorrectly. I generated the code in the three different levels of detail. Can anyone point me in the right direction who's completed the ...

GWT 2.0 Eclipse plugin - how to automatically launch browser on run / debug?

I've downloaded the new GTW 2.0 and it's eclipse plugin In the new eclipse plugin, when running or debugging instead of opening the browser, it shows this: For your convenience, here are some URLs that you may wish to view in development mode. Simply copy/paste a URL below into any supported browser. At least they could have made ...

Dynamically generated javascript not executing in Chrome or IE, works in Firefox

I'm using the google maps API with GWT to create a tabbed infowindow with tweets inside one of the markers. the source of the tweets is dynamically generated. heres the java code: HTML recentTweets = new HTML( "<div>"+ "<script type='text/javascript' src=''&g...

HTML support for column formatting using GWT?

In GWT I am using the following CSS to apply a format: .watchListHeader { background-color: #2062B8; color: white; font-style: italic; } Here is what I get when I apply the format in two different ways. stocksFlexTable.getColumnFormatter().addStyleName(0, "watchListHeader"); stocksFlexTable.getRowFormatter().addStyleName(0,...

GWT vs SmartGWT, extJS

What's the difference between using GWT and other licensed extensions to it like SmartGWT and extJS? Does it have to do mainly with the number of components and ease of integration into an existing or new web application? In other words, if I am building a J2EE web app and am considering implementing the UI layer with GWT (as opposed to ...

How to style an Horizontal Splitter panel in GWT 1.5

I have this requirement to style a right side of a horizontal splitter panel. From what i know, GWT 1.7 has support for the individual panel (left and right) styles, But we are using GWT 1.5 here. gwt code: HTML div1 = new HTML("Div 1"); div1.setWidth("200px"); div1.setHeight("200px"); HTML div2 = new HTML("Div 2"); div2.setWidth("400p...

How can i add clickHandler to the <li> tag in GWT ?

Hi I want to add ClickHandler to the < li> tag please help me ... ...

Please explain Ext-GWTs layouting (and resizing) model to me

I cannot seem to get my head around how to do a proper layout in Ext GWT that responds properly to resizes. I assume that I can declaratively specify layouts, put my components in them, and let the library take care of the rest; I just haven't figured out how yet. What I really don't want to be doing is writing resize handlers for my co...

Pushing javascript too hard with Script# and javascript?

So I have been playing around with a home project that includes a lot of js. I having been using Script# to write my own library etc. Personally I wouldn't write a lot of js if I didn't have a tool like Script# or GWT to help maintain it. So far it includes these external libraries: – ASP.NET AJAX – ExtJS – Google Maps – Google Visuli...

How to declare dependent style names with UiBinder

I have a simple UiBinder widget containing a TextArea: <!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM ""&gt; <ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui="" xmlns:g=""> <g:TextArea visibleLines="3" /> </ui:UiBinder> I want to control the background color of th...

Is a colon safe for friendly-URL use?

We are designing a URL system that will specify application sections as words separated by slashes. Specifically, this is in GWT, so the relevant parts of the URL will be in the hash (which will be interpreted by a controller layer on the client-side): http://site/gwturl#section1/section2 Some sections may need additional attributes,...

How to handle caching of GWT theme CSS files

I've got an app written with Struts/Tiles/JSP that I'm adding a GWT app to. The non-GWT portion of my app handles css caching by actually writing out the css file with a version number taken from my svn repository attached, like this "styles.css?svnbuild=12345". That way I can tell the browser to cache those css files forever and when ...

GWT and storing a session key

My app logs into an external service & needs to store the sessionKey (the sessionKey needs to be added to the HTTP header for future RPC calls). What alternatives do I have for storing the sessionKey ? I've read about a scenario where the sessionKey is saved into a DIV tag on the page. Thanks for enlightening me. ...

Disable user interaction in a GWT container?

I want to disable/enable user interaction (mouse click more specificly) on many widgets like hyperlink, button, etc which are contained in a composite (flextable) there are more than one click handlers, and I don't want to bother with removing and adding listeners according to mode (interaction enabled/disabled) Any ideas would be appr...

Key Value Observation (ala Cocoa) in GWT ?

Hi all, There are these 2 frameworks out there in the same "cloud application" space as GWT: Sproutcore and Cappuccino. Cappuccino is Cocoa for the web, Sproutcore is Cocoa-like and one very central idea in both is Key Value Observation where the framework itself provides the glue to change all dependencies of an object when it changes...

GWT Collapsible Panel found in common google services?

The GWT Incubator contains this widget, but it doesn't provide the clean look and feel I am looking for. The Same page does show precisely the widget I would like to use: A thin resize bar with the small middle arrow icon which is clicked to hide/show a docked panel on the side of the page. The widget appears on many google services pag...

Middle mouse down in GWT is being swallowed by Safari

I've been writing a GWT app that does various simple things with images like pan, zoom, brighten, etc. when you click and drag the mouse. Everything is working really well in all the browsers, except Safari. Well, Chrome 3 was also a problem but my app now works fine in Chrome 4. The problem is capturing the middle mouse down events. ...