
GWT/Maven/Eclipse - Development Mode: URL not showing in Eclipse (only JavaEE version!)

Hi, I followed instructions on how to setup a maven gwt project using the gwt-maven-plugin. It works nicely, and under a 64-bit version of eclipse downloaded for Windows, with Java packages added later via EPP update sites, it works beautifully. However, on my mac, with eclipse downloaded directly from website as a pre-built, JavaEE bund...

component composite

what is a difference between component and the class extend composite in gwt? ...

How to right align buttons on a HorizontalPanel (GWT)

Hello, I am trying to implement a simple dialog. I would like to have OK and cancel buttons aligned right at the bottom of the dialog. I embed the buttons into the HorizontalPanel and try to set horizontal alignment to RIGHT. However, this does not work. How to make the buttons align right? Thank you. Here's the snippet: private Widget...

How to get a nested div in GWT

Hi I want to get a nested div in GWT and be able to put a widget in there. Something like this: <div id="container"> <div id="content_left"> </div> ...other divs </div> I want to be able to get content_left and put a widget in there. So far all RootPanel gets are the divs inside the tag. I also tried using DOM.getElemen...

Good examples of sites built with PHP on server side and GWT on client side?

All the time, I use PHP on server side to generate HTML/XHTML directly or via Smarty/PHPTAL or any other templating engine. I do believe most of developers follow the same path most of the time. Now I'm thinking of delegating GUI & client-side to GWT and using to send RPCXML / RPCJSON / POST / GET to server side which run PHP. I'm looki...

Can GWT be configured to create cache files in other location than the user's home folder?

I have a large project which I am compiling with GWT. During this process GWT generates some cache files in C:\Documents and Settings\[UserDir]\Local Settings\Temp\. For example: gwt60627byte-cache (86,321 KB) gwt60628byte-cache (4,445 KB) gwt60629byte-cache (53,773 KB) gwt60696byte-cache (8,111 KB) gwt60697byte-cache (572,777 KB) I k...

Does Google-Collections work with GWT?

I was just reading my news when I stumbled on Google-Collections project. Does this work with GWT? ...

Guava libraries and GWT

Just discovered the Guava libraries project. Do these work with GWT? ...

How do I get maven managed dependencies copied into war\web-inf\lib so I can run my GWT 2.0 app in debug mode within Eclipse?

I am updating an existing project from GWT 1.5.2 to GWT 2.0.0. We use maven 2 to manage our dependencies and do all of our development in Eclipse 3.5. Because we use maven to manage our dependencies, I do not have all of those jars in the war\web-inf\lib directory as GWT specifies. Instead, they are in the maven repository, just where...

GWT FormPanel not submitting in IE - works fine on FF, Chrome, Safari

I am using a simple FormPanel in GWT ( Once setting the action for the form, in Firefox, Safari, Chrome the submit method works fine while in IE (8) nothing happens when submit is called (I am submitting a form to paypal, not that it matters). I am on GWT 2.0. Is this some kind of known probl...

GWT 2.0 & CSS Resource Bundles

I have a GWT 2.0 ToggleButton that I have styled from a ResourceBundle: ToggleButton tb = new ToggleButton(); tb.setStyleName(MyResources.INSTANCE.MyCssResource().TogBut()); The client side implementation then adds additional styles to the "TogBut-up" and "TogBut-down" for the styling of the states of the button. I can't however add...

how to simple add an object to a collection in hibernate from client

Hello, I'm trying to add an object to a collection in my client view and to save it on server with hibernate/jpa mechanism. Here is the problem: Take a Group object which can contains Account objects. On my client view (gwt), I create a new group (so the id is null) and I add to this group some accounts (where ids exist). BUT these ac...

How do I wrap a StackLayoutPanel in a DecoratorPanel using UiBinder?

Hello Everyone :-) After having successfully built a non-trivial UI programmatically using GWT, I am trying to recreate the same UI using UiBinder. I have never used any kind of declarative UI system before and although I am making progress and can see the benefits of such an approach, I am failing to get a DecoratorPanel to wrap a Stac...

cannot fetch image data in gwt google datastore - image is strected out

I have a class in which I have decrlared a serialized class to store image data @Persistent(serialized = "true") private DownloadableFile imageLogoFile; Implementation of the class public class DownloadableFile implements Serializable { public DownloadableFile(byte[] content, String filename, String mimeType) { super(); this....

How to always use the same PersistenceManager within the same RPC request on Google App Engine

Is there a way to ensure the same PersistenceManager instance is used throughout the different code parts executed in the context of the same RPC request? Having to manually handle out the persistence manager instance from function to function is quite a pain: for example: private void updateItem(ItemModel listItem) throws ...

Hibernate, GWT and Gilead: sessions, transactions and caches

I am writing a GWT application, using Hibernate at the server side. Right now, I am entirely confused about the correct way to transfer my objects to the client side of the GWT application in the least amount of code. I am using Gilead to avoid having to double the amount of classes in my domain model [1]. First off, my question is how ...

GWT Clone a widget using DOM.clone

I wish to programatically clone a widget. I am able to clone the Element inside the Widget with Dom.clone but I don't seem to be able to create a Widget from this cloned element. Is this possible? //somewhere in onModuleLoad()... Button button = new Button("Original"); RootPanel.get().add(button); //........

GWT's CssResource in IE

With GWT 2.0, I can't get CssResource to work properly in IE. I'm using NotStrict css resource, with some top level selectors like "html, body". It works well in webkit & gecko browsers, in IE, only a few CSS rules are injected, like 5% of my stylesheet. It's very hard do debug. ...

ClientBundle Resources Path in GWT

Hello, I have a maven gwt project, and I'm using ClientBundle to package my image resources within the project. I would like to place the images in /src/main/resources as should be done in maven instead of src/main/java/com/mycompany/myproject/client as gwt wants. Is there any way I can achieve this? Thank you, Sammy ...

Async data fetching from Java WebService

Hello I'm implementing a client-server GPS application. Client side is a J2ME midlet that sends GPS location via HTTP/XML to a Java Webservice (Tomcat servlet). The servlet stores positions in SQL database. The other client app is a web browser that can login and see the actual position of midlet using Google Maps. This client is writte...