
jUnit testing with Google Web Toolkit

I would like to be able to run a set of unit tests by linking to them in my application (e.g. I want to be able to click on a link and have it run a set of jUnit tests). The problem is that GWT and jUnit don't seem to be designed for this capability -- only at build time can you run the tests it seems. I would like to be able to includ...

How to get maven gwt 2.0 build working

EDIT: Added some of the output of the mvn -X -e commands at the end My company is developing a GWT application. We've been using maven 2 and GWT 1.7 successfully for quite a while. We recently decided to upgrade to GWT 2.0. We've already updated the eclipse project and we are able to successfully run the application in dev-mode. We ar...

GWT Grid - how to measure rendering time on client

Hello, we've got an application developed in java, with GWT providing the frontent. The application is used on a variety of hardware specifications, e.g. also on older machines. Of course users complain about performance. We'd like to collect profiling data from real-world users. So far we can measure the pure server-side duration (tha...

Displaying HTML in GWT Panel

Is there a way to display HTML in a GWT Panel? ...

GWT Spreadsheet Cell

I am trying to reproduce the behavior of a spreadsheet cell using GWT. I was able to make a Composite widget called "Cell" which is by default a "Label" widget. When a user clicks on this widget, it becomes a "TextBox" widget. On a blur event, the widget becomes a "Label" widget once again. My question concerns efficiency and rendering ...

problem with GWT 2.0 Chrome developer plugin

Hi, I have recently updated the GWT SDK from 1.5.3 to 2.0.0 on a project. I managed to fix all issues but one. I can't use the development mode with chrome. The login page of my application loads perfectly but when I try to log in (i.e. make an RPC) I get the following error: (Error): Er...

Visual GUI Buider

Is there a visual GUI builder, such as GWTDesigner that one could use in developing with Grails? I am new to Grails and am presently working from the command line and using a text editor. I have briefly looked at using Eclipse and Netbeans as IDEs. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...

Why GWT? Advantages and Trade-Offs of Using This RIA Framework

I'm new to stackoverflow and have been reading through a bunch of the "highest voted" questions for GWT. Several of these questions talk about the pitfalls or problems with GWT. In the articles: Which Javascript framework (jQuery vs Dojo vs … )? and Biggest GWT Pitfalls?, some posters seem to suggest that GWT is not lightweight enough o...

Regex in GWT to match URLs

I implemented the Pattern class as shown here: And I would like to use the following regex to match urls in my String: (http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))? Unfortunately, the Java compiler of course...

How to effectively show an icon in GWT only in the row the user hit with the mouse?

I like this effect (which is used here in StackOverflow too to remove comments) that when the mouse enters a row an icon is shown to remove this row. If the mouse doesn't hit any row there is no icon at all. I solved this in my GWT application but I am not so happy with the solution because it seems hat it consumes a lot of CPU. What I ...

GWT java.util.Date serialization bug

GWT doesn't serialize Java Date properly. When I tried sending Date created in Javascript through the wire, I found out that dates between April 1st (funny) and 25th October for years before year 1983 get subtracted by one day. That means that, say, both 1982-04-01 and 1982-03-31 become 1982-03-31 on the Java side. Given the dates in q...

Client did not send n bytes as expected

We get this error: [#|2009-08-12T11:38:31.803-0700|SEVERE|sun-appserver9.1|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=16;_ThreadName=httpSSLWorkerThread-38080-3;_RequestID=8b3571bb-3c36-43f1-9e38-6947ca376436;|WebModule[]Exception while dispatching incoming RPC call javax.servlet.ServletException: Client did not send 142 bytes as e...

GWT: Menus in UiBinder

I would like to implement menus (MenuBar, MenuItem) using the declarative approach via UiBinder in GWT 2.0. I have run into two problems: 1) Is there a way to add MenuItemSeparators in the .ui.xml file? So far, I have only managed to put MenuBar- and MenuItem-tags into the file. 2) Using @UiHandler, GWT writes the boilerplate code for...

GWT - Fail to Read properties

When I run in hosted mode, it able to get the result. But when I deploy it to tomcat then I cant get the result at all. Anyone can tell me what is the problem?? public class Customwidget implements EntryPoint { private static final SystemConfig constants = (SystemConfig)GWT.create(SystemConfig.class); public void onModuleLoad() {...

Arbitrary precision Float numbers on JavaScript

I have some inputs on my site representing floating point numbers with up to ten precision digits (in decimal). At some point, in the client side validation code, I need to compare a couple of those values to see if they are equal or not, and here, as you would expect, the intrinsics of IEEE754 make that simple check fails with things li...

Grab contents of a webpage in GWT

Hi all, Let's say that I have a link to a webpage that contains some text. What's the easiest way to grab this text to process? Thanks. ...

How to change default locale in GWT

Our application should be fixed to use eb-GB locale. For now I've added: <extend-property name="locale" values="en_GB"/> But this means that GWT builds premutations for both. How to setup GWT to eb-GB by default? Or how to remove default from compilation? ...

Debugging JSON in GWT (Cross Server)

Hi all, How do I pass the jsonObj from the javascript code in getJson to the java code handleJsonResponse. If my syntax is correct, what do I do with a JavaScriptObject? I know that the jsonObj contains valid data because alert(jsonObj.ResultSet.totalResultsAvailable) returns a large number :) --- but some how it's not getting passed c...

modal dialog without OK button...?

please tell me how do i get modal dialog without ok button...? ...

GWT - access denied for serializer in ubuntu/tomca6 deployment

Hi all, I am trying to deploy my gwt app to tomcat6 under ubuntu 9.10 and get the (i suppose known to many of you) " access denied" error (Full exception can be found at the end). I have searched the net in general and found that the Java default security permissions are preventing the serializer...