
GWT with MVP : add the same presenter to one container several times

Hello, I'm working with GWT with the MVP pattern, actually implementing a search results page. The search results are represented by a picture + some info. I created a presenter and a view for a search result (I'll call this little square "thumbnail" for now on), so that I can add it several times to the search results page, and use i...

How can I call a GWT RPC method on a server from a non GWT (but Java) gapplication?

I have a regular Java application and want to access an GWT RPC endpoint. Any idea how to make this happen? My GWT application is on a GAE/J and I could use REST for example but I already have the GWT RPC endpoints and don't want to build another façade. Yes, I have seen

Loggers in GWT Client Side

Is there a way to report log messages in a Client-side GWT applications for development purposes (in Standard GWT libraries i.e. No external libraries)? i.e. like the Logger that can be used to output log messages to catalina.out when developing things for say Tomcat. ...

GWT - Populate Grid asynchronously

Hello, we've got a GWT application with a simple search mask displaying the results as a grid. Server side processing time is ok as well as network latency. Client rendering time is ok even on low spec hardware with internet explorer 6 as long as the number of results is not too high (max 100 rows in the grid). We have implemented ...

How do I remove implementing types from GWT’s Serialization Policy?

The opposite of this question: GWT is adding undesired types to the serialization policy and bloating my JS. How do I trim my GWT whitelist by hand? Or should I at all? For example, if I put the interface List on a GWT RPC service class...

How can I implement the command pattern in Java?

I watched "Google Web Toolkit Architecture: Best Practices for Architecting Your GWT App" and I'm having trouble figuring out how the server side is supposed to work. Slide 21 shows: /** The name Command is taken */ interface Action<T extends Response> { } interface Response { } interface ContactsService extends RemoteService { <T ...

eclipse web project dependency

Hi everybody! i have one eclipse project(A) with a small spring application and another one with a web application using GWT (B). project A exports its ressources via build path / order and export. project B imports the ressources via build path / projects. eclipse adds the files to the build path and to the system class path of the r...

GWT - occasional

Hello we are haunted by occasional occurences of exceptions such as: Type 'xxx' was not assignable to '' and did not have a custom field serializer.For security purposes, this type will not be serialized.: instance = xxx at com....

How to set a 5% margin when using RootLayoutPanel and DockPanel

I've been playing around with GWT 2 and I'm finding it quite hard to get the basic page layout that I want. Basically I'm using a DocLayoutPanel where I'm adding a north (header), south (footer), west (navigation), and content area. I'd like the doc panel to take up 90% of the page and centered. That would give a nice 5% margin. Howe...

Use ClickHandler with a native javascript object?

Hi, In javascript, I'm making an SVG shape and adding a click handler to it like this: var rect = document.createElementNS('','rect'); rect.addEventListener('click', myClickHandler, false); it works great. I'm trying to make an overlay Rect class in GWT. If possible, I'd like to simply do something like ...

Dynamic GWT Menu

How can I modify a GWT menu - grey out some entries, put a checkmark next to others, according to my application state? My app has a menu bar across the top - File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, etc. I have a number of paragraphs, each of which could have a different format. When the user clicks on Format, I want the format menu to show a...

Making a simple overlay class?

Hi, I'd like to make some really simple overlay classes in GWT to wrap some SVG stuff. I'd basically like to get a rectangle drawn, this is how I do it in javascript: var svg = document.createElementNS('', 'svg'); svg.setAttribute('width', '100%'); svg.setAttribute('height', '100%'); document.body.appendChild(...

A good alternative to GWT for Clojure

I am writing a webapp in Clojure. I almost want to use Google Web Toolkit for the frontend -- since I can just write Clojure/Java code, and have the library automatically generate the Javascript/AJAX. However, for some reason, GWT does not sem to be used much in the real world. Is there something that is similarly tied into Java (like...

mousemove handler?

Hi, Can we add a listener for mouse move events on the main document in GWT? I'm not sure how to do this and if whatever I do add will interfere with other parts of GWT (like drag and drop?). In javascript I do this: window.onload = function() { document.onmousemove = function(e) { alert("the mouse was moved!"); }; } ...

How can I get Eclipse/Jetty/GWT2.0 to find org/apache/commons/logging/Log

I followed the example at and built the example GWT application, but then I wanted to build something else, and I plan on using Google AppEngine. I started a new GWT2.0 + AppEngine project and followed the same setup of adding the same libararies, copied an...

Do the USB Keyboard wedge barcode reader invokes key event ?

Hi I want to change the focus to the next textbox once barcode is scaned using scanner so do this barcode scanner invokes the key event like keyup so that i may check the length of barcode to determine the barcode is enter and shift the focus to another textbox for scannig another barocde .... please help me ...

Which technology is preferable to build a web based GUI Client?

I've well developed Python Server having workflows, views, object - ORM/OSV, etc... Server/Client communication based on socket protocol, can be done by any of service 1. XMLRPC Service 2. Socket Service now I want to develop a Fully Ajax based GUI web Client.. I've web/socket services to communicate with server. what I need is to s...

Smart-Gwt window not redrawing scrollbars when child widget changes?

I am using a smartgwt window to show some dynamic content. The content is a bunch of collapsible panels that the user can expand as desired. However, whenever the content changes expands, the smartgwt window stays the same. I am expecting that it would draw scrollbars whenever the content changes. The scrollbars do appear, however, if t...

Sending Files from GWT to a Web Server and Faking a Request IP

Hello, I'm working on a project in GWT, however, I need to store the uploaded files on my personal web server. The user will upload the files using GWT, my back end will store the files information in AppEngine's database and send the file to the server. I'm thinking of creating a PHP script on the web server that will handle the file...

Client Side Date Conversions in GWT

I have a date that is: 2009-10-12T00:00:00 How would I convert this into UNIX Milliseconds, on the client side in GWT? Please give actual advice and not links, as a lot of the ways I have tried lead me to deprecated methods that point to non-Javascript convertible code. As GWT converts all client side Java you have written into Javas...