
Weird Google Map sizing behaviour

I've got a map in a GWT app up at - I want the map to cover 100% of the height and width of its container. I'm doing this by adding it into a layout panel and not assigning a size, like so: public void loadMap() { LatLng cawkerCity = LatLng.newInstance(39.509, -98.434); MapOptions options = MapOpt...

gwt-incubator ScrollTable is rendered with overflow: hidden

Hello, I'm having a small problem with gwt-incubator's ScrollTable. It seems the ScrollTable is rendered, but it has "overflow: hidden" style added to it, which causes it to be hidden from users. I'm using it with GWT 2.0 and UiBinder. The code I use to create the ScrollTable is: @UiFactory ScrollTable createCompaniesTable() { Fixe...

Google Web Toolkit (gwt) - how does the post token is generated?

Hi, I am having a request like: 5|0|7|http://localhost:8080/testproject/|29F4EA1240F157649C12466F01F46F60|com.test.client.GreetingService|greetServer|java.lang.String|myInput1|myInput2|1|2|3|4|2|5|5|6|7| I would like to know how the gwt generates the md5 value of "29F4EA1240F157649C12466F01F46F60"? is it based on the client ip and da...

GWT Failure to load module '<mymodule>'

Hi, When configuring a second Entrypoint and second module in my gwt application I receive the following warning: [WARN] Unknown module requested 'iovadmin'; all active GWT modules must be specified in the command line arguments and the following error: [ERROR] Unable to find 'iovadmin.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or ...

GWT compile error when crimson added to the libs

Once I add the crimson.jar file to the WEB-INF/lib folder my GWT compilation doesn't work anymore. See the output of my ANT GWT compilation target. gwtc: [echo] You can use -style OBF | PRETTY | DETAILED to generate default | debuggable | verbose GWT javascript [java] [ERROR] Failure while parsing XML [java] org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecogn...

Smart-Gwt ScrolledHandler usage

I would like to do something when a scroll event has occurred on a smartgwt window. I'm assuming that an event will be fired when at least one of the following has happened: scroll within window with mouse scroll wheel, scroll by dragging scroll bar, or scroll using scroll arrows. I've added a handler to a smartgwt window and also to th...

Sorting in GWT based on String

I need to sort a List based on in client-side GWT code. Currently I am trying to do this... Collections.sort(_myDtos, new Comparator<MyDto>() { @Override public int compare(MyDto o1, MyDto o2) { return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } }); Unfortunately the sorting is not what I was e...

Developing GWT apps - 3rd party tools for logging etc

Hi, I am developing a enterprise GWT app. FRom the many videos and web articles I have read on developing with GWT, I came across one that mentioned 3 3rd party libs that are highly recommended to use. My problem is that I cannot remember what they were or where I saw them! The most I can recall is that I think one was gwt-log where you...

What does rename-to mean in the module tag of a GWT module?

What does the rename-to attribute of the module tag in a GWT module mean? Is it optional? ...

RSA secret premaster error

Hello, I am having a application which when i run standalone runs well. This application sends an XML to a server and listens for the reply from that server which is again an XML.This works WELL when running STANDALONE. But when i run this application inside an web application it gives me follow error: RSA Secret Premaster Error I am ...

GWT plugin for Eclipse not downloading

I`m following the instructions on the page : during downloading I get the following error in eclipse 3.5 galelio, is the jar file corupt on the server corrupt or what? Is it possible to manualy import GWT plugin in eclipse? Error unzipping C:\DOCUME~1\Imr...

SmartGWT slow images rendering

Hi all, I have a SmartGWT 2.0 application where I have to render a few hundred small images and this is taking very, very long (>20s). It's a intranet application. Do you have any idea how I could speed up the rendering? Any idea will be appreciated. Thanks in advance. ...

[ ExtGWT / GWT ] Horizontal align problem

hi, i want to place a some buttons in the center of a panel, but doesn't work. Here my code: import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.HorizontalPanel; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.Label; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.LayoutContainer; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.VerticalPanel; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widge...

Time Zones in Java / GWT (Client-side)

[Client-side GWT class] I have a Date Object... Date dataObject = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS") .parse("2009-10-12T00:00:00.000); This works fine. However when I do a: dateObject.getTime(); It returns a UNIX Time milliseconds using a GMT with daylight savings, therefore making it a UNI...

GWT2.0 tutorials/articles/opensource projects

I was looking for GWT 2.0 tutorials/Open source projects (other than the google code) I have looked around and found just couple of them (from google groups)! anyone? ...

MVP and communication between GWT widgets

If I am using the MVP pattern with GWT, as in the GWT architecture best practices talk from Google I/O from 2009, but have spread out the information into multiple widgets, how should the value object be populated? Say I have a EditPersonView/Presenter, a EditPetView/Presenter and an EditAddressView/Presenter and the last two are widget...

Java, creating a and amending an Object passed in as an argument to the constructor of a new object

Hi, I am relatively a beginner in java and I am learning the google web toolkit (GWT). I saw this code snippet in their tutorial. I don't understand what is going on. I seems to be creating a ClickHandler Object in the constructor for a new Button object, and in the ClickHandler object we are overriding the onClick method? Is that ...

GWT+IntelliJ Idea 9

Hi I am Rupeshit. I download IntelliJ Idea 9.0 community version and now I want to create a gwt application in it but I am not getting that GWt option while creating the project.I also saw some video on google but still not get solutions.We add to add plugin for IntelliJ idea for gwt as we are doing it for Ecllipse or what is the method....

How do I add custom marker images to Google Maps using the GWT Maps API?

I'm working on a GWT app that's using Google Maps. I'm trying to add many lettered markers to my map. Originally, I had: Marker marker = new Marker(point); marker.setImage(""); map.addOverlay(marker); But that didn't work. The call to setImage caused an exception in the maps API and nothing sh...

GWT: StackLayoutPanel in DockLayoutPanel

I'm trying to render a StackLayout inside a DockLayout. However, all I see is "able" in the west panel. (the first label in the first stack). I don't even see the stack header, or ANYTHING else. Any ideas as to why this may be? The other panels render OK. I read LayoutPanels should only be contained in other LayoutPanels, but this IS ...