
Missing dependencies

i get suddenly an error message, that 3 dependencies are missing: gwt-user.jar, gwt-dev.jar and gxt.jar. All jars are in my local repo: dage [~/.m2/repository] $ ls -l com/google/gwt/gwt-user insgesamt 12 drwxr-xr-x 2 dage Domain Users 4096 2010-01-13 14:55 1.5.3 drwxr-xr-x 2 dage Domain Users 4096 2010-01-13 11:10 1.6.4 drwxr-xr-x 2 da...

how can I maintain a GWT1.7.1 application if I already have the new google eclipse plugin?

I have a GWT 1.7.1 application. I recently recreated my eclipse with the new google eclipse plugin. When I try to run the hosted mode the browser tries to connect to the google browser plugin page and tries to install the IE plugin into the hosted mode browser. It seems like it is mixing the GWT2 tech with the old project. Is there a so...

EJB JNDI lookup from GWT development mode into glassfish v3

Hi! I am trying to perform a JNDI-lookup from within the GWT devmode. I have a local glassfishv3 running the EJBs I want to look up. If i deploy the GWT-Webapp into said glassfish everything works as expected. But if I try to look up the EJBs from within devmode I get this Exception: javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup failed for 'my...

GWT NumberFormat problems with high precision decimals

Hello everyone. I'm using GWT 2.0 and when I try to use NumberFormat to format a Double the results are not as expected: NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getFormat( "#.########" ); Double d = new Double("0.256281093911"); format.format(d); formatted string: 0.02147484 As you can see the formatted value is wrong (this can be seen in...

GWT + DynamicJasper

Dear all, Have anyone tried DynamicJasper + gwt before? I plan to use it but now I facing problem on compile the same project in my local PC I am following the above steps. *The only different is I didnt use MAven at all *My gwt is 1.7.0 and java is latest version ...

GWT+UIBinder+Gin+Guice+JDO+GAE example

Hi all! I'm trying to link all this technologies, but there are many isolated examples and I do not have enough experience to link them together so my questions: Whether there is a similar example? Is it possible to use UIBinder with Gin? Any recommendations to implement it? ...

Selenium clicks not working with GWT

I run GWT OBF (thus this isn't the problem), but when I use Selenium (tried both IDE and RC) my clicks don't get recorded. The component I'm trying to click is a <div>, but nothing happens. For instance, in IDE I am sometimes (very seldom, like one in 50 clicks) able to register a click on different tabs (contained in <div>), but never ...

How can I embed a webpage in a GWT/GXT webapp?

I am working to recreate (conceptually) a prototype I've written in Cappuccino in GWT/GXT. Cappuccino made it trivial to display an external webpage as part of the application by using a WebView. However, I cannot find any way to do this with GWT/GXT. There is a HtmlContainer widget, but this seems to be intended for something else. An...

How do I get GWT DateTimeFormat to display using the server TimeZone, rather than the client's?

I am trying to display a (java.util.)Date client-side, and it keeps using the browser's timezone, resulting in a different date visible depending on where you view the page. How do I get the Formatter (DateTimeFormat) to display the date using the server's timezone rather than the user? Thanks ...

GWT Maven and web.xml

I'm using the GWT Maven plugin from Codehaus with m2eclipse. Where is my web.xml file supposed to end up? Isn't the Maven build supposed to copy it to the /war directory? I can't see it there. Or does Jetty pick it up automatically from src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/? Here's a relevant section from my pom.xml. <plugin> <groupId>org.apache....

cxf jaxws with spring on gwt 2.0

Hi, I'm trying to use an application which uses cxf-jaxws in bean definition: <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:sec="" xmlns:jaxws="" xmlns:util="http://www.springframework.or...

GWT Stock Watcher - Polling not Push?

In the GWT Stock Watch tutorial it seems to be polling the server every 4 seconds for new data. Is this the standard way GWT works or is it possible to use a push type technology so that when new events are raised on the server the client code gets called? ...

Is there a jQuery equivalent to the YUI, ASP.NET, or Google DataSource?

One of the things I like about the YUI framework is the DataSource control. A common widget that intelligently gets data from a variety of sources and plugs into other UI widgets in a standard way. So... you fetch tabular data into a DataSource and then have the option of plugging that data into a table, a chart, an autocomplete widget, ...

How to catch user leaving a page and cancelling it

Hello there, When a user leaves the GWT app, I would like to open a confirm dialog and offer them the choice to stay, i.e. Confirm("are you sure you want to leave this page", "yes", "no"). I know how to build the dialbox. :) The question is, how to I catch the event of a user leaving the page and how to I cancel it? Daniel ...

Some GWT MVP newbie questions

I have worked with ASP.NET(C#, classic/MVC), Django(Python) and CI(php) but I am completely new to GWT and JSP/servlets, and I have been told to learn GWT MVP. So, I read a tutorial for GWT-MVP from google. I downloaded the project Contacts, which was used in that tutorial. After reading those, I could not figure out the whole thing. Her...

Smartclient GWT making a ListGridRecord field editable using a custom DataSource

We're using SmartClient GWT library (see the Smartclient GWT showcase here). I'm trying to make a ListGrid UI that when you click a record the fields become editable. Just like the example: Grid Editing Mass Update The difference is I'm using my own custom GWT RPC services and manually adding ListGridRecord's to my own DataSource, a...

What CI tool would you recommend for GWT development ?

I'm about to install a CI tool for a 2 man Java/GWT development "team", and need a brief update on the current state-of-the-art. I come from a CruiseControl/Ant/rake background (with no Maven experience). Requirements: * Scripting language (minimal XML config) * Ant task re-use * "5 minute" installation and configuration Here are s...

gwt-RPC problem! what is the best practice on using gwt-RPC?

Dear all, I want draw a chart based on the date retrieve from the database by using RPC. But everytime I fail to get the result. My rpc function is working. I think is the sequence of the process. below is my class: public class TrafficPattern_1 extends GChart { TrafficPattern_1() { final DBServiceAsync dbService...

adding the same object twice

i have an label and two panels. i want to add the label into each panel, but after rendering is shown only one label. i can create second label, but i think, it must be possible to add the same label twice. Here my code: // Create labels Label sectorLabel = new Label("Bereich"); // Create panels/rows HorizontalPanel row1 = new Horizont...

Why isn't the chrome GWT css theme showing in my application

In my .gwt.xml file I have uncommented the following: <inherits name=''/> When I run my application I do not see any stylesheet applied. Using Firefox there are a large number of warnings associated with Chrome.css. These mostly say that it doesn't recognize 'zoom' and 'cursor' so it is dropping ...