
Converting a GWT 1.7 project to 2.0, getting development mode to run

I'm trying to get a GWT 1.7 project to run using the new development mode. Pointing Safari (with the Development Mode plugin installed) to the given URL just shows the latest compiled version. No changes are reflected when I refresh. A clean 'hello world' project brings up the development mode which works how the old hosted mode used to...

Open source software which allows user to draw ER/flow diagrams for my web application

we are developing a web application which allows a user to draw diagrams(flow/ER diagrams) and we need the representation of that diagram in some XML or other formats. How should we acheive this ?? is there any open source software or jQuery plugin or anyother server side software?? ...

GWT ImageBundle Problem : Image Not Displaying : Code Included

Hello :-) I am having trouble getting images to display when using ImageBundle. I have followed the GWT tutorial as a guide however my images don't display. I can view the images (from within Eclipse) in my browser fine - so they are definitely there. I am clearly doing something wrong when using the ImageBundle but I'm at a loss to un...

Sticky button in GWT

hi, can i create a button in gwt that onClick stays pressed and if it looks pressed onClick releases it? and the button has a different styles in each state? any idea? ...

Fire event when switching stacks of StackLayoutPanel in GWT 2.0

I'm trying to catch an event, when I switch the stacks of a StackLayoutPanel in GWT 2.0. The biggest problem is that I don't know which event gets fired and there seems to be no documentation, I have added a ChangeHandler with addDomHandler() but that hasn't worked. Unfortunately the StackLayoutPanel doesn't implement the getSelectedInde...

controling the tabs of the tabs bar in gwt

hi, sorry for stupid question i am new to UI in general and gwt specifically how can i control the tabs width when using tabs panel in gwt? how how can i know what css attributes each widget has? i would like to control the tabs color (selected and not selected) and remove the tabs frame thanks ...

Opening a local or remote file Widget

Hi I was wondering if anyone knew of a widget that I could use to list/open a local/remote file within the GWT. I thought I could use the FileUpload object but I can't figure out how to tell it where to browse. Is it possible to tell the FileUpload object to look somewhere other than the local filesystem? If not is there a simple wid...

Maven GWT 2.0 and Eclipse

Does anyone know of a good guide for creating a project with the new 2.0 release of GWT using maven and eclipse? I am running into a lot of problems getting them to play nicely together. For what it's worth, I can create a gwt project using the maven eclipse plugin which works fine, but porting it to maven doesn't work (so a guide for ...

upgrading some code from gwt to gwtext

I have a finished project of which i used GWT for, and I would like to change some of the ui to use the gwtext framework. One would think this is simple or maybe I am just the simple one. I cannot even successfully make a gwtext hello world application nevermind upgrade some of the widgets in my existing project. Both situation have dif...

GWT multi modules for seperate HTML pages?

Greetings all, I am quite new to GWT and going to develop the UI for user-management application using GWT. I am planing to use existing module which created using Spring/Hibernate.I figure out how to integrate GWT with Spring but I am not sure how to design the layout. I want two pages : 1) User registration page (want to embedd GWT wi...

add class name to element in uibinder xml file

The following replaces any current css class names. It appears to call setStyleName. <g:DecoratorPanel styleName="{style.myCssClass}"> What I really want to do is add a class name, like calling addStyleName. Is it possible to do what I'm attempting? ...

How can I connect GWT to CometD/Bayeux events?

I've got a GWT application, which periodically needs to update the screen with new tick items as they come in. We also have messages published by a CometD/Bayeux server (for a different AJAX application) and I'd like to consume them in my GWT. Of course, I can drop into JavaScript, hook up Dojo, and receive callbacks in the JavaScript ...

How to make addValueChangeHandler act just like addChangeHandler

Hi. I have a problem. I made a wrap widget that implements interface HasChangeHandlers But i just can't fit events to each other. public HandlerRegistration addChangeHandler( final ChangeHandler handler ) { HandlerRegistration registration1 = dateFrom.addValueChangeHandler( handler );// Compile error HandlerRegistration registration...

GWT + GAE python: frameworks for COMET & RPC

Let's say I want to use Google GWT on the client side and Google AppEngine Python on the server side. Furthermore, I want to be able to use RPC calls to the server as well as performing COMET based exchanges. What are my options in term of existing frameworks? ...

django user auth + gwt

I have a django server app that communicates with a gwt front-end using JSON. I want to introduce user authentication to the app and have started to incorporate the framework provided by django. At this point I have set up the server to respond with the user authentication form when necessary (using the @login_required decorator scheme d...

Build.xml in Google Web Toolkit

Could someone explain what the build.xml file is used for in the root folder of a Google Web Toolkit application? From the looks of things, it seems to be the same for the majority of applications, however I'm failing to understand what it is actually used for. When and why would one choose to edit this file and if most people don't, why...

How to know strong name of GWT serialization policy at the time of host page generation?

There is an excellent article describing a way to embed GWT RPC payload into the host page. A key element is missing there is how to know Strong Name of RPC serialization policy at run time. Strong Name is computed at the compile time, put into the client and obfurscated. Strong name is sent to the server with RPC request as described h...

"Back" behavior in rich web apps, true user assumption?

Hello Community, Many client side code libraries & tool kits, for example Yahoo's YUI and Google's GWT support managing state history for the user experience. When implemented it allows a user to revert to a previous app state on the same page when they click the Back button or Backspace key. In this video from Google IO the impleme...

How do you synchronize server-side and client-side code?

Something I've been learning (and teaching) in Software Engineering is that code duplication is the root of all evil. On the other hand, I find it quite hard to explain how this concept should be applied to the development of web apps. Allow me to clarify... Input & data validation can be an important part of a web app. Sometimes this ...

Check String whether it contains only Latin characters?

Greetings, I am developing GWT application where user can enter his details in Japanese. But the 'userid' and 'password' should only contain English characters(Latin Alphabet). How to validate Strings for this? ...