
2 Minor Crossbrowser CSS Issues. Background images not displaying in Google Chrome?

I am working on the redesign of my website In the sidebar however, I am having some issues making it look correct in Google Chrome. Issues are: Categories Title (h2 Background Image) - There is supposed to be a small little line to the right side of the word "Categories". Safari and Firefox show this, Chrome howev...

Jquery Animate + Fade Effect bug

Hello, before posting I want to tell you "Sorry for my English". I've got a problem with JQuery. if you click "Nascondi" under the Logo you will see that the #post go to the right and then "comes back" to its old position. How do I can fix this error? Thanks a lot. ...

Python Program converted into Java

Sooo I started taking my second computer science class ever! For my first class we used python and for this class we're using Java. Our first assignment (pretty much just practice) is to convert this craps program from Python to Java and I'm just having a hell of a time. Could someone please help with what I've done and umm give me som...

Learning a Lisp variant? Suggestions?

I ultimately want to learn Clojure, but I've found learning resources for Clojure to be scarce for people of little experience... I'm wondering if it would be beneficial to start with Scheme (read The Little Schemer and SICP) or some other Lisp variant. My only other programming experience is with Java and Python (which is pretty minim...

Which language should i use for next project?

Hi, my parents asked me what if I could do a simple program for accounting. The thing is, I can not decide which programming language to choose. I know Java quite well but don't like messing with GUI, so I'm leaning towards C#/C++/Delphi because there you can make the gui in no time. The only problem I have I don't know how I would prin...

A help system for a PHP web app

Hi, As our new web app gets more complicated, so the need for help docs increases. I am not talking about documenting code, I am literally talking about application help. So myapp/help, or for example, enabling context help from a particular point in the app with a link such as myapp/help/users/create/ etc. Are there apps out there for...

Android - how to do background threading properly?

Hi all, Was wondering if anyone could help me on background threading on Android. I have a piece of code that records from the mic of the device and then plays back what it records through the ear piece(on 1.5). I am trying to run it in a thread but have been unsuccessful in getting it to run as a background thread. Currently it run...

Creating online help in Java Swing application - using pdf user docs

I am trying to link some user docs to my Java Swing application. The user docs are pdf and I would like to be able to click on a button in my application which opens up some sort of pdf renderer to display my userdoc.pdf. I do not want to use the runtime exec command I have tried the following with not much success -- pdfRenderer -- t...

Form Validation Help

Hi I'm trying to create a simple registration form with ajax validation. I've got the form working almost how I'd like... a message appears on the page with the errors for each field entered incorrectly. The problem is all the error messages appear in one div together and I would like to have each field have its own div containing only...

Ajax Form Validation Problem

I've got my form validation almost working but I can't seem to figure this last problem out. I'm trying to send back error messages and position them in their own div next to their relevant form fields. I've got an error message coming back in its own div, but when I try to send multiple messages back nothing happens, any thoughts? He...

Prolog's atom problem and beginner material.

I am VERY new at Prolog I am looking for any beginner material on Prolog. I am very interested in learning the language. Where' s good place to start? Online preferably I also am having a bit of trouble writing some code. I need to return a sentence but all I am getting is a list of atoms (i believe that's the term) ex I get [the...

what does Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '"' in /home/XXX/public_html/feedback2.php on line 180 mean?

and how do I find where line 180 is in the code ? I'm trying to create a PHP feedback form scrip ...

i need to pass url var in the scr of a iframe

i need to know how to pass everything after the .php part in this link "[email protected]&amp;t=985559" to a iframe on the same page. "hosted on the same site" like this "<iframe> src="[email protected]&amp;t=985559" fram...

How would I create a Program that would take a list of names, and sort them into EVEN groups?

Hello all, I want to be able to create a program that will take a list of names from a .txt file (Doesnt have to be a txt, maybe excell, whatever is easiest) and generate those names into groups or "teams". I have 30 "users" that have to be sorted into "Teams". I want to be able to do this fairly, so I want to random :P. I haven't ye...

Eclipse style help system (SWT?)

I am writing a custom app that requires a help system. The app is written in SWT. Is there anyway I can generate eclipse style help with SWT? I.e when you press F1 in the Eclipse editor you get a new window on the side. As an aside, I would also like to be able to provide an editor for this help documentation. ...

How can I merge a .chi index with a .chm file?

How can I merge a .chi index with a .chm file? i'd like to end up with just the .chm file. ...

iPhone SDK: Need help showing a hidden tabbar

The attached code is a tabBar-based app with 3 tabs. It will help explain WTF I'm talking about. :-) The 1st tab is an embedded NavigationController with 6 views. Upon drilldown, the tab bar is hidden. With a button action in the 6th view, it's suppose to pop to the rootview ...

XCode Macros for iPhone

Anybody have any good pointers on how to be able to, say, highlight a ivar in a class and hit a keystroke and insert the property and synthesize lines into my code in the proper places? I have been doing this for awhile now and typing that boilerplate stuff is getting on my nerves at times. ...

WCF Rest kit is showing my internal server names in the /help page

I have a simple WCF Rest service using the latest MS Restful preview kit. Everything works fine, site works as expected. However when I go to my /help page as in what is being shown is -- UriTemplate       {ping} Method                          GET R...

LIttle problem with Flex and sqlite query?

Just a quick question about a small problem I'm having with a flex app I'm creating. Its my first time tying to create an app using a local database and I'm getting an error in my query. private function emptyrow(eventObj:CloseEvent):void { var stmt:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement(); id = datagrid_id....