
Where is core animation defined?

I cant figure out where core animation on iPhone OS 3.1.2 is defined. Anybody know? ...

Algorithm Question Maximize Average of Functions

Hello, I have a set of N non-decreasing functions each denoted by Fi(h), where h is an integer. The functions have numeric values. I'm trying to figure out a way to maximize the average of all of the functions given some total H value. For example, say each function represents a grade on an assignment. If I spend h hours on assignme...

Access Element on set ?

How do i get access to an element in a set ? vector<int> myvec (4,100); int first =; set<int> myset; myset.insert(100); int setint = ???? Can anybody help ? ...

Scheme How to create a list.

Okay this may sound like a ridiculous question, but how do you return a list in scheme.? ...

convert bitset to string ??

Hi .. What is wrong with this code ? set<string> nk ; bitset<3> bs1(string("100")); nk.insert(bs1.to_string()); error: no matching function for call to `std::bitset<3u>::to_string()' why?! UPDATE : Thansk , this works . But why does it work ? :D ...

Need some advice on a language to use for a 'presentation display board'

As part of the project i am working on I am looking to produce some software that works on a LCD display (think call center info boards) and displays various graphs (the bars grow etc in realtime, so incoming call stats etc etc) and flicks between various 'plug-ins'. The problem is deciding what language to use.. I am thinking about usin...

How do i generate all possible subsets of an binary string?

Hi.. i have a problem, that i don't know how to solve it. i have a binary string and i want to generate all possible binary substrings. Example : input : 10111 output: 10000, 10100,00111,00001,10110 ... How can i do this , fast AND Smart ? ...

Why doesn't this method print its text? (java)

here's the method: public static int chooseStrat () { String[] strats = new String[1] ; strats[0] = "0 - Blob" ; int n ; boolean a = false ; while (a == false) ; { System.out.println ("Which strategy should the AI use?(#)") ; printArrayS (strats) ; n = getInt () ; System.out...

I keep Getting Control reaches end of non-void function. What am I doing wrong?

location pick(void){ // generates a random location location get; get.x = rand() % FIELD_SIZE + 1; int forY = rand() % FIELD_SIZE +1; switch(forY){ case 1: get.y = 'a'; break; case 2: get.y = 'b'; break; case 3: get.y = 'c'; break; case 4: ...

Multi-accordion help (CSS issue maybe?)

So, I've been trying to develop this multi-accordion news section for this site. It's actually all working, thanks to an insightful plugin. I've modified it a little bit so it works as I want it to, but I've run into two issues, one which is possibly CSS. Issue #1: The idea for the user is that when they view this page, they see all th...

Compiling a bunch of stuff in the folder (java, on a mac)

two questions: how do i compile a .java file that isn't on my username (like something in documents or some other sub folder) if i have multiple .java files and i compile one that contains method that are contained in the others does the compiler compile those other files. heres an example of the second question. ...

Smartfoxserver java extension

Hello, I'v created a java extension that handles login requests using smartfoxserver for my game. The following is inside the internal event: View Here: But its complaining invalid login request? ...

jQuery UI Accordion 1.6

I'm using the jQuery UI Accordion 1.6 (, I've changed it a bit and made it work as I need and want it to work. There is just a few things off about it, but one of the major ones is something I just simply can't figure out how to make it work. The plugin is working as intended, it actually closes, ope...

Distinct rand() sequences yielding the same results in an expression

Ok, this is a really weird one. I have an MPI program, where each process has to generate random numbers in a fixed range (the range is read from file). What happens is that even though I seed each process with a different value, and the numbers generated by rand() are different in each process, the expression to generate the random num...

How do i read java documentation?

I'm looking for some advice on how to go about reading the online documentation of various packages classes and methods for java. i mean all this stuff: ...

How do i save an compile a program in befunge-93?

How do i save an compile a program in befunge-93? what do i need to save the file as? (like: fileName.what) How do i compile it? ...

Why did i get this error?

here's the code: class Acount { int sum ; String owner ; //these seem to make sense //a constructor or two public Acount () { this.sum = 0 ; this.owner = "John Doe" ; } public Acount (String name) {this.sum = 0 ; this.owner = name ; } public Acount (String name, int sum) {this.sum = sum ; this.owner ...

iis6 - how find, what load it hights?

I have iis6 server. one site on its own pool. i see 90% load in task manager. site has big hits from internet. code is ok - its optimised very well. so, is there a method to see, what func or call load its hights? p.s.: log files are not so informative... ...

Whats wrong with this while loop?

boolean r = false ; int s = 0 ; while (r == false) ; { s = getInt() ; if (!(s>=0 && s<=2)) System.out.println ("try again not a valid response") ; else r = true ; } The text never displays itself even when a 3 or a 123 is entered and the loop never terminates. Whats wrong here? ...

Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on com.flashden::MenuItem(). Expected 1, got 0.

I'm creating a new site using the below script embedded in my swf. But I keep getting this error on all the pages: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on com.flashden::MenuItem(). Expected 1, got 0. package com.flashden { import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.text.*; import; import*; ...