
How to unregister a Control from HelpProvider?

I'm having a user control (referred to as 'parent') which dynamically adds or removes other controls ('child'). The parent maintains a HelpProvider object that is supposed to be queried for help strings associated which controls contained in child ('subchild'). The subchild controls are not accessible directly, so I am planning to provi...

'void' type not allowed here error (java) help?

When i try to compile this: import java.awt.* ; class obj { public static void printPoint (Point p) { System.out.println ("(" + p.x + ", " + p.y + ")"); } public static void main (String[]arg) { Point blank = new Point (3,4) ; System.out.println (p...

syntax problem crating a method that returns an object (java)

I'm trying to create a method that will sum two timeO objects and return a new TimeO object called sum. Here is the relevant code snippet: public static TimeO add (TimeO t1, TimeO t2) { TimeO sum = new TimeO ; ... } When i try to compile it i get this error message: '(' or '[' expected ...

Strange findFn malfunction

I noticed a strange malfunction in using findFn function (library sos) and I can't find out the source. While it works fine on my Windows XP pc, it does not on my Vista one. library (sos) findFn("randomization test") # in both finds 72 results findFn("{randomization test}") # In XP finds 19 or about so, but in Vista whenever I use {} ...

What tool for managing Oracle DB do you suggest?

What tool for managing Oracle DB do you suggest? I need to execute scripts and manage data in tables and develop some scripts and packages. I'v tried SQL developer and actually don't like it. Want some more features for developing (debug, code assist, integrated help and so on.) ...

Associate a help file with a library in the VBA object brower

I have a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime (scrrun.dll) in one of my Access projects. If I open the object browser in VBA (by pressing F2) and choose 'Scripting' from the library dropdown it shows me all of the properties, functions, etc. for the Scripting library. If I choose one of these functions and then click on the hel...

Variable might not have been initialized error

When i try to compile this: public static Rand searchCount (int[] x) { int a ; int b ; ... for (int l= 0; l<x.length; l++) { if (x[l] == 0) a++ ; else if (x[l] == 1) b++ ; } ... } I get these errors: variable a might not have been initialized ...

Coding Problems-help with AS3 quiz game

Ok, so could someone tell me what's wrong with this script? stop(); Start_Game.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Start_function); function Start_function(e:Event){ gotoAndPlay("Question Board"); } ...

iPhone: How to get the contents of the documents directory as a NSMutableArray?

How do I get the contents of the documents directory as a NSMutableArray? I can get it as a normal NSArray, but as soon as I try to do anything with that array, my app crashes. Thanks ...

C++ help with getline function with ifstream

So I am writing a program that deals with reading in and writing out to a file. I use the getline() function because some of the lines in the text file may contain multiple elements. I've never had a problem with getline until now. Here's what I got. The text file looks like this: John Smith // Client name 123...

VS2008 Help: How can I limit the index & search to just topics I want?

Time was that I could F1 a symbol in my .cpp or .h file, and I'd be given a reasonable list of possible topics to delve into. That was long, long ago. These days, I press F1 and I'm rarely given information that is even vaguely, tangentially or tenuously related to the API or subsystem in question. Instead, I am deluged with Windows M...

Exception during processing XSLT transformation!

I'm using this code to generate contents file. try { StreamResult result = new StreamResult(); TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Templates templ = tf.newTemplates(xsltSource); Transformer transf = templ.newTransformer(); for (String item: groups){ item = item....

Call to pop failing in my java code.

public void CardToPile() { waste.push(reserve.pop); } ...

What is wrong with this C++ Code ?

Hi .. i am a beginner and i have a problem : this code doesnt compile : main.cpp: #include <stdlib.h> #include "readdir.h" #include "mysql.h" #include "readimage.h" int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc>1){ readdir(argv[1]); // test(); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); } std::cout << "Bitte Pfad angeben !" << std::e...

Within an aray of objects can one create a new instance of an object at an index?

Here's the sample code: class TestAO { int[] x; public TestAO () { this.x = new int[5] ; for (int i = 0; i<x.length; i++) x[i] = i; } public static void main (String[]arg) { TestAO a = new TestAO (); System.out.println (a) ; TestAO c = new TestAO ...

rotate and its properties

When using -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg); -moz-transform: rotate(-90deg); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3);; does its properties rotate with it or do they stay the same, for example does the margin top become the left, or does margin top stay at the top? Think it's me being stupid but having some...

Jquery hide show list

Having few issues with a jquery hide show item. Got a list of images, want to show the first one but hide the rest and when the user clicks next the current one is hidden and then the next list item is shown. Been banging head against wall for a while, and there is probably a very easy solution but for some reason I am unable to see it...

Scheme homework help

Okay so I have started a new language in class. We are learning Scheme and i'm not sure on how to do it. When I say learning a new language, I mean thrown a homework and told to figure it out. A couple of them have got me stumped. My first problem is: Write a Scheme function that returns true (the Boolean constant #t) ifthe parameter i...

Why does this while terminate before receiving a value? (java)

Here's the relevant code snippet. public static Territory[] assignTerri (Territory[] board, String[] colors) { for (int i = 0; i<board.length; i++) { // so a problem is that Territory.translate is void fix this. System.out.print ("What team controls ") ; Territory.translate (i) ; System.out.println (" ?") ;...

Scheme sorting a list

Okay so I am trying to take in a list and sort it from greatest to smallest. Example: > (maxheap (list 5 6 2 1 18 7)) ;output: > (18 7 6 5 2 1) So here's what I got so far: (define (mkmaxheap heaplist) (let ((max (mymax(heaplist)))) ;mymax is a func that returns max number, it works (let (( head (car heaplist)) (tail (cdr he...