
How to do proper bounds checking for drawing on HTML5 canvas?

When drawing on a canvas in firefox, if you attempt to draw at or move to a point beyond the bounds of the canvas, an error will be thrown (this is copied/pasted directly from Firebug): An invalid or illegal string was specified" code: "12 Other browsers won't throw the error. This is for both the drawing methods (lineTo, arc, etc), ...

Dragging files out of web page into your local disk?

Hi, I just read this blog post and it stated that: Google is now working on reversing the process -- allowing us to drag files out of Gmail messages and drop them onto our local folders.onto our local folders. My question is: how is this possible? ...

"Converting" XHTML 1.0 Strict to HTML5

OK folks, So I have a valid XHTML 1.0 Strict webpage. I'm aware of the differences between XHTML and HTML, but, what are the differences between XHTML and HTML 5? Would a 'conversion' be as easy as changing the Doctype, and it would all still validate OK? Or, are there markup differences that would need to be changed first? Thanks! ...

Strategies to let a separate app talk to javascript in the browser

Here's the scenario: we have a separate app running on a computer (outside of the browser). It creates a folder with 10,000 downloaded thumbnail images. In the browser, we have a traditional browser app. It lets you browse through these images. In order to speed up the browsing dramatically, I want to let the app get the images from the...

CSS3-based Carousel in Any Direction Regardless of Order

I'm been trying to build a simple Carousel effect for a set of photos. Its is easy to do using the Effects library with PrototypeJS but I'm having problems understanding how to implement this with CSS3. I've built out some solutions but they have only worked if there order of the photos in the HTML is also the order in which you plan to...

font style order in canvas drawText

If I draw a text on a canvas and set the font property the text is not show correctly if I change the order of values into the string property: This work right: context.font = "italic bold 24px Verdana" but this not: context.font = "bold Verdana italic 24px" Into specification is asserted that this rules is the same as CSS rules b...

How to get selected textnode in contentEditable div in IE?

I am attempting to create a simple texteditor with HTML5 contenteditable on a div tag. As you know, selected text is handled quite differently in IE. this.retrieveAnchorNode = function() { var anchorNode; if (document.selection) anchorNode = document.selection.createRange().parentElement(); else if (docume...

How to flip images horizontally with HTML5

In IE, I can use: <img src="" style="filter:FlipH"> to implement a image flip horizontally, any way to flip horizontally in HTML5? (maybe use canvas?) thanks all :) ...

Looking for a book flip library/plugin

Hello, I'm looking for a "flip book" effect that works on Ipad, without Flash. Thank you! ...

HTML5 SVG jQuery problem in FireFox 3.6

Here is my HTML file (jQuery needed and enable HTML5 in FireFox about:config) <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('svg').append("<rect x='100px' y='...

Is there any way to tell when an SVG animation is complete?

I'm using the Raphael library to draw some shapes, and then animate them into view within the browser. Is there any way I can check when one of these animations is complete in order to then trigger another function? ...

HTML 5 Video Tag

Hi! This is my first dip into HTML5, firstly is there a special way to open the html tag? I read a stack overflow question, which seemed to result in the fact that an rtsp could be srced in a video tag. So I have attempted to do so! I have the following HTML...

JW Player on iPad causes issues

Hi. I'm trying to use the JW HTML5 player in an AnythingSlider. It works fine on all the browsers but not on iPad; Page is here: Here's what's going on: - If you start a video in any of the AnythingSlider panels (Panel 1 and Panel 5 contain video), the video will overflow the AnythingSlider and appear either on the...

Is it too early to use HTML5

I was wondering if it it too early to use HTML5 for a production site. Should I rather wait 6-12 months until users have updated to compatible html5 browsers? This leads me to, how far back does the browsers support HTML5? ...

How to turn contentEditable into a structured markup editor?

There's LyX and such editors that attempt to ensure you write text that has a distinct structure. I want same behavior from a html5 contentEditable field except I don't know how. My requirements: No DIV -tags are created. Text is not allowed outside a text container. (paragraphs, headings, pre -blocks and inline -elements) I also ne...

sleep() in Javascript

Suppose I want to block Javascript execution for certain time for some weird reason, how can I do that. There is no sleep() in JS. Pls don't say do a while() loop because that's bad. I can do a window.showModalDialog and put a window.close in the modal dialog with setTimeout of very small time so that the user doesn't notice the dialog. ...

Can this Flash tool be done with JavaScript (jQuery)/HTML5/CSS3?

This is a tool which builds a bicycle visually from components the user selects. What do you think, can this be done with HTML5/JavaScript (jQuery)/CSS3? What do I need to know to start? What do you think the trickier parts will be? ...

Customize media player in HTML5

Possible Duplicate: HTML 5 video custom controls Hi, Is it possible to customize media controls like design as well as coding? apply our own skinning and track events when touching media controllers (Play, stop, ..etc) Thanks in Advance, Sri ...

Backward compatibility in HTML5 in mobile?

Does HTML5 support backward compatibility in mobile? If the browser is not support HTML5 while run a html5 page in mobile browser, whether it will throw error when audio/video is not support or we able to customize the error/alternate code. Also design wise it supports rest of tags? Thanks in advance, Sri ...

Looping through localStorage in HTML5 and JavaScript

So, I was thinking I could just loop through localStorage like a normal object as it has a length. How can I loop through this? localStorage.setItem(1,'Lorem'); localStorage.setItem(2,'Ipsum'); localStorage.setItem(3,'Dolor'); If I do a localStorage.length it returns 3 which is correct. So I'd assume a loop would work. I was...