
stacked bar charts using html 5 by reading values from an array

Want to plot a stacked bar chart in Rgraph .I want to show the graph based on the values from an array.Any solution? ...

HTML5: Latest WebSockets

Has anyone read Hickson's May 2010 draft-hixie-thewebsocketprotocol-76 WebSocket protocol? Here is the the source of an .htm file: <html> <html xmlns=""&gt; <head> <script type="text/javascript"> var socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8181/websession'); socket.onopen = function() { ...

How to animate 'Raphael' canvas?

Hi, I'm using the Raphael library to create SVG objects. To initialise the SVG shape and create a canvas for everything inside, I've used the following line as stated in the documentation: var paper = Raphael(10, 50, 320, 200); I now want to animate the paper and everything inside it, just like I would animate a shape which had been...

DRM protection for Video

hi is there any way to achieve DRM/third party protection for video tag in html5 through Javascript? sri ...

Caching in HTML5

Guys, How to enable mobile web caching in HTML5? is it possible to store dynamic data in mobile device using HTML5? What type of data's can be stored and max size? please let me know if you come across tutorial. Thanks in advance, sri ...

How to either determine SVG text box width, or force line breaks after 'x' characters?

Hi, I'm creating an SVG text box using the Raphael library, and filling it with a dynamic string which is extracted from an XML document. Sometimes, this string is longer than the canvas I am placing the text box on, so I need to either limit the width of the box which will itself force the line breaks (I can't find any evidence of thi...

Content scroller that works with iPad + HTML5 video?

Hi. I'm looking for a content scroller ("carousel" component) and HTML5 video library that work well across browsers but most importantly handles HTML5 video and the iPad well. I've tried the AnythingScroller + JW HTML5 Player and they simply don't work on Safari 5 and iPad -- the HTML5 video goes outside of the scroller component, even ...

HTML5 Canvas Tag

Hi Everyone, I'm working with the Canvas Tag to draw stuff to the screen, I have like 3 different shapes on the screen, and I want to make them linkable, they could be at different coordinates depending on the users interaction, is this possible with this? Thanks! ...

How do I remove a file from the FileList

I'm building a drag-and-drop-to-upload web application using HTML5, and I'm dropping the files onto a div and of course fetching the dataTransfer object, which gives me the FileList. Now I want to remove some of the files, but I don't know how, or if it's even possible. Preferably I'd like to just delete them from the FileList; I've g...

How do I detect a HTML5 drag event entering and leaving the window, like Gmail does?

I'd like to be able to highlight the drop area as soon as the cursor carrying a file enters the browser window, exactly the way Gmail does it. But I can't make it work, and I feel like I'm just missing something really obvious. I keep trying to do something like this: this.body = $('body').get(0) this.body.addEventListener("dragenter",...

Using RGraph for iPhone data plot

I am using CorePlot for plotting data graph on iPhone. Recently I encountered RGraph based on html5 technology. CorePlot is a little over complicated for my purpose. Does anybody have the experience for using RGraph on iPhone? ...

HTML5 canvas hittesting

I have some images drawn on a HTML5 Canvas and I want to check if they are hit on mouse click. Seems easy, I have the bounds of the images, however the images are transformed (translated and scaled). Unfortunately, the context does not have a method to get the current transform matrix, and also, there is no API for matrices multiplicatio...

CSS3 transitions with variable heights?

I'm working on a layout that switches a div between two classes, one with a height of 0px. CSS3 animations scale the div height great. The only problem is that I want it to scale to the content height, instead of a set height. Is this possible with CSS3 transitions? Thanks all! ...

HTML5 File API read as text and binary

I am currently working on the HTML5 File API, and I need to get binary file data. The FileReader's readAsText, and readAsDataURL methods work fine, but readAsBinaryString returns the same data as readAsText. I need binary data, but im getting a text string. Am I missing something? ...

Can you use CSS3 to transition from height:0 to the variable height of content?

Can you use CSS3 to transition from height:0 to the variable height of content? ...

Making a footer stick to the bottom of a page without extraneous markup

If you only had to worry about Firefox and Webkit browsers, what CSS would you use to make the footer in the following HTML stick to the bottom of the page? Note: I don't want to add any of markup to the page. <html> <body> <header>...</header> <article>...</article> <aside>...</aside> <footer>...</fo...

Making a footer not rise above the bottom of the screen without extraneous markup

If you only had to worry about Firefox and Webkit browsers, what CSS would you use to make the footer in the following HTML not rise above the bottom or the screen (and go lower if the body content pushed it)? Note: I don't want to add any of markup to the page. <html> <body> <header>...</header> <article>...</articl...

iPhone/Android swipe detection for mobile browser

Is it possible to detect that the viewport is being dragged by a touch event? Using the following code I am able to get the position of where the finger touched the screen, what node started the event and where it was dragged to. Which solves one of the problems but I would really like to detect when the user has dragged the page/window...

Dynamically create Fancybox and stick video into it

Hi. I need to replace all the HTML5 video tags on the page with their poster image that has a click event attached; the click event launches a Fancybox containing that video tag. Anyone know how to do this with jQuery? Thank you. ...

Multiple SVG document loaded dynamically in an HTML page

I dynamically load multiple external SVG documents in an HTML page and attach them inline. But the lineargradient defined in the first SVG file "pollute" lineargradient defined with the same id in subsequent SVG files. It means the first loaded lineargradient defined with an ID override other lineargradient defined with the same id in o...