
How do you evaluate code maintainability of HTML5 vs. Silverlight

Comparison of HTML5 and Silverlight as Web development platform is a popular topic, and arguments often focus on readiness of HTML5 or additional step to install Silverlight plug-in. But let's say there are no such issues: all browsers have good support for HTML5, and all browsers come with built-in Silverlight. I know it's false assumpt...

HTML5 Files and FileLists path

I am wondering where the file path is stored in a File object in HTML javascript. I used the Webkit DevTools and got this: FileList 0: File fileName: "script.js" fileSize: 71268 name: "script.js" size: 71268 type: "application/x-javascript" __proto__: File length: 1 __proto__: FileList The file name, size and ...

Full-bleed background video?

Similar to this question (that one doesn't want to use Flash, though, while I'd be fine with it): Is there a reliable, works-in-most-browsers way to have a full-area Video background in an HTML page, the Video starting to play automatically and looping endlessly, and being able to put HTML on top of it? I'm fine with using a Flash vid...

IndexDB, WebSQL in 4 Months

Hi All, I've got a bit of a problem, I'm about to start a 4-6 month project which will need offline support. AppCache is awesome and accepted as the standard but the big browsers are still undecided about the database implementation with Opera, Safari and Chrome opting for WebSQL (SQLite) and Mozilla and supposedly IE backing IndexDB. ...

Can I broadcast to all WebSocket clients

I'm assuming this isn't possible, but wanted to ask in case it is. If I want to provide a status information web page, I want to use WebSockets to push the data from the server to the browser. But my concerns are the effect a large number of browsers will have on the server. Can I broadcast to all clients rather than send discrete messag...

Javascript Speed - Chrome v Firefox

I wrote this small game at Now if you trying playing the game in both Firefox and Chrome, you would clearly notice that it is significantly slower in Firefox. You can call it an unintentional cheat code, yes. ;-) So my question is - Is this because of a slower Javascript engine in Firefox when compared to ...

HTML5 Cache Manifest Not uploading

I am working on an offline application in HTML and am having a problem using the HTML5 manifest. I am able to get it to download all the files and the manifest but when I change the manifest it does not do an update. I see a record of the browser downloading the manifest in the web server log, and it does issue a bunch of progress event...

SVG in IE 9, will it be possible?

will IE 9 handle SVG drawing ? ...

Change canvas gradient object's properties.

var i = 0; var x = 960; var y = 540; var interval = window.setInterval(render, 100); function render() { gradient = cxt.createRadialGradient(x, y, i, x, y, i+10); gradient.addColorStop(0, "rgba(0,0,0,0)");//white inside gradient.addColorStop(.4, "rgba(255,255,255,1)");//white inside gradient.addColorStop(.6, "rgba(255,255,255,1)");//...

HTML5 Video - Chrome - Error settings currentTime

When I try to set the currentTime of the HTML5 Video element in Chrome 5.0.375.86 like: video.currentTime = 1.0; I am getting the following javascript exception: Uncaught Error: INDEX_SIZE_ERR: DOM Exception 1 It works fine in Safari. Has anybody experienced this?? ...

Drawing rotated text on a HTML5 canvas

Part of a web application I'm developing requires me to create bar graphs to display various information. I figured, if the user's browser is capable, I would draw them using the HTML5 canvas element. I have no problem drawing lines and bars for my graphs, but when it comes to labeling the axes, the bars, or the lines I ran into a snag. ...

IE 7 negative margin error

With this code the "TEXT" doesn't show up in IE 7. I think its behind the input? Giving it a zindex dosn't help, and i can't use position:relative because it messes other stuff up. any ideas of how to fix? <!DOCTYPE html> <input/><span style='margin-left:-50px;'>TEXT</span> ...

HTML5 local storage and Chrome

I am looking to build a offline application. I would like to know how clearing of cache works in Google Chrome. If the user deletes his cookies, would his offline content disappear as well? ...

Is there an equivalent of canvas's toDataURL method for SVG?

I am trying to load an svg image into canvas for pixel manipulation I need a method like toDataURL or getImageData for svg on Chrome/Safari I can try doing it through and image and canvas var img = new Image() img.onload = function(){ ctx.drawImage(img,0,0) //this correctly draws the svg image to the canvas! however... var dataURL ...

Is Flash becoming a dying web technology? (long-term)

I'd like to see what your thoughts are regarding Flash and it's purpose in the future. We all know what some of the pros and cons are for using Flash but with HTML5 growing rapidly, I can see Flash becoming less useful (perhaps even obsolete) unless new features are added to it. Take for example complex animation, fancy fonts, dynamic ...

How do I clear the HTML5 Application Cache from Javascript?

I have implemented application caching in a web app for the iPhone, and it seems to work, both on mobile Safari and and on my desktop iMac. Using iOS4, Safari 5.0, MacOS X 10.6.4. I am using the Webkit developer tools in Safari to debug it. What is bugging me at the moment is that when I go enable the debugger and run it, the debug...

jQuery anchor click, "this", "" - returns url

Hi there. I've switched from Mootools to jQuery, because I think it has better support. I've got HTML like that: <ul class="menuHandler"> <li class="menuTreeElement activeOpt" id="menuOpt1"> <ul id="menuOpt1Content"> <li><a href="#" class="menuOpener">Opcje</a><a href="#" class="sprite menuOpener"></a></li> <li class="submenuElement">Op...

Closing iPhone Video Player using Javascript

I have a web page with several html5 tags, offering users a number of posters/thumbnails for videos they can choose to play. When a user touches one of the them the iPhone video player opens and the video plays. I want to be able to automatically close the video player after the video has finished and return the user to the thumbnails. ...

Chaining a function in JavaScript?

I want to make a function that add an item to my localStorage object. E.g.: alert(localStorage.getItem('names').addItem('Bill').getItem('names')); The first method is getItem which gets the item for localStorage objects... but addItem would be a custom function. This chain of functions would finally alert Bill. So, how would I make t...

html5 detect how many files being dropped?

Is it possible to detect how many files are being dropped using HTML5 drag/drop? I can detect the number of files using e.dataTransfer.files once the files have been dropped but the filesList is empty for ondragover & ondragenter events. ...