
Microsoft Entourage: rendering hyperlinks?

When we send emails from my project, we send in both text/plain and text/html formats. All major clients (gmail, yahoo, hotmail, thunderbird, outlook) correctly display the simple HTML that we are using. However, Entourage renders all tags EXCEPT hyperlinks. What is confusing is that emails from other domains render hyperlinks correctly ...

How many javascript link I can have in Facebook?

Is there a limit of how many js file I can include () in facebook? I include 5 files. no problem.. the 6th one not loaded. Then I have to put the code in the 6th one into the 5th file. then works. so, is it 5 files in max? BY THE WAY, I'm developing the apps now, not in production. so it is not in the stage of compressing JS / minizin...

how to set cursor style to pointer for links without hrefs

i have a lot of html tags without href for making onclick javascript calls. but these links do not have a pointer style of cursor. they only have text style cursor. how to set cursor style to pointer for links without hrefs? i know i can add href="#", but i have this in a lot of places in the html document and would like to know how t...

Windows Form and Html Link

Is possilbe to open up a link from a windows form app like so: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start('http://www.Stackoverflow.com'); But have the link open in the current ie7 or ie8 that is already open? Currently we have an that loads a page when the user loads some info. We need it to load the same tab. ...

How to pass from flash under the external reference?

I have Mac OS widget with flash. If to click on flash the URL in a window of a browser should open. But it does not occur. I use code like this: DETAILS_HTML='object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0" width="700" height="460"...

How to open link in other browser?

How to open link in other browser? For example: <a href="sample.html" >click to open in firefox</a> <a href="sample.html" >click to open in Safari</a> <a href="sample.html" >click to open in IE</a> <a href="sample.html" >click to open in Chrome</a> Is it possible? Any ideas or suggestion? Thanks. ...

Link is not working as expectation

Hi Experts, I have a user control of menu which have links on which user is redirected to the desired page. When I am using that user control in my aspx page, on first time when user click to the link he is redirected to the destination, but when user again click that link it is showing the page stating that "cannot find server", the sa...

Is it possible to scroll to any part of HTML document using only link to it?

So I want to use link like http://example.com/fo.html#line22 on ANY HTML page (meaning I can not change the page HTML code but I can read it before giving link) to scroll to line 22 of HTML document or knowing contents to some Known as existing line or button on that page. How to do such thing? ...

CSS horizontal menu links issue

I've got a simple (horizontal) CSS menu list with a problem. The links in the list are only active up to a certain point, for example menu item four in my list doesn't work, 1, 2, and 3 are fine. By not working I mean both 'hover' and hyperlinking actions are gone. It's got something to do with the 'float' and 'overflow' attributes, if...

Tomcat to Glassfish url

Let's say I have a Tomcat and a web application on it with index.html is in catalina_home\webapps\ROOT\index1.html and this web application runs successfully to the internet. Also I have a glassfish with another application deployed on it with let's say an index2.jsp. Can I have a link in index1 that can open index2? ...

Help with HTML hyperlink please

Hello, Can someone help me with this problem: I have a table in a jsp page, with the text in one column being hyperlinks. Whenever anyone of these hyperlinks is clicked the whole table should refresh and repopulate based on the value of the hyperlink clicked. My problem is currently when the hyperlink is clicked the page refreshes with ...

Struts2 jQuery plugin: trigger link on double click

I would like links to be trigger on double click. Something simple like this: <sj:a href="%{link}" targets="target" ondblclick="javascript: return true;" onclick="javascript: return false;">Bližnjica</sj:a> does not work (I guess because this is not a submit). Maybe some JS can do that? ...

How do I add descriptive text to form link .gif ?

I want to make the descriptive text around a form link also open the form. I want to make it so you can click on "Some Text Here" (below) and open the form on somesomite.com just as if you clicked on the image below this text (somebut.gif, below) <DIV style="position: absolute; top:10px; right:10px; width:70px; height:25px"> <font color...

NSString within a link

Hi, I have a UIWebView that loads a link, http://www.google.com/a/datacommsales.net. But I want to have the datacommsales.net part interchangable. What I would like it to be is http://www.google.com/a/stringOne, stringOne being the NSString, so I can set the value of the string and change the link without editing the code. But the link i...

Is there a way to make a Google Web Toolkit (GWT) Button look like a HTML Hyperlink?

I plan on appending some comments onto a text, to do that, first, I need the concerned text to act like a button for me to launch a popup, which in turn shows the comment. For that to happen, I need to make that concerned text to act like a button in GWT, but due to some aesthetic reasons I don't want it to look like a normal GWT Button,...

What to use to check html links in large project, on Linux?

I have directory with > 1000 .html files, and would like to check all of them for bad links - preferably using console. Any tool you can recommend for such task? ...

links to work items - vstf/vsts

Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to create links to work items that open not through Team System Web Access but through Visual Studio 2008. For TSWA we have following links: http://mytfs:8090/wi.aspx?id=1234 We would like to include VS-links in the reports (in parallel with TSWA-links), so that users can choose the tool they wan...

css block links and images

Given this html: <div class="nation"> <a href="library.php?type=nation&amp;id=America"> <div class="nation-image"> <img src="nations/America.png" alt="snip" /> </div> <h3>America</h3> </a> </div> the following CSS results in the entire <div class="nation"> becoming a clickable block link: ....

What is the best substitute for FlowDocument in Silverlight?

I'm porting an application from WPF to Silverlight and was saddened to read of the lack of FlowDocument support. What is the best way in Silverlight then to display text with markup? I just need the basics, e.g. bold italic hyperlink colors font sizes Added: I don't mean a RichTextBox (as in the Vectorlight demo) but a way to for...

What does ~ in the beginning of an URL in asp.net exactly do ?

I am editing a certain website which before used the port 80 (default) that was not required at the url (because it's default..) But the port had (for technical reasons) to be changed, and now it has to be informed. I can access the main page through ip:port\page like this:\page.aspx Every link in the website is composed ...