
Qt - a QWidget that has a clickable hyperlink

Please tell me how to create a QLabel on the QWidget that has a text that you can click and browser will open the mentioned link. Please bring here a code snippet. Thanks! ...

Create hyperlink in django template of object that has a space

I am trying to create a dynamic hyperlink that depends on a value passed from a function: {% for item in field_list %} <a href={% url index_view %}{{ item }}/> {{ item }} </a> <br> {% endfor %} The problem is that one of the items in field_list is "Hockey Player". The link for some reason is dropping everything after the space, s...

link rel not working without http:// protocol

Hi, i'm trying to implement various semantic links on the website I'm working on. For that, i try to put <link rel="start" href="index.html" /> In my head section. Although the data is present in the web page, Opera does not seems to see it to show the navigation bar that should however be present. Here is my full head section. <...

clickable div with img in it?

I have a div i would like to make clickable. I know i need to make the div (and?) the link have a fixed width and height + display: block. I have an image inside of the div. It seems like the 'clickable' div is actually a large transparent link and this click does not play well with images as it doesnt share space. I need to right click ...

how can I know that onmousedown event is set for a link?

Hi guys, I want to parse an html document after it has loaded and discover all the links that the onmousedown event is set for them - how do I do that? Thanks Alex ...

Convert URLs into HTML links using sed?

I'm wondering if it's possible (recommended might be the better word) to use sed to convert URLs into HTML hyperlinks in a document. Therefore, it would look for things like: http://something.com And replace them with <a href="http://something.com"&gt;http://something.com&lt;/a&gt; Any thoughts? Could the same also be done for emai...

How to display and edit hyperlinks in DBGrid in Delphi 7?

I use DBGrid to display Hyperlink type field from Microsoft Access database (MDB). Normally dbgrid displays hyperlink values like "(MEMO)", without editing capablity. Is there a way to solve this? ...

All the sudden my links not working in php

hi guys, I have a page where all links where working properly but all the sudden some links are not working anymore. I am puzzling myself to undersand why. Nothing really changed. Maybe some css details. Is there anyone who can give a clue? Thank you for any help. me abou twhat might have happened. Francesco PS sorry forgot to say t...

Why can't any browser understand this link? (exept firefox)

Hy people. I'm working on my webapp for the iphone. On some point you have the option to get a particular document from our appserver. It works on firefox, but safari just shows an empty download window. IE also can't get the file. Below is the example link. Is there something wrong with a link of this kind that Safari can't see? ht...

auto add route parameter to url

i have 2 urls on one page: http://host/home/list and http://host/home/list/1. if i click on second url then first url renders with param 1, so url1 equals ulr2 (url1 = http://host/home/list/1 and url2=http://host/home/list/1) i use such code <%= Html.ActionLink("link", "DesignerFiles", "Home", null, null)%> url1 <%= Html.ActionLink(...

Hyperlinks are staying inactive after setting isEnabled=true to parent control

I've got a TabItem contanining a listbox, which has an obeservable collection of my feeds class as its item source. When I refresh/load the feeds into the collection I want to disable the main window so that the user can't go clicking other things while this process is running. So I set tbCtrl.isEnabled=false; to my tab control on the fo...

Inline base64 encoded link not working in Firefox

I have this link: <a href="data:application/pdf;base64,JVBERi0x...KJSVFT0YK">PDF</a> In Safari on MacOsX, clicking the link instantly opens the PDF. In Firefox 3.6.2, it doesn't. When I choose Download, it saves it as "u7WYuJME.pdf(2).part", which is a valid PDF file. When I choose "Open with Preview", it downloads it but does not ope...

UITableViewCell with selectable/copyable text that also detects URLs on the iPhone

Hi guys, I have a problem. Part of my app requires text to be shown in a table. The text needs to be selectable/copyable (but not editable) and any URLs within the text need to be highlighted and and when tapped allow me to take that URL and open my embedded browser. I have seen a couple of solutions that solve one of either of these p...

jQuery menu active link

Hello, I am trying to make a jquery menu that when I click on one of the links (without reloading the page), it changes its class to "active" and removes this class when I click on another link. here is my code : <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $(".buttons").children().("a").click(function() { $(".b...

Implement opening own links by own application

I would like to implement the following behaviour: I have a special media player, that is capable to play Internet streams (types of streams is not important, we can consider these are simply media files). A person X has a number of links to such streams, and the person will prepare HTML pages with the links according to my rules. The ...

Flash button not working in IE using wmode as transparent

I have a flash banner and css menu to use. I tried flash with wmode as transparent for flash banner which makes the css menu to come over the flash banner. but the button which is there in flash is not working in IE 7 and it's lower version. any solution for this??? ...

Where does a href="#" pointing (at|to)? ?

Hello! Can someone tell me, what the href with the "#" means? <a id="logoutLink" href="#">Logout</a> ...

Linking Simple product to their page listed under Grouped product in Magento

I want to add url for each simple product listed under Grouped product in Magento i have changed it with below code in app\design\frontend\blank\default\template\catalog\product\view\type\grouped.phtml but still not work for me it's link but with main group product (Example: Main Grouped product and three simple products Item1 Item2 Item...

How can I get the href of a <link> tag using jQuery?

Hi, I've seen lots on how to do this with an tag, and I have no problem doing it with that one, but I can't seem to retrieve the href attribute of a <link> tag. Even trying to grab the link tag at all: alert($("link").length); Gives 0. Any ideas? Thanks, Matt ...

How can I extract images from a site that I'm linking to?

If you're familiar with Reddit, you'll know how all of their posts containing pictures get a small thumbnail preview beside the title of the submission. How does Reddit go about doing that? Does it just check to see if the link ends with .jpg, .png, .bmp, etc? ...