
How to Make URLs clickable inside of UITableViewCell ?

I know how to use UIWebView and can invoke a WebView if it is associated with a specific button or UITableViewCell. What I am trying to achieve is to have a UITableViewCell with a chunk of text. That chunk of text might contain a URL. I want to make the URL into a clickable link and have that link open into a WebView. My thought so far ...

Python mechanize to follow image links?

mechanize's Browser class is great and it's follow_link() function is great too. But what to do with this kind of links: <a href="http://example.com"&gt;&lt;img src="…"></a> Is there any way to follow such links? The text attribute of this type of links is simply '[IMG]', so AFAIK, there is no way to differentiate such links. Any help...

IE7 - visited links revert to unvisted after page refresh

Hello, A number of our users have just upgraded from IE6 to IE7. the upgreaded users are reporting an issue with visited links reverting to their unvisited color after a page refresh. This only happens to links that are using javascript instead of a hard coded URL: <script lang="JavaScript"> <!-- function LoadGoogle() { var LoadGo...

PHP Templated site w/ file_get_content links

Ok so i have a template script my friend built for me. I'll include all file names. OK so what is not working is file_get_contents is not grabing the content (1 I don't know where the content should be placed. (2 I want it placed in a directory so that IF i change the template the area where content stays is the same. (3 I'm trying...

Using Yahoo Pipes to makes tweets link to url they contain rather than Twitter

I'm wondering how you can use Yahoo Pipes to get any tweets than contain a url to link to that url when clicked, instead of linking to Twitter. ...

jQuery - Reload page after following jump link

I'm creating a slideshow effect using hidden div's. Once a thumbnail is clicked, the corresponding div appears in a window and the other divs are hidden. However, I also need the page to reload. I attempted to use something like this: $("a").click(function() { location.reload(); }); However, this will reload the page without follo...

How to get downloadable product links after successfull order

After a successfull order I would like to propose directly the downloadable URL for products buyer bought in the success.phtml file. I wrote this piece of code to know product's values of the latest order: // Get the latest Order ID $order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load(Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getLastOrderId()); ...

Question about Paperclip for Rails

I'm using Papeclip( with Rails(2.3.5). In my view I write so: <%= link_to image_tag(p.attachment.url(:small)), p.attachment.url(:original) %>, and it becomes into href="/system/attachments/1/original/1.JPG?1270134617 (for a tag) src="/system/attachments/1/small/1.JPG?1270134617" (for img tag). And when I click on the pictu...

Nested hyperlinks in XHTML 1.1 document

Hi, I'm doing a simple widget for WordPress that fetches the most recent tweets from the RSS feed provided by Twitter. This widget parses any link posted on a tweet, it also parses mentions (ie: @username) and trending topics (ie: #nowplaying). For these 3 situations, it creates links pointing to some Twitter feature. For instance: "...

Trying to create link with NSTextField

I'm using this category (is that right?) http://www.nightproductions.net/references/dsclickableurltextfield_reference.html#setAttributedStringValue to implement clickable textfields. I've imported the header file in my controller class and set it's attributed string value like this NSAttributedString* str = [[NSAttributedString alloc] ...

jQuery accordion link issue

Slight problem, I've been working with a multi-accordion for a News panel. Everything is working fine, but there is an issue that has just recently come up. Underneath the headline I have information on when said headline+article was posted and when, and also if there are any comments. I intended to make the author and the number of com...

CSS placement of text

Anyone know how I can get "Posted by AUTHOR on April 3rd, 2010 | 0 Comments" underneath the headline of the news links WITHOUT it being apart of the A CLASS? I want it to look, read, and function like: [IMAGE] HEADLINE Posted by AUTHOR on April 3rd, 2010 | 0 Comments All of that in the initial looking field, then the user can ...

how to add hyperlink to particular node of tree in ext js

how to add hyperlink to a particular node of tree in extjs can i add hyperlink and how?? ...

itunes http link to apps with a keyword

Is there a way to generate an http link which will open iTunes to the results of a query for apps with a specific keyword. I have a number of apps and I want my users from my web site to see those with a common keyword. So not to my full list by default. ...

Excel hyperlink

Hi All, I have a column in excel, wherein I have all the website url values. My question is I want to turn the url values to active links. There are about 200 entries in that column with different urls in all cells. Is there a way I can create active hyperlinks to all the cells without writing a macro. ...

Looking for a method to replace a string with a hyperlink

I have a usercontrol in an asp web forms application that I am working on in C#. I am binding to a repeater and outputting a field of information, named "Text", using the following syntax: <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Text") %> I am looking for a method that will allow my to search for a keyword within the string that is ...

PHP Dynamic Breadcrumb

Hello, I got this code from someone and it works very well, I just want to remove the link from the last element of the array: //get rid of empty parts $crumbs = array_filter($crumbs); $result = array(); $path = ''; foreach($crumbs as $crumb){ $path .= '/' . $crumb; $name = ucfirst(str_replace(array(".php","_"),array(""," "), ...

Append class="external" to external links.

What is the php code to append class="external" to links that are posted and are not the domain. For example my site is www.mysite.com and you post a link to www.mysite.com/news and a link to www.yoursite.com How do I set it so only non "mysite.com" links have the class specified? ...

WORD 2003 - Adding Hyperlinks to other files....can I use currentpath in the hyperlink

I have a document that is an overview document within a folder, there are numerous related documents in a folder that is also in the folder that contains the overview document. I would like to reference these documents throughout the overview document and allow those to be selected and viewed by clicking. so i was going to use a hyperl...

Facebook API for iPhone: including html link in the post

Hello, i'm using the Facebook API on an iPhone application but can't figure out how to include a clickable link in my the description of my post. Tried to put the in it but it's removed from the message. Any idea? ...