
Using PHP to display button with hyperlink or greyed out button if no URL in database

I've got a webpage that I'm working on where you click on a letter or category and it displays records matching that query from a database. One of the things I want to display is a hyperlinked button that says "Website" if the database record contains a URL in the 'URL' field, and if there is no value in that field, it will display a gr...

Create hyperlink to some text in NSTextView

I can create a hyperlink to some url in an NSTextView using the "Link Panel". Or I can add a link manually using the NSLinkAttributeName attribute of NSAttributedString. I don't want to make a hyperlink to some external url though, I want to be able to create a hyperlink to some text within the NSTextView. Do you know how in Pages you c...

One url to image, few results

Hi! I'm trying to show programmers that some captchas are too weak, and i'm breaking them. Now i've got something like this: Function: <?php function cbreak($image) { $info = getimagesize($image); $width = $info[0]; $height = $info[1]; $img = imagecreatefromgif($image); $map = array(); for($y=0; $y<$height; $y++) { for($x=0; $x<...

How can i make a link to update my iPhone application?

hi, i know how to make a link to my app on the appstore with this URL itms-apps://ax.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id= but i don't want the user goes on the software page but directly in the update tab what is the link to do this? is there a link to update the app ?(if an update existing) thanks ...

[jQuery] Animate hidden hyperlink to display:block

Hi guys, given a hidden hyperlink (hidden by setting display: inline in a css file), how can I achieve to animate this hyperlink to 'display:block'? Neither show() nor the following code .animate({ display: block }, { duration: 500 } do work! Anny suggestions? Cheers, cube ...

Get the full URI from the href property of a link

Hello SO, I would like to have a confirmation on some point. My goal is to always get the same string (which is the URI in my case) while reading the href property from a link. Example: <a href="test.htm" /> with base_url = http://domain.name/ <a href="../test.htm" /> with base_url = http://domain.name/domain/ <a href="http://domain...

How to distinguish a link whether it will trigger file downloading or jumping into anywhere else , such as a new URL

Hi, I get a idea writing a greasemonkey user javascript that can detect which is the exactly real download link rather than an advertisement link or something else . Actually, I find that some real download link is linked to .php . It's tough to detect it I think. how could I do that, any ideas? ...

How can you find all HTML hyper link tags in a string and replace them with their href value?

I'd like to take a string of text and find all of the hyper link tags, grab their href value, and replace the entire hyper link tag with the value of the href attribute. ...

iPhone: How to Display Underlined Text in a Button?

I want to display the mail ID in my view such that clicking the mail ID should open the mail composer view. I want to display the button text as underlined to show it is a hyperlink and for the button click event to call the mail composer view. At present, I am not able to show the button text underlined. I thought of placing a label a...

How do I attach a link (to a View) to an image in ASP.NET MVC?

Ok, so here is my situation. I am creating a web application using ASP.NET MVC 2 using the C# language. I have programmed in HTML, CSS, and PHP for several years and I am very new to ASP.NET. The part that I am having trouble with is the image gallery. The setup: I have a link on the navigation bar that goes to a "Galleries" page. T...

jquery target link click event

Hi, i create some links on the fly ... $('input[name="iplus"]').click(function() { $(ol).append("<a href='#' title='delposition' class='beschr-"+($("#billsumary ol>li").length+1)+"'>l&ouml;schen</a>"); }); now I like to target each created link like $('a[title='delposition']') and assign a click-event like: $("a[title='delp...

how can i make a link in XML

I have this flash website that comes with XML. The website is predefined in such a way that when I hoover the mouse cursor over some pictures or text, it will show the pointing hand, thus meaning it's a clickable link. Originally, it would look like so: <image imageUrl="_pic2.png" link="asfunction:link"/> After I changed the link par...

clickable hyperlink behind image

I'm using the LinkedIn Profile widget on my site and am using the popup version. Although it's functional, I don't like the little LinkedIn icon that's placed as I'm already using a larger LinkedIn icon. Is it possible to hide the smaller one? (I assume it's built into the class, but there may be an option somewhere?) If not, is it possi...

finding links that are hyper-links in jQuery

Im trying to take a link either when clicked or hover over be able to grab the attribute href and tell if its a hyper-link or not. Also i want it to be able to tell me if its a hyper-link to my own site. Plus various other filters. The main purpose for this is so that when a internal link is clicked it will tell ajax to grab the conten...

Why Won't My ASP.NET Hyperlink Work in IE?

I'm making a very simple ad button system using ASP.NET 2.0 The advertisment is a 150x150px square that is displayed on **. (Scroll down a little and you'll see the bright green "Angry Octopus" on the right side of the screen.) Now, I am not the administrator of *. Instead, I am the administrator of angryoctopus.net Therefore, I do...

run jquery code in partial view called by ajax link

Hi! I have read your guide for "run jquery code in partial view called by ajax link" but i don't understand May you show me more clearly, possible a sample project Thanks for support ...

How do I link one listview to another to create a football league table?

Hi I am creating a football system in windows forms c#. I have one listview where data is entered. I have 4 columns, 2 with team names linked to combo boxes and 2 with the scores linked to numericupdown controls. There are 3 buttons to add the results, Remove and clear. the code is below: private void addButton_Click(object sender, ...

How do I make the gridview headers to links?

Hi, I want the headers of my gridview to be hyperlinks, without the "SortExpression"... I searched the net, but I've been not very succesful. Anyone has the solution? For example: when clicking on the header of a simple gridview, the site navigates to a webpage. Is it possible? Thanks in advance! ...

link in SWF should open a new page, but doesn't

Hi, I have some images floating around in my SWF. The SWF holds several buttons, linked to those pics etc. The buttons have actions: on(release) { getURL("http://domain.com/sub/folder/page.html/"); } When clicking on the image I would like a new page to open in which the link is executed. How come the current code isn't working? thank...

Adding links to this PHP statement

Here is a PHP statement that basically sets off a javascript image slider. Only problem is I can't figure out how to get each individual image to a link to a different page. Any tips or suggestions? I appreciate it! <?php jsbrotate('height=316&width=924&imgdisp=4&imgfade=2&images=/wp-content/uploads/image_1_linked.png|/wp-content/upl...