
html link in swf object

I have a swf file but I dont have the source. I need to add a link to the object swf but I dont know how. I need to do something like this: <a href='http://www.mypage.com'&gt;&lt;object ....> </a> is there a way to achieve this? Thanks in advance ...

cakephp dropdownlist

hi, this is the dropdown list link in my edit page when editing it selects the friend automatically, but i want it shows 'select your exiting friend' by default(whenever the page loads).. echo $form->input('PostCard.friend_id',array('label'=>_l('Friend Name List'),'empty'=>_l('Select Your Existing Friend'),'options'=>$friends)); ...

What is HTML code that causes captions/comments pop up when mouse is rolled over a hyperlink?

What is that peice of the HTML code that allows me to provide comments to links before the user is actually clicking on them? Do you know what I mean? I mean, on my web page I have some hyperlinks, and I want to know some information about it - what I will be taken to if I click on this link - so I just roll over my mouse on that link a...

How do I make Flash dynamic text field <a> links fire events on mouseover?

Question says it all really, but I don't mind if any answers are AS2 or AS3 solutions, just curious really - seems weird that I couldn't find out how to do this really quickly. ...

catch method name of controller

i have master mage, in bottom i have such menu <div class="footMenu"> <ul> <li class="active"><a href="">test1</a> </li> <li><a href="">test2</a></li> <li><a href="">test3</a></li> </ul> </div> so in depends of view load a need to put class...

Making a dynamically-created label in Flex/ArcGIS a clickable hyperlink

I have an ArcGIS map created with Flex. The labels created dynamically are the towns on the map. We have some PDF files that have some information about the towns on the map. Is there a way to make those town labels clickable so that they can display the PDF information on a new page? ...

How to hide all URL in Firefox status bar when mouseover to any links?

Anyone can give me the answer? TQ. ...

sIFR links deactivate

Hi, I am developing a Wordpress site using the WP sIFR plugin. Yesterday my hyperlinks suddenly stopped working after 15 minutes or so. When I open the page in a new window, they are reactivated, even in the original page. I am using Firefox 3 on a Mac. http://stellaandmoon.com.au/art/ Can anyone help me? I would really appreciate any...

Making a table row (tr) clickable with jQuery (with an a href link, and hover!?)

Just a (hopefully) quick question, I have the following HTML code: <tr> <td><img src="img/icons/file_pdf.png"></td> <td><a href="../upload/1267473577.pdf">Bulletin 1st March 2010</a></td> <td>(01/03/10)</td> </tr> Ideally I'd like a way to grab the a href link using jQuery and make it so that no matter where you click on that parti...

How we can add some same Parameters for all link in my a webform page

hi, when asp.net output a page ,I want to add some same parameters for all links() in this page How I can do it ? somesite.com/page.aspx => somesite.com/page.aspx?same=value somesite.com/?anyp=hevalue => somesite.com/?anyp=hevalue&same=value auto add same=value ...

iphone email link not selected correctly

Hello, I'm creating a link to open my App and pass some data in the URL. When I add the query parameter ? my link get broken. NSData *fileData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:dataFilePath]; NSString *encodedString = [GTMBase64 stringByWebSafeEncodingData:fileData padded:YES]; NSString *urlString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"myApp:/...

PHP static $link from db function to db object for transactional queries

I have multiple functions, each running their own SQL query that needs to be inside a transaction... I'm using a static $link to save having to pass around links between functions... for example: function db() { $user = "username"; $pass = "password"; $db = "database"; $server = "localhost"; static $link; if(is_null($link)){ $l...

asp.net LinkButton HyperLink problem

The following two controls on my page: <asp:LinkButton ID="OpenLB" runat="server" >Open</asp:LinkButton> <asp:HyperLink ID="OpenHL" runat="server">Open</asp:HyperLink> I set them during page load like this: OpenLB.PostBackUrl = @"file:\\web\documents-emails\doc1.docx"; OpenHL.NavigateUrl = @"file:\\web\documents-emails\doc1.docx"; ...

[solved] PHP-called hyperlink stopped showing when CSS table implemented

EDIT: Solved - was not flutter's tag stripping, should work as advertised. I'm using Flutter (which creates custom fields) in Wordpress to display profile information entered as a Post. Before I implemented the CSS tables the link showed up and was clickable. Now I get nothing returned, even when I try to call the link outside the table...

How to simulate a html page link click with Java ?

There is a link on a html page with the following text <Html> ... <script type="text/JavaScript"> function createCookie(name,value,days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); } else var expires = ""; d...

Embedded code in NavigateUrl of an asp:Hyperlink. What am I doing wrong?

In code-behind of an ASP.NET page I have this method: public string TestFunc() { return "http://www.blabla.net"; } And in markup this: <%= TestFunc() %> If I run the page I see "http://www.blabla.net" as text on the page and in debugger I enter TestFunc - all as expected. If I put this Hyperlink on the same aspx page... <asp:...

Bookmarklet Keeps going to new page

I made this bookmarklet: javascript:(function(){var s=document.createElement('script');s.setAttribute('src','http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js');document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(s);$('#hldIntMain').hide();$('#fadeBackground').hide();return false;})() Formatted code: // Add in jQuery v...

Convert standard link to image link

I'd like to convert a normal link tag into an image tag, How would I convert this following, <a href="images/first.jpg">This is an image.</a> <a href="images/second.jpg">This is yet another image.</a> <a href="images/third.jpg">Another image.</a> Into this with php, <img src="dir/images/first.jpg">This is an image. <img src="dir...

Add link to image dynamically

If i have "img" element id = "myimg". Is posible to add link to "img" without edit html page using jQuery <img id="myimg" src="image.png"> I like to make "myimg" have link like this. <a href="test.html"><img id="myimg" src="image.png"></a> Thank you for reploy. ...

Drupal 6 primary links: how do I link to my latest news?

I've defined a custom content type - news. I also have a menu item - latest news - that links to one of the news nodes. I want it to link to the latest of them. How would I do that? ...