
Tinymce insert link to an image error

Hi i create my own filemanager. This open in a popup. if i insert a link to an text the code is work perfect, but if i use it an image remove the selected image in opener window function addslashes(str){return (str+'').replace(/[\"']/g, '\$&').replace(/\u0000/g, '\0')} var code = window.opener.tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent...

How to refer to a href link within an element in order to change the link's color when the element is selected.

I am trying to change the background and foreground color when a entry in the html is clicked. The current working javascript is like this document.getElementById(pos).className='style2'; where 'style2' contains the definition of the background color, foreground color and the a href color. Here is a sample entry that is rendered via H...

String manipulation in XAML property databinding for Hyperlinks

Is there an easy way to transform or format a string as part of WPF data binding? Suppose I want to create a WPF Hyperlink element based on a string tag. <Hyperlink NavigateUri="{Binding Tag}"> <Run Text="{Binding Tag}" /> </Hyperlink> But I need to transform the Tag first for the NavigateUri property to make it a true hyperlink ...

uiwebview can not open link

In the sdk sample code UICatalog, if i build in iPhone 3.2 or iPad, it can not open some link in www.baidu.com, but it work in ios4. Is there someone know why and how to fix it? ...

HTML Codes in CakePHP $html->link function

This code $html->link(" &raquo;", '/events/view/'.$event['Event']['id']), array('escape'=>false,'class'=>'more') ) Outputs <a href="/events/view/4"> &amp;raquo;</a> instead of >> Any idea? ...

Objective-c iphone App, problems with button to parsed hyperlink

Hi! Another problem for me with my application is a simple procedure. I want to have a button which, if you press, opens the link associated with the article in question. I have followed instructions that i understand, but I am having trouble understanding why the link will not work. - (IBAction)link:(id)sender { WebViewController *vi...

How to submit a Form by using a textlink POST method

I'm new to PHP but was wondering how this can be done. I want to have submit an HTML form to another PHP page, but i dont want to use the ugly button. I want to use a link. The thing is, i see many solutions out there that uses Java Script/Jquery etc to solve this, Does any one know how to do this with PHP code and HTML only? ...

A shorter URL for lengthy hosted application address?

In an earlier post I asked about how to create short form for my silverlight application I host on line. But this solution don't help me. The problem is that I have my few project in solution in other folders. And in folder with my aspx file which host SL app I have ClientBin folder with xap file. And when I copy this aspx file to root...

Latest News Modules - links don't open new page

Hi everyone, I want to use a latest news module as an article list with thumbnails for each category. When I enable the mod the list displays perfectly but when I click on the thumb or title the article shows up on the same page at the bottom of the list instead of opening a new page with just that one article. I have tried the thumbs...

hide hyperlink text of anchor <a> tag in browser status bar but it should navigate

Hi, I have a referral project. In that there is an agent between the affiliate(my site) and the target site. So all hyperlinks displayed in my site will be redirected to the agents site and then it is redirected to the target site. The hyperlink itself is the link to the agents site. So i am displaying all products. I have given links ...

How to maintain CDN image links in dev and production sites?

I have this ASP.NET MVC application that I now want to separate out the image links to a CDN. At this moment, images typically have this markup code: <%= Html.ActionLinkWithImage("/Content/Img/Image1.png" ... This works fine in development using the local web server (Cassini), and also when published the prod server. But now I want th...

how to open outside links in a new tab

On my website i have many outside links, as well as internal links. i'd like some kind of solution in javascript or w/e that detects outside links and opens them in a new tab, but leaves internal links to be opened in the same tab. thanks! =) ...

jstree links in multilangual json with cookie plugin

Hello community, First I wanted to say that jstree is a great and powerful utility. My first problem is that I have created a multilingual tree with a json and I don't quite know how to set links there, so when the user clicks on a node (for parents and children) he can get to a page like www.yahoo.com or any link I set as an attribut...

ASP.NET/Javascript hyperlink popup menu upon left click

I need to display a mobile-phone compatible popup menu when user left-clicks a HyperLink control. A menu will contain various options for this link, so its handler had to be aware of the clicked link data (actually, each link corresponds to a nickname). What do I need to make that work?:) ...

Flex 4 - Define a style for html links in CSS

It's been 2 hours that I'm trying to do this, I never thought it would be such a nightmare, and Google isn't helping me at all. Does anybody know how can I define a CSS style for html hyperlinks inside a mx|Label component such as a, a:link, a:hover and a:active ? (I can't use s|Label since it doesn't dispatch link events...) I tried ...

RegexKitLite replace url with html link

This isn't working for some reason it just crashes my app: NSString *urlRegex = @"\\bhttps?://[a-zA-Z0-9\\-.]+(?:(?:/[a-zA-Z0-9\\-._?,'+\\&%$=~*!():@\\\\]*)+)?"; NSString *urlParsedStatus = [status stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfRegex:urlRegex withString:@"<a href=\"$1\">$1</a>"]; NSLog(@"new string: %@", urlParsedStatus); any idea...

do lots of links with keywords affect SEO?

as you know, some websites have lots of links with keywords in their frontpage. sometimes they use cloudtags and in other cases they even link the "most popular" searches. do you think that could be a good idea for SEO? ...

How to fix broken relative links in offline webpages?

I wrote a simple Python script to download a web page for offline viewing. The problem is that the relative links are broken. So the offline file "c:\temp\webpage.html" has a href="index.aspx" but when opened in a browser it resolves to "file:///C:/temp/index.aspx" instead of "http://myorginalwebsite.com/index.aspx". So I imagine that...

Using Context Menus on Hyperlinks in a Flow Document

I want to display several actions in a ContextMenu attached to a Hyperlink in a FlowDocument. Some of these actions depend on the value of the Hyperlink object's NavigateUri property. How can I get a reference to the Hyperlink that the user right-clicked? Unfortunately, it's not as simple as using the PlacementTarget property. As this (...

jQuery Tabbed Problem

hey i got a problem ... I want to add the 3rd tab link to other website and when it is clicked it redirects me to the home page first tab. not 3rd tab. here is a example of linking used in the website. <li><a href="#tab1">HOME</a></li> <li><a href="#tab2">About us</a></li> <li><a href="#tab3">services</a></li> and on other we...