
How can I get AppleScript to click a button or link on a webpage?

I am trying to get an Apple Script to click on an item within webpage. This script below works somewhat, I can get it to click different safari tabs or drop down menus, but I cannot get it to click an item within webpage. In this example, I am trying to get the script to click the "Im feeling Lucky" button from google.. it all works ex...

C# PowerPoint 2007 management: .Hyperlink.Address always NULL

Hi, I have this problem, I use : //someWord is a TextRange object from PPT TextBox String address = someWord.ActionSettings[PpMouseActivation.ppMouseClick].Hyperlink.Address; I'm sure that this is the way to read address to webpages in a link, I was using this in PPT 2003, and it works! BUT, now I'm trying to do the same in PPT 2007 ...

Error in HTML links sending emails to Gmail

Hello i have developed a newsletter script to send HTML emails. Everything works great receiving to desktop email clients, but i notice when i send to a gmail account, the html links are not working while embedded images, css, table layout work great. Gmail change <a href="myurl" title="My url">link</a> to <a title="My url">link</a...

jQuery click on span and travel

<span class="link">move your body</span> How to make this span a link, without adding any inline javascript and extra attributes? Also without transformation to <a>. Like this: $(".link").click(function(){ // go to the http://site.com }) Thanks. ...

Toggle class on link click

Hi, I'm trying to toggle a class for a link when it is clicked so it either shows plus to expand or minus to reduce but I can't get it working. My jQuery is as follows: $(".viewdetails").click(function() { $(this).toggleClass('viewdetailsoff'); $(this).parents("tr").next().toggle(); return false; }) My initial link <a ...

One Hyperlink In Many Different Locations

I'd like to implement a hyperlink in many locations on my website, however I just want to have it defined once not several times over. What is the best way to achieve this? I started down the road of listing it in the node of web.config but I was only able to get that to list as a literal and wasn't successful in having it end up as a...

Excel Performs Two Requests on Hyperlink Click

Hi, I used the HYPERLINK method to display a hyperlink in a cell. I have Fiddler running and I have noticed that two requests are sent to the same url for each click on the link. Has anyone else experienced this? Have you found a way to only send a single request? (I have tried using the AutoCorrect feature to display a hyperlink,...

AutoHyperlinks framework similar solution for use in linux?

I have to convert a lot of plain text that contains urls into html hyperlinks, and I used to use on the mac side a plugin for coda found here. Is there anything similar to be found for use on the linux side of the world? ...

ReportViewer is driving me absolutely nuts

After wrestling for half a day with the Website Data Source tab, which is always showing me an empty panel, now I want to have a table cell which contains a hyperlink, but it's not working either because I didn't use a hyper link. Because this is on development environment, I can't give it an absolute URL in the rdlc, because otherwise ...

Which is the best way to call a javascript function on a link ..

I want to add some links to some website of mine, but these links will call a javascript function and will not be underlined, also I want the cursor to be changed to a standard pointer. Which is the best way of doing it and why? Right now I can think of two aproaches: <a href="javascript:someFunction()" style="text-decoration:none">LI...

iphone link error

hi, i got this link error when i tried to install my app to device: ldr 12-bit displacement out of range (4628 max +/-4096) in _ABAddressBookCreate$stub in _ABAddressBookCreate$stub from collect2: ld returned 1 exit status how can i solve this? in simulator there is no error. i search everywhere, there is no "ABAddressBookCreate...

Why are my hyperlink addresses showing up next to the link its self?

For example... I have a link to the home page but when I view the page it looks something like this HOME (http://www.gotohomepage.com) Why is the link showing in parentheses next to the link its self? I just want it to be HOME with no link after it. It is only showing up in chrome, no problem with IE. Here is my code... <p><a...

Exit / External Link splash page / page load

Hi, I've seen on sites before, when you click a link there is a fade to a loading page/splash page and then the new page fades in. Unfortunately, I can't remember where I saw this, otherwise I would just disect theirs. Anyone know of a jquery, mootools, ajax script to do this? Thanks! ...

In css, I'm having trouble with the "after-the-link-has-been-clicked" action.

So I know how to control what happens when you hover over a link, and after you have pressed a link. But my question is how do you change a link after you have clicked another link? For example, you click "Profile" on Facebook. The "profile" box is highlighted after you've clicked it. Then you click "home" and the "profile" box goes bac...

With CSS, how do you unhighlight a link after clicking a different link?

For example, on a navigation bar, you only want one link to be hightlighted, the one that the user had most recently clicked. If a user clicks a different link, then the previously highlighted link goes back to normal. How do you do with with CSS? ...

create a hot spot link to a spry sliding panel jpg?

Can I add hot spot link to a Spry Sliding Panel which is a jpg? ...

Jquery - changing img source from a list of links ?

Hi I have a list of links with an icon next to it - I'd like to be able to change the icon img source when the mouse is over a link (so that each link will change the icon to a different image) and I'd like to do it with jquery but I can't figure out what's the best way of doing it. Ideally I'd like to give the links a class so I can u...

Jquery refuses to select an element using the correct syntax

Hi i wanted to remove a link and i got this code $(document).ready(function(){ $(".features-list a").removeAttr("href"); And is not selecting the element <ul class="features-list"> <li id="f1"><a href="http://www.somepage.com"Link that stops being a link</a></li> </ul> I added the id to try and see if i could do this $(".feature...

HTML Parser fetch link text

I'm using HTML Parser to fetch links from a web page. I need to store the URL, link text and the URL to the parent page containing the link. I have managed to get the link URL as well as the parent URL. I still ned to get the link text. <a href="url">link text</a> Unfortunately I'm having a hard time figuring it out, any help would ...

drupal views more link

i'm new to drupal views. More link not displayed with my view block. i set more link both *Create more lin*k and Always display more link option too. Find picture below for view settings. Note: i'm sure there around 10+ nodes available to display. ...