
javascript add variable onto end of link

I'm trying to add a variable i created on to the end of one of my links but not sure how to do it? <a href="../../availability/default.aspx?propid=' + myvariable + '">Link</a> Any ideas? Thanks Jamie ...

Cancel navigation on a frame?

Say I have a frameset with a frame where Google is loaded. I want to prevent Google from navigating anywhere when the user click on a link or a button. Is this possible? ...

How to make a QGraphicsTextItem clickable ?

In the "About box" of my software, I used a QGraphicsTextItem to show the about-text. This text contains hypertext links (in the form of: <a href="http://some.random.site"&gt;link&lt;/a&gt;). The item shows up properly (hypertext links are blue and underlined). However, when I click on them, nothing happens. Here is how I created the...

get the href of one link and put it in the href of another link

I'm trying to grab the href of one of my links and clone/copy that to the href of another link Here's what i'm trying var link = $('.topbook'); var link2 = $('.sidelink'); var hrefOrig = link2.href; link.href = hrefOrig; Thanks Jamie UPDATE Here's is what I'm trying to get <a href="default.aspx?propid=BAR...

opacity not working for img pointed by Hyperlink

In an asp.net applicaiton I am using Hyperlink which points to an image. On certain condition I am setting its "filter" property to alpha(opacity=70) for IE and "opacity" prop to 0.7 for Firefox so that it is shown dull to depict disable mode. This works fine in FIREFOX ie it shows dull in disabled mode but not in IE. I see that the...

Using UIWebView to create hyperlinks in UITableView Footer

Hey friends, I am trying to create a UIWebView in UITableView footer. The table is grouped. Actually I am trying to create a hyperlink using UIWebView. For example there should be some text like Hey folks Contact me Contact me should be a hyperlink and I want to place this text in UITableView footer. I am unable to figure out how to...

Link keyword in TextView to file/directory

Is there any way that I can link a keyword in a TextView to a file or directory on the user's SD card? My app produces stack trace files when it crashes and I want the user to able to click a link in my About dialog to view either the latest one or the folder containing all of them. (Something like "If this app crashes, please send [link...

Make a visible primary link not clickable

On my Drupal site I've got a set of Primary Links. The ones that expand I'd like to make the parent not click able e.g -home -about -history -website Only home, history, website should link to a page. If the user clicks on aboutnothing should happen. I've tried searching around the admin panels as well as leaving the field...

aspx naviagationUrl request.querystring question

Trying to find a way to pass in the request.querystring into the navigationurl in the aspx portion of code. So something like this in a hyperlink. NavigateUrl='<%# "PageToGoTo.aspx?parm1=" & request.querystring("ID") & "&parm2=0" %>' was thinking that something like that should work... but it doesn't. anyway.. just curious if you can...

What is the correct syntax to use perl array of hashes with regex? example gets hyperlinks from page

@urls= $field =~ /<a.*?href="(.*?)".*?>.*?<\/a>/mgo; #multi-line, global, compile-once @text= $field =~ /<a.*?href=".*?".*?>(.*?)<\/a>/mgo; for ($count=0; $count<(scalar @urls); $count++){ print "\"".$text[$count]."\" goes to ->\"".$url[$count]."\"\n";} What is the correct syntax to make this the same as the previous lines? (@arra...

powershell click on a hyperlink

Hi i need to click on a hyperlink in a aspx webform using powershell how can i achieve it. also that link shows a drop down menu and i have to select right option from that link. thanks ...

Simple HTML internal link question

Weired, simple HTML stuff didn't work as expected. On page 1, a Railo script named page1.cfm, it has the following line: <a href="page2.html#part2">Go To Page 2, Part 2</a> so, we expect the link would bring the user to the page2.html page's Part 2 section and yes this section and the internal link tag exists on page2.html. But tested w...

jquery activate dropdown of select box

Hi, How can I activate/deactivate dropdown of classic selectbox by clicking to link in jQuery? I don't need selectbox replacing with jQuery, because it's too slow for huge number of options. I test everything but without result. Thanks sample page http://www.jklir.net/test-selectbox.html ...

Internal link to TextView in Android?

I find myself stuck in something I think would be really easy to solve. My app contains a lot of TextViews and ImageViews, and one TextView contains the content listed. I want each element of the displayed content internally linked to the respective TextView. Probably the TextView isn't the right element to use, but I have trouble findin...

Make a link completely invisible?

I'm pretty sure that many people have thought of this, but for some reason I can't find it using Google and StackOverflow search. I would like to make an invisible link (blacklisted by robots.txt) to a CGI or PHP page that will "trap" malicious bots and spiders. So far, I've tried: Empty links in the body: <a href='/trap'><!-- nothin...

Can I use an Html helper to render hyperlink with images?

Something like this <a id="a1" runat="server" href="~/"> <img id="logo" runat="server" src="/_assets/images/logo.png" alt="" /> </a> Thanks! ...

CSS: check if href is a file?

I know I can use a[href$='.mov'] to check if the href refers to a .mov file. However, can I generally check if the href attribute refers to a file? So any file with a suffix at the end? Regards Matt ...

Dealing with '/'es in links

I am reading in a number of strings which have /'es through them, the most common example being dates/numbers like 05/06, 07/08, etc. I am using ASP.NET MVC2 and generating links off of these strings read out of DB, which therein lies the problem. Obviously a link to: www.mysite.com/yearperiod/05/06/detail will not work the same as a...

AIX dynamic linking

I'm working on porting a library onto AIX. It works on Solaris, Windows and Linux but AIX is giving me headaches. I'm at a point where it builds and runs but I have an issue with some of the libraries it's linking in. Ideally I want to be able to ship a library that just requires the c runtime to be available with no other dependencies. ...

Looking for an utility class to check internal/external domain links (java)

Hello, I've been looking for a fast way to test an url for internal/external check on a given domain on all possible url types Exemple : for site test.com "#myanchor" -> Internal "/myrelativepath" -> Internal "http://www.test.com/foo" -> internal "http://test.com/foo" -> internal "www.test.com/foo" -> internal Pretty much everyth...